Thursday, January 26, 2012

26th of January

Today Cristina has been with us,she has shown us a power point to chek the exercises.
We have checked, six questions about the Development of the first industrial revolution.
New energy sources appeared hydroelectric power and coal,new organization fo industrial work: factory system: concentration fo workers and machines in big factories and division of work. The industries that developed during the frist industrial revolution were Textile industry and Iron and steel industry. Development of textile and iron and steel industry due to the production process was mechanized withi some inventions, use of coke in blas furnances, the bessemer that transformer iron into steel etc. Improvements in transport due to ameliration of traditional infrastructures, speed increased and the duration and travel duration and expenses travels reduced.
Then we have checked 3 exercises about the Development of industrial capitalism.
Principles of economic liberalism
-Economy based on self interest.
-The different interests of the people meet in the market and they interact according to the law of supply and demand.
-The means of production ar private property of a reduced group of people
-The state doesn´t have to intervene in economy.
Banks in industrial capitalism provided enterprises with capital through loans, they invested directly in eterprises buying their shares and they facilitate payments by check.
Companies divided their capital into stocks because companies needed more money and it was difficult to find investors.
After that we have checked the last three exercises about the Second industrial revolution. The main sources used were electricity and oil the invention of the dynamo which made the production of electricity in hydroelectirc power stations possible. The invention of the alternator and the transformer allowed electricity transport. Oil was used as fuel, many inventions transformed it in the main energy source. The consequences were:
- Mass production allowed more people to get acces to product.
- Massive explotation of resources
- Beginning of massive emigration from the countryside to the cities.
- Cyclical crises appeared.
Society was divided into two parts.
- Bourgeoisie: Owner of industries and enterprises.
- High bourgeoisie
- Middle bourgeoisie
- Petty bourgeoisie
- Working class:( Ploretariat) They were the majority of the society. They have to work for a salary.
At the end of the class Cristina has given us some homework for next wee: page 31 exercises 10,11,12.


Paqui Pérez Fons said...

Hello Ana,

You could add something you´ve liked or considered interesting from the ppt presentation. There are some curious images there.

Good work, anyway.

Mªluz Ortiz S-Manjavacas said...

Hello Ana Lucas!
Very good journal, but you have some mistakes: in the 1st line "to cheCk", the "C" is missing, in the 6th line is missing a "R": FOR, in the 8th line, "FIRST", NOT frist, in the 10th line, "WITH", in the 23rd line, is ENTERPRISES NOT eterprises, at the end of the journal in the Working Class you have put "proretariat" and it's PROLETARIAT. The last line of the journal it's for next weeK, you have forgotten the "K".
This are all my corrections, but you can add that Cristina Blanco in the middle of the class she has put a video or a photo with moving about the iron and steel industry and that's all.
Bye bye and see you tomorrow! =)

Mªluz Ortiz S-Manjavacas said...

AAAH ANA LUCAS only one month for your birthday jejejejjejj =)

MCM said...

very good journal Ana!!
but you have some mistakes:

Line 6: fo industrial fo workers
Line 10: withi
Line 20: ar
Antepenultimate line: wee
But congratulations, very good journal!!