Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday 27th of May

Today in Social Sciences class, Paqui has given us the exams checked. In general the marks have been good but we still have some mistakes, so that's why Paqui has explained the exam and the most common mistakes. This has been the last exam of Social Sciences this year, but Paqui has threatened us to do another test. Then, we have given them back to her and we have continued with Unit 7. We have read the Counter Reformation (the reaction of the Catholic Church to Reformation), the measures taken by the Church to excommunicate the critics such us the forbidden books and the later changes they did (new orders were created or reformed...). After, we have talked about what a council is and we have copied on our notebooks: meeting of the hierarchy of the Church to make decisions about dogma or the organization of the Church. We have read about he Council of Trent and we have seen its main decisions:
-Reaffirmation of the Catholic dogmas -The Vulgate was the only valid interpretation of the Bible -Prohibition of selling indulgencies - Priests and bishops were obliged to live in dioceses...
After this, we have started reading point 4: Renaissance ( the art style of the 15th and 16th century). Paqui has shown us a Powerpoint presentation about this and we have learned the stages in Reneissance art: Quattrocento (In the15th century developed mainly in Italy) and Cinquecento (In the 16th century spread out to Europe). Then, we have talked about Renaissance Architecture and we have seen and remembered some elements, such as rounded arches, columns, pediments, pilasters... Some of the main architects were Filippo Brunelleschi, Leon Battista Alberti and Michelangelo Buonarrotti. Their main objective was to be inspired by the Antiquity , represent an ideal of beauty and study the nature of the human body. Paqui has told us that there are a lot of these elements in Florence. Finally , Paqui hasn't given us homework but we should do today's Challenge.
That's all , have a nice weekend!


Presentation about Renaissance art

Here you have the presentation we are going to use to study Reanissance art. If you haven´t had time to copy the scheme of the different architectural elements used in this style, you can use the presentation to complete your notes. Pay special attention to paintings, because you will have to choose one and prepare a small presentation about it. We´ll talk about this next week. Have a nice long weekend. 

Challenge number 20

As we have started studying Renaissance art, this week´s challenge will discover you some of the most important works of art of this style. These are the questions: 

This is a famous painting of an artist who can be considered a true example of a Renaissance man. This painting has recently arrived in Spain as part of a collection of works of art of Polish museums. It will be exhibited in Madrid during the summer. What is the name of this painting? Why did it receive this name? Who painted it?


The school of Athens 

This painting is called The school of Athens. It´s a fresco painted by Rafael Sanzio in one of the rooms of the Vatican. Rafael represented some important wisemen of Antiquity in it and he used some important figures of the Renaissance as models. You will have to identify some of the people represented in this painting:

A. What important figure of Ancient Greece is this one? Who did Rafael use as model to paint him?

B. What important figure of Ancient Greece is this one? Who did Rafael use as model to paint him?

C.What important figure of Ancient Greece is this one? Who did Rafael use as model to paint him?

D. There is only a woman in this painting. What important woman of Antiquity was this one?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The day of the exam

Hi to everyone, today was the day of the exam, for me the exam was not so difficult because I have studied a lot, it was a complete exam but not too long because this unit was not too long as others.
The questions were: The first exercise was about definitions this is a common exercise in Paqui´s exams, you have to write about: The treaty of Tordesillas, The treaty of Alcaçovas, the Holy Inquisition, The sentence of Guadalupe, and The Capitulaions of Santa Fe I think that was all. The second execise was about the power the Catholic Monarch had and I think that on this exercise I´ve confused and I´ve put that it wasn´t a dynastic union, when it wasn´t a territorial union. The third execise was about The reforms made by the catholic monachs to reinforce their authority.
The forth execise was about the Religious Policy. The fifth exercise was about the Foreing Policy. And the last execise, number six was about filling some gaps, this exercise wasn´t from one only topic but a review of all the unit 6. Like I said before, for me was not so difficult, I would like that everyone could say the same as me!! I hope that all we have had good luck!!


