Thursday, February 12, 2015

Thursday,12th February 2015

Hello class!

Today in class of Social Sciences we have done many things.
First Paqui has showed us a post she wrote yesterday about the economic system. This has created a discussion in the class about different questions. For example inequality in the world, as you can see in the post next year 1% of the population with own more wealth than the other 99%. Do you think this is fair? There are also other questions to think about it, for example poverty, privileges... We have dedicated part of the class talking about this, but it has been very interesting and we have learnt a lot.
Afterwards, we have continued with the unit and we have talk about:

-The development of the banks: loans, direct investments, owners of companies shares and facilitation of payments.

-The development of public limited societies to share risk; As companies needed more money and it was difficult to find inventors who could provide with all the capital they needed, public limited appeared to divide the risk between all the stockholders. With that we have finished with the first industrial revolution.

Capitalism in the industrial revolution

The words we have copied on the glossary are:
-GDP: producto interior bruto
-To be left behind: ser dejado atrás
-Decent: digno
-Eviction: desahucio
-To evict: deshauciar
-Mortgage: hipoteca
-One out of...: uno de cada...
-Burden: carga
-Professor: profesor de universidad
-To owe: deber
-To own: ser dueño de
-Public limited company: Sociedad anónima
-Partner: socio
-Share stock: acción o participar.


Okon said...

The only mistake is that you explained the definition is good but you explained the class whith other ways, good work Fernando

Okon said...

The only mistake is that you explained the definition is good but you explained the class whith other ways, good work Fernando

Paqui Pérez Fons said...


These are my corrections. Erase the words in brackets:

Today in class of Social Sciences we have done many things.
First Paqui has showed us a post she wrote yesterday about the economic system. This has created a discussion in the class about different questions. For example inequality in the world, as you can see on the post, next year 1% of the population with owe more wealth than the other 99%. Do you think this is fair? There are also other questions to think about (it), for example poverty, privileges... We have dedicated part of the class to talk about this, but it has been very interesting and we have learnt a lot.
Afterwards, we have continued with the unit and we have talk about:

-The development of the banks: loans, direct investments, owners of companies shares and facilitation of payments.

-The development of public limited societies to share risk; As companies needed more money and it was difficult to find invesntors who could provide with all the capital they needed, public limited appeared to divide the risk between all the stockholders. With that we have finished with the first industrial revolution.

-Burden: carga
-Professor: profesor de universidad
--Share or stock: acción o participación de una empresa .

That's all. Bye!