Monday, November 4, 2013

Hello everyone!
Today, in Social Science Paqui has returned and she started the class telling the journals errors to Jesús, then she has said that we have to participate more in the blog, also we decided the day of the exam because Paqui has given us a choice between two days (15th or 18th) most have preferred the 18th because they have the physical and chemical exam, after that the teacher has shown us a power point, to correct the summaries that she had told us for homework. In this power point appeared: the conquest of the Aztec empire with Hernán Cortés, the conquest of the Inca empire with Francisco Pizarro and others conquerors as Ponce de León (who searched for the Fountain of the Eternal Youth) or Núñez de Balboa that was the first European to see the Pacific Ocean.

After as all the days Paqui has copied some new vocabulary in the blackboard:
  • To enslave - esclavizar
  • Fountain of the Eternal Youth - fuente de la Eterna Juventud
  • Conquistadors - conquistadores
  • Prestigious - prestigios
  • Bloody - sanginario
  • To file - archivar
  • Royal fifth - quinto real
  • Serf - siervo

Then Luis Torrente has read the administration with the Council of the Indies which consists in made the Laws of the Indies and appointed the people who had to hold posts in the Indies, then Guillermo has read the part of colonization and Carlos the colonial society. 
To finish the class Paqui has explained the population of the Indies (Amerindians, Mestizo, Criollos, Slaves from Africa, and Peninsulars) and the products from American origin like tomatoes or potatoes.


Paqui Pérez Fons said...

PLease, write a title for your journal. You have paid very little attention to the lesson and your journal lacks content. You have to complete this. Maybe your classmates can help you improve this.

See you tomorrow.

Cristina Blanco said...

Hello Sara:
My comments on grammar and vocabulary:
Not many mistakes, because, as Paqui said, you didn't seem to do much during the lesson....