Monday, May 23, 2011


Today Kelly has been with us. We have checked the exercise 3 of page 91, after that we have done a karaoke with these songs:
- Mamma Mia (Abba) and it was about the motto "TANTO MONTA MONTA TANTO ISABEL COMO FERNANDO"
- It´s my life (Bon Jovi) it was about the dynastic union between Isabel and Fernando.
- Single ladies (Beyonce) it was about the territories conquered by the Catholic Monarchs and about the expelled of the jews.
In my opinion this class was very funny because we have been singing and we have review for the exam.
And today has been our last social sciences class with Kelly and we have sung a goodbye song to her. we will miss her because we have learnt many things with her, but she is going to stay in Spain and we´ll see her.
Remember that next wednesday is our last exam so STUDY!
BYE,have a good afternoon ;)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Results of local and autonomous elections

Here you have the link of the Ministry of the Interior to the information about the local elections. You can follow the evolution of the votes count in every municipality of Spain. If you want to know how the results are evolving in a specific municipality, click on the left side of the website, choose the province and then the city or town you´re interested in:

And this is the link to the Castile- La Mancha autonomous elections website:

Friday, May 20, 2011

Challenge number 19

This week´s challenge will consist in researching about two aspects of the Counter- Reformation: the Index Librorum Prohibitorum and the Society of Jesus. These are the questions: 


Why were the books of Galileo Galilei, Nicolaus Copernicus, Johannes Kepler and Desiderius Erasmus included in the Index of Prohibited Books?


What famous picaresque novel written in Castilian was included in the Index?


What do these Latin expressions mean: NIHIL OBSTAT and IMPRIMATUR? What is the relationship between these expressions and the Index Librorum Prohibitorum?

When was the Index Librorum Prohibitorum definitely abolished? What Pope made this decision?


What was the name of the Jesuit missions created in the Castilian and Portuguese colonies in the Indies? What was the role of the Jesuits in these missions?

Friday, 20th May 2011

Today in Social Sciences, Paqui has given us the maps and she has explained how we had to do the map of the Catholic monarch's possessions, because the maps weren't well done the first time.
Then, she has asked us some questions about the reformation and the new religion that appeared. She also has showed us the map of Europe after the reformation with the different religions in the different places of Europe, for example: Catholic, Lutheranism, Calvinism...
After that, Paqui has done a small scheme on the blackboard about the two groups of Calvinists, which were:
- In France -> Huguenots.
- In Scotland -> Puritans.
We have continued reading what were Calvinism and Anglicanism, the other Protestant currents.
Calvinisms believed in the predestination doctrine and they also considered work and enrichment through business as signs of divine grace and they had the two groups that I have said before: Huguenots and Puritans.
Anglicanims was related to a dispute between King Henry VIII of England and the Pope, because the king wanted to annul his marriage with Catalina of Aragon to marry with Ann Boleyn, but the Pope refused. So Henry VIII proclaimed the Act of Supremacy and declared himself as Head of the Church of England.
We have continued with this point, and we have seen a table about the differences of Catholics and Protestants with the doctrine, cult and organization of each one.
To finished the class, we have read the counter-reformation, which it was the reaction of the Catholic Church to Reformation. They taken some meausures and some changes had to be done. We have known what was the Council of Trent, it served to defend the Catholic dogmas and to introduce some corrections. Their main decisions were:
- Reaffirmation of the Catholic dogmas.
- The only valid interpretation of the Bible was the Vulgate, the translation of the Bible to Latin made by Saint Jerome.
- Prohibition of selling indulgences.
- Creation of seminaries to educate the clergy.
- Catechism to educate the children.
- Priests and bishops were obliged to live in their dioceses, behave properly and keep celibacy.
At the end of the class, Paqui has given us the exercise 3 on page 91 about the things we have studied today.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wednesday, 18th of May

Today in Social Science class Ana Margarita has been with us, but she has come a little late. When Paqui has come to the class we were a little altered, because we have just finished the language exam.
At first we have checked one exercise we had to do about the introduction of the unit and about the point 2, “Humanism”. After that Silvia has read the point 3 of the unit, “Reformation and Counter-Reformation”. Paqui has written a scheme on the blackboard about the main humanists, they are: Dante, Petrarca, Boccaccio, Valla, Pico della Mirandole in Itialy, Erasmus of Rotterdam in Netherlands, Thomas More in England, Michel de Montaigne in France, Antonio de Nebrija in Castile and Luis Vives in Aragon. We have copied this scheme. Paqui has explained some things of the point 3 with a power point she has showed us.

