This video belongs to the film War Horse:
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Trench warfare
The main feature of WW1 was the little movement of the armies after some weeks. The armies of all the belligerent countries were so similar in forces that the fronts quicly stabilized and the soldiers had to dig trenches. Here you have some videos of what life was like inside the trenches:
This video belongs to the film War Horse:
This video belongs to the film War Horse:
New weapons in WW1
Here you have some short videos about the new technology and weapons used in WW1. I reccommend you to watch those related to poison gas:
28th April 2016
Hello, I'm Eva and today is my turn to write the journal.
Today in class of Social Science Paqui has explained the Trigger for the war:
28th Jne 1914: Favrilo Prinzip, a SErbian nationalist who wanted the union of all the Salves of the Saouth, killed the heirs of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in Sarajevo.
Austria-Hungary accused the Serbians of being involved in the terrorist attack and sent an ultimatum to the serbian govemment with several requests and gave 48 hours term to carry out their requests. The Serbians denied their involvement and refused to allow the Austro-Hungarian police to investigate in Serbia. They trusted in Russia's support, if they were attacked by Austria-Hungary. Austria-Hungary and Serbia broke relations and got ready for war.
Them she has explained the Outbreak consisted: Austria-Hungary declared war to Serbia. Russia mobilized its troops against Austria-Hungary. Germany declared war to Russia and to France. On the 4 of August Germany invaded Belgium to occupy France. The United Kingdom declared war to Germany when Belgium was invaded. Only Italy kept out of war.
The feactures of the World War I was:
-New and deadlier armament
-Civil population
-War economy
-Governments of National unity
-Propaganda: some exaples of propaganda was this:
Central powers: potencias centrales
Keep neutrality: mantener la neutralidad
Armament: armamento