Thursday, February 26, 2015

Thursday 26th February of 2015

Hello classmates, I'm Fran , and I'm going to talk about the things we have done on today's lesson at the first period.
At the beginning of the lesson Paqui has asked to us about the projects we have to do for today, all the people has said that were finished. Apart from this all the classmates have given to Paqui their projects, some people like Maria, Rosario and Nuria have done the project by hand (they have made in my opinion a very good comic) and other people like my group, have made videos and have sent them to Paqui by Gmail.
After that we have asked Paqui if we can watch all the projects she had, but she has said to us that we have to do an exam the next week and we have to use our time well and to correct the homework she gave to us, the last lesson, although she has said to us that if we finished correcting the homework we could wathc some projects.
The homework we had for today's lesson was to make a chart, explaining all the unifications of Italy and Germany during the second half of the 19th century. Many people of the class (like me) couldn't do the homework because of the project we had for today, but Paqui has said the us (especifically to me) that there is time to do all the things, and that we have had 6 weeks to do the project, but as she has said we left everything to the end, and later we have to do all the things fast, and not as good as we can.
Leaving this aside we have corrected the chart. We have started correcting the unifications of Italy during the second half of the 19th century. The chart was composed of the following columns:

-Unification: Italy
-Leading State: Piedmont-Sardinia
-Main figures: Victor Emmanuel II of Piedmont, Court of Cavour, Giuseppe Garibaldi, and Napoleon
-Main Enemies: Austria.
-Unification Process: In this column we have copied many things: all the years, supporters, and of course all the unifications Italy got.

Later as in Italy, we have corrected the unifications of Germany during the second half of the 19th Century. The chart as the one of Italy was composed of the following columns:

-Unification: Germany.
-Leading State: Prussia.
-Main Figures: Otto Von Bismack, Wilhem I of Prussia, Napoleon III.
-Main Enemies: Austria.
-Unification Process: As I have explained before, in this column we have copied all the years, supporters, and of course all the unifications Germany got.

After correcting it, the bell has rung, and we couldn't watch the projects. Strangly Paqui hasn't copied any word on the blackboard for our glossary, but Alfredo has said to her this, and suddenly, she has remembered one and she has copied it on the blackboard, the word was:

-To someone's initiative: por iniciativa de...

This are all the things we have done in today's lesson. I'll hope I don't have many mistakes.


Paqui Pérez Fons said...

Hello Fran,

These are some grammar points you have to review:





And these are my corrections:

At the beginning of the lesson Paqui has asked (to) us about the projects we have to do for today, all the people have said that they were finished. Apart from this all the classmates have given (to) Paqui their projects, some people like Maria, Rosario and Nuria have done the project by hand (they have made in my opinion a very good comic) and other people like my group, have made videos and have sent them to Paqui by Gmail.
After that we have asked Paqui if we could watch all the projects she had, but she has said to us that we have to take an exam the next week and we have to use our time well and to correct the homework she gave (to) us, the last lesson, although she has said to us that if we finished correcting the homework we could watch some projects.
The homework we had for today's lesson was to make a chart, explaining all the unifications of Italy and Germany during the second half of the 19th century. Many people of the class (like me) couldn't do the homework because of the project we had for today, but Paqui has said the us (specifically to me) that there is time to do all the things, and that we have had 6 weeks to do the project, but as she has said we left everything to the end, and later we have to do all the things fast, and not as good as we can.
-Unification Process: In this column we have copied many things: all the years, supporters, and of course all the stages of the Italian unification.

Later as in Italy, we have corrected the unifications of Germany during the second half of the 19thCentury. The chart, as the one of Italy, was composed of the following columns:

-Unification Process: As I have explained before, in this column we have copied all the years, supporters, and of course stages of the Italian unification.

After correcting it, the bell has rung, and we couldn't watch the projects. Strangely Paqui hasn't copied any word on the blackboard for our glossary, but Alfredo has said to her this, and suddenly, she has remembered one and she has copied it on the blackboard, the expression was:

-To someone's initiative: por iniciativa de...

These are all the things we have done in today's lesson. I('ll) hope I won't have many mistakes.


Paqui Pérez Fons said...

Sorry, in the second case about the chart it's stages of the German unification.