There was the Martin Luther Reformation, because there was a lot of corruption in the church. Lutheranism was a reformation with some purposes: the salvation through faith, the Bible can be read by all the people and the universal priesthood that is no intermediaries needed between God and the believers. There were pastors and there were only two sacraments. In this map we can see the espansion of the Protestants and each area. Then other protestant currents are Calvinism and Anglicanism. Calvinism believers though that when you born you have a destination and to the salvation is very important to work. Anglicanism was created because the King Henry VIII of England wanted to divorce and the Pope didn’t let him, so he created his own religion.

I think in history there are some things that are very interesting, as the creation of your own religion because you disagree with the other religion.
For the next day we have to do the crossword of unit 6.
Bye bye, have a good afternoon.

Presentation about Humanism, Reformation and Counter-Reformation

Here you have the Powerpoint presentation we have been using this week to study Humanism and the Reformation. It also includes Counter- Reformation, the reaction of the Catholic Church to the different Protestant currents.

Monday, May 16, 2011

More about the printing press

The invention of the printing press was one of the most crucial moments in the history of humanity. Written documents multiplied, their prices lowered and more people could have access to books and knowledge. It was a real revolution, but books needed readers and education was a privilege in the Modern Age. Compulsory  primary education didn´t start until the 18th century and only in some parts of Europe.

If you want to learn more about the printing press, here you have some interesting links:

- The history of printing in Asia. The first printed documents were made in China in the 7th century:

These are two examples of Chinese printed banknotes: 

- A history of the printing press:

- And here you have a demonstration about how the printing press worked: 

A musical vision of the Renaissance period

Here you have a very funny video from the History for Music Lovers channel on Youtube. If you watch it, you will have a general idea about Humanism and the Renaissance. The most important thinkers and artists of the 15th and 16th centuries have an important role in this video. And, of course, if you like, you can learn the song. Pay a special attention to the musicians ;)

13th and 16th of May 2011

Hello, everybody!!

Last day, I couldn't write the journal because the blog didn't work well. SORRY! :)

13th May 2011

Last day, Paqui has given the exams of the unit 5 and there were a lot of good marks. Then, Laura Bustamante has collected all the maps. Afterwards, we have checked the exercises and Paqui has written the answers on the blackboard. Then, she has switched the computer on and she has put a powerpoint. Afterwards, we have continued with unit and she has given to read the page 77 and to do the exercises 1,2,3 and 4 for homework. Finally, Paqui has explained something about the territories that Carlos V inherited:

Carlos I was the heir of a great amount of these territories. These were the territories he inherited:
- From his grandmother Isable of Castile: the Crown of Castile, the Canary Islands, Melilla and Oran in the North of Africa, the Indies (America colonies).
-From his grandfather Fernando of Aragón: the Crown of Aragón, Sicily, Sardinia and Naples.
-From his grandmother Mary of Burgundy: Burgundy, the Low Countries and Luxemburg.
-From his grandfather Maximilian of Austria: the states of the House of Austria and the possibility of being elected Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.

16th May 2011

Today, Kelly has been with us. Then, we have checked the four exercises about the capitulations of Santa Fe and Paqui has said that was a little dificult but not so much. Afterwards, Paqui has written the answers on the blackboard and we have done the exercise fifteen of the review on the class. Then, Kelly has switched the computer and we have decided the day of the exam that it will be the 25th of May about the 15th century in the Iberian Peninsula: the Catholic Monarchs. Afterwards, Paqui has written a scheme about the new unit. And we will study:



3.Reformation and Courter-Reformation


Then, Paqui has said that we aren't going to do an exam about the unit, because we don't have time. Finally, Paqui has given an exercise of the review on the page 91. This class was very interesting and we have learned a lot of things. And we have started the first point and the second point about the HUMANISM:

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Glogs about the Spanish Inquisition

Here you have the glogs of the people who have participated in our last challenge. More glogs than expected! Which is, in your opinion, this week´s winner? It´s up to you to decide ;)







Friday, May 13, 2011

Sanbenitos and the Holy Inquisition

The word Sanbenito comes from “saco bendito”, blessed sack, and it was the penitential dress worn by the convicted heretics condemned by the Holy Inquisition. This garment was similar to a yellow colour wool sack without sleeves and it was a way of public slander and shame. The convicted had to wear the Sanbenito during the auto-da-fe and later, until they finished their penance. Those who were condemned to death wore the Sanbenito until the moment they were executed. When the convicted finished their penance or after their execution, all the Sanbenitos were collected by the Church officials and publicly displayed in parish churches, with the names of the convicted.

There were different types of Sanbenitos: the colours and drawings indicated the crimes the convicted had commited and the punishments they deserved:

-   The Samarra (T-shirt): It was worn by those condemned to be burnt at the stake. It included dragons, devils and flames and the image of the convicted.

- The Fuego Revolto (stirred fire): It was worn by those who had repented. The flames were represented downwards. This meant that the convicted had escaped death. 

  The Sanbenito (blessed sack): The penitents worn this dress. It included the cross of  Saint Andrew. 

The convicted also wore a pointed cap, called "coroza", rosaries and candles of different colours. 

There is an expression in Spanish related to this garment: “to hang someone with the Sanbenito” (“colgarle a uno el sambenito”). This means “unfairly blaming someone for something he/she is not responsible for”, “reminding only a person´s bad actions and forgetting the good ones”, “negatively labelling someone”. There is another expression related to the Sanbenito: " to get rid of the Sambenito" ("quitarse el sambenito"). This one refers to the difficulties of getting rid of an unfairly bad reputation.

Francisco de Goya, the famous Aragonese painter, lived and worked between the 18th and 19th centuries. The Holy Inquisition still existed. Some Goya´s works of art allow us to know how the Sanbenito ´fashion´evolved throughout the centuries. 

Auto-da-fe of the Inquisition, oil on board, 1812-1819

For being born somewhere else, brown wash drawing, 1814-1823

Goya had a lot of problems with the Inquisition, especially with a series of engravings called Caprichos. The Inquisition wanted to prosecute Goya. Finally, Goya gave the engraving plates to king Carlos IV as a present to avoid being arrested. 

The Catholic Monarchs´ presentation

Here you have the Powerpoint presentation of Unit 6. You can have a look on the last slide, where you can observe the map of the territories inherited by Charles V, the Catholic Monarchs´ direct succesor. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wednesday,11th of May

Hello, everybody!!

Today in Social Sciences we have taken the exam of unit 5:Political Organization Of Societies.
The exam has been a little long, but it was easy. The exam has had nine exercises, but the people who passed the glog only have done five exercises. In the first one, there were definitions and we have had to explain what is Constitution, Republic, Social State, Subsidiarity Principle and Political Party. The second exercise has consisted in explained the conditions that the elections have to fulfill and the main problems of the Spanish electoral system. In the third exercise,we have chosen between two options: Explain the different types of Democracy or explain the Non-democratic States. I have chosen the last one. In exercise four we have explained the meaning of: Spain is a Parliamentary Monarchy and a Decentralized State under the rule of law. I have asked Paqui if we had to explain the different levels of organization and decision in Spain. She has told me that it wasn´t necessary. In the last exercise, we have had to explain all we know about an International Organization, I have explained The Organizacion Of Islamic Conference and I have written the year of foundation, the number of members, the purposes, a short history of the organization, the structure of the OIC , the main problems and the lastest news.
At the end of the lesson many people have finished the exam and have started to talk, but Paqui has given us homework for friday and they have started to do it. She has given us three maps: 2 about the Spanish Autonomous Communities and their provinces and one about the Catholic Monarchs´possesions at the beginning of the 16th century. We have to colour them. Paqui has said us that, if we prefer, the deadline to do the glog of the Inquisition (The Spanish Inquisition..... :)) is until the 15th of May. We have to find the information about the questions that Paqui has written here in the blog.
The bell has rang and we have given our exams. I have waited some minutes in the class to finish it. When I have finished Paqui has told me to write the journal.
See you tomorrow! And study Biology!!!! It´s the best unit jjeje

Monday, May 9, 2011

Sephardi Jews

Sepharad was the name the Jews gave to the Iberian Peninsula since the 2nd century AD. In modern Hebrew it means "Spain". When the Catholic Monarchs decided to expel the Jews who didn´t convert to Christianity in 1492, the Jews who left their kingdoms were called Sephardi or Sephardic. They settled down in different parts of the Mediterranean coasts: the most part of them settled down in the Ottoman Empire, especially in the cities of Salonica (present Greece) and Istanbul (present Turkey). Others settled down in Northern Morocco and Algeria. These Jewish communities preserved their language, a variation of old Castilian called Ladino or Judezmo. These Sephardi communities still speak this language. It´s very curious to listen to them, because you can have an idea of how old Castilian sounded in the 15th century like. 

Here you have a link with more information about Ladino: 

And here you have an example of Luz de Sefarad, a weekly radio programme totally spoken in Ladino. It´s broadcasted on Radio 5, a Spanish radio station, every Saturday at 19:40. If you click on Play, you will be able to understand almost everything:

And here you have the link to other Luz de Sefarad podcasts: 

Monday, 9/5/2011

Today in social sciences, I have had a problem with Paqui because I didn't write on Friday and Paqui was kicked out me of class.

When I came back to the class, Javi has told me that Paqui has written on the blackboard the scheme of point 5 and Kelly has reviewed our schemes. The point 5 is about economy and society in the 15th century in Castile and Aragon.

Paqui has written in the blackboard the scheme of point 6 (religious policy) and point 7 (foreign policy) and Kelly has explained the points.

After, I came back to the class. Then, Paqui has showed us a video with contents about the Spanish Inquisition, here is the video:

 The majority of the class like the video, the song is very catchy!!

See you tomorrow, Juan Carlos

P.S. Study hard for the exam on Wednesday.


20,000 visits!!

TEACHER AND CLASSMATES, this post is a commemorative post, because we have reached 20,000 visits!!
Come on, this has to cheer us up to continue participating in this interactive blog, and to continue being interested about the things we study in Social Sciencies. I'd like that all of us participate more and on this way, we will learn a lot of things, and we will review what we have done in class.
I hope that the visits of this blog continue increasing because it would mean that, each time, more people is interested in this, and we encourage people from everywhere to take part in this. I'm sure you will learn a lot of interesting things which will be very useful for you!
Bye, bye! See you!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Remembering the Black Death

Last day we reminded different concepts we studied last year, such as the big crisis in the 14th century and the more serious consequences of the Black Death plague in the Crown of Aragon. We also remembered that the high mortality caused by the Black Death allowed the people who survived to improve their working conditions. If you like to refresh you minds about the Black Death, here you have an interesting video. It´s been made by a group of U.S.A history teachers who use music and very famous songs to explain different history topics. In this case, they used Gwen Stefani´s song Holloback girl to explain the Black Death. It´s a good idea for a future project ;)

Here you have the link to the History Teachers´ channel on Youtube:

If you have a look on the videos, you will discover many interesting things. All the videos are subtitled. 

Friday, 7th May 2011

On Friday, in the Social Sciences class we read the point 5 "Economy and society in the 15th Century in Castile and Aragon" and we copied from the blackboard who were the "pagesos de remensa", catalan peasants linked to land and submitted to a lot of unfair rules called malos usos. These peasants revolted against their lords and the "pagesos de remensa" revolt finished with the Sentence of Guadalupe (1486).

We also read the point 6 "Religious policy" and Paqui told us her idea about a new challenge: In this week's challenge there aren't questions, the challenge is to do a glog about the Inquisition and we have to have it for next Friday, it's a good idea to improve our glog skills but the problem I see is that this week we have a lot of homework and two exams... we'll see.

The Inquisition did this, but why? Discover it doing the challenge!

Remember that the homework Paqui gave us on Friday is to do a scheme of the point 5.

I have written the journal because Juan Carlos didn't write it.
Please check my mistakes.
PS: Study for the exams!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Challenge number 18

Auto-da- fé presided by Santo Domingo of Guzmán (c.1493-1498) Pedro Berruguete

As we have talked this morning, this week´s challenge will be a little different. You will have the opportunity of improving your glog skills by creating a new glog on the Tribunal of the Holy Office of the Inquisition, mostly known as the Spanish Inquisition. Here you have the links you can use to get the basic information: 

Some links in Spanish:

Some links in English: 

Some useful links about medieval tortures, from which you can extract some pictures of the devices used to torture the Inquisition prisoners:

And this is a BBC programme on the Spanish Inquisition you can listen to:

A good glog should include this information: 

- When the Tribunal of the Holy Inquisition was created and what its purpose was.

-  Crimes they persecuted.

-  How it was organized.

-  How it worked.

-  What punishments they imposed.

-  How the Tribunal was used with political purpose sometimes. 

Remember that your glog would be more interesting if you include pictures, links to enlarge some information and some video (if you are able to find one). You could also include the origin of some Castilian expressions related to the history of the Inquisition, such as "to wear the sambenito".

These are the instructions to do a good work:  

1. Read the information and make sure that you understand everything. The links in Spanish will be very useful for you. 

2. Prepare a good scheme on paper and use it as a reference for your glog design. 

3. When you start writing, use simple sentences and don´t translate word by word and, of course, don´t use the Google translator. You have different links that will provide you with all the vocabulary you need in English. Forget about copying and pasting.

4. Don´t write too much information and think in the readers. The possible readers have to feel attracted by your work and be able to understand and get the possibility of learning more (if they want) through links.

You will have time to solve this challenge until next Friday, the 13th May. If you need any help or advice, you can use the Glogster Edu message platform or contact me by e-mail. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

4th May 2011

Today Ana Margarita has been in the class with us. At the beginning of the class Paqui has givethe marks of our glogs, also she has told us that for the exam we are going to have a question about the projects of our mates, we have to choose one project and said the purpose, the members... When she has finished with that we have started to correct the exercises that she has given to us on Monday. These exercises were from 6 to 10. After that we have started the point 4:REFORMS THEY MADE:AUTHORITARIAN MONARCHY. We have copied a scheme about the authoritarian monarchy that we have divided into two parts: Purpose and decisions. This last part have two parts: in Castile and in Aragon. When we have finished coping it the bell has rang so for homework we don't have exercises. Also Paqui has also said to us that if someone want an explanation of the mark of his project we can speak to her in the break time and she has said to the people that on friday we are not going to go to her class the exercises for Monday. This was the class of today. Bye Bye


Monday, May 2, 2011

The Holy Brotherhood and green sleeves

The Holy Brotherhood was a militia created (refounded, in fact) by the Catholic Monarchs in Castile to restore peace in the countryside after the chaos of the Succession War (1474-1479). This was one of the reforms they made to reinforce their authority over their subjects, especially over the nobles. On the picture below you can observe the uniform the members of the Holy Brotherhood wore. As Kelly has explained today, there is a Spanish expression related to the Holy Brotherhood that we still use to refer to people doing things too late. We say "A buenas horas, mangas verdes". This expression comes from the green sleeves of the Holy Brotherhood members´ uniform. People started using this expression to refer to this police force arriving too late to the places where a crime had been committed. This expression could be similar to the English expression "Too little, too late". 

There is another interesting expression in Dutch related to the Holy Brotherhood. As we´ll study in a few days, Holland belonged to the Hispanic Monarchy for more than hundred years. The Dutch don´t have a good opinion of the Hispanic rule in Holland, but they have preserved the expression "Heilige Hermandad" (Holy Brotherhood) to refer to the Police in a positive way. 

These two examples show us how history is present in many situations of our ordinary life. 

Friday, 29th April

Today, we have only been four persons in the class because the rest of the people have gone to the library because they come to the class late. They have been with Teo cheeking the exam mark's. We have only been Yolanda, Andrea, Dani and me.
Paqui has been very angry. In the class we have learnt the point two of the unit: How did the Catholic monarchas become king and queen? As we have been very few people we could ask a lot of questions. we have copied from the blackboard two schemes about that, Enrique IV had a daughter called Juana.His sister Isabella became Queen of Castille because she had the support of Aragon and some Castilian nobles. Juana got married with the king of Portugal and then she went to the convent. Isabel got married with Fernando.
Paqui has also explained us questions about the next point that we have asked her. She has showed us photo about a really unactractive king. Today has been a very interesting class and I have learnt a lot.

2nd of May of 2011

When Paqui has enter in the class she has been a ``little´´ angry with us and have said us that we have to look for our live and summerize the points that they read last Friday...

Today in Social Sciences we have checked the five exercices that Paqui gave last Friday. Before explaining it I want to thank to our classmatess for say us the homework. Well, the exercices were about the Catholic Monarchs.

Exercice 1>It was about the situation of the Iberian Peninsula at the beggining of the 15th century:

-There were 5 kingdoms in the Iberian Peninsula, four of them were Christians (Castile, Aragon, Portugal and Navarre) and one was Muslim (Granada).

Exercice 2> We had to write the causes of the civil war:

-The civil war occured because after Enrique's IV death the throne would be for Juana but the rumors of Spain said that Enrique couldn't have children and Juana was dauther of Beltrán de la Cueva, so Isabella would be the queen. Portugal support Juana and Aragon and some castillian nobles support Isabella.

Exercice 3> In this exercice we had to explain the main decitions of the Treaty of Alcaçovas:

-Isabel, queen of Castile.

-Portugal get the control of exploration of the african costs of the Atlantic Ocean.

-Juana was confered in a convent.

Exercice 4>We had to explain why the marriage of the Catholic Kings was a dynastic union:
They could control a big part of the Peninsula, but each crown will be continue being independent.

Exercice 5>We had to explain the motto ``Tanto monta, monta tanto, Isabel como Fernando´´ and how it determinated the Catholic King's policy:

Isabel and Fernando gave powers to each other, in order that one could rule in the kindom of the other one, but only Fernando used his power to rule Castile. Isabel never showed interest in Aragonece affairs.

After checked the exercices Kelly has read about territories conquered by the Catholic Monarchs and the reforms made by the Catholic Monarchs to reinforce their authority.
Then Paqui has written in the blackboard a scheme about we have already read while has shown us a powerpoint about it.

Finally Kelly has going to explain us about the Holy Brotherhood but the bell has rung...

PS: Classmates I hate you!!!Muak!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The last corrected glogs

Here you have the last glogs that have passed the "quality" control. They appear in alphabetical order:

- Yolanda Abad worked on the African Union:

- Beatriz Antequera´s project is about the NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization:

- Laura Bustamante worked on UNASUR:

- Silvia Castiblanque´s project was about the International Criminal Court:

- Carlos Galindo´s work is about the International Monetary Fund:

- Juan Carlos Huertas worked on the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries:

- Ana Isabel Lucas´s project was about the World Trade Organization:

- Isabel Naranjo´s work was about the Council of Europe:

- Daniel Pintado worked about the International Organization of Atomic Energy:

-Enrique Vázquez´s work is about the International Labour Organization:

- And last, but not least, Beatriz Yuste´s project was about the League of Arab States:

Judge by yourselves. What´s, in your opinion, the best work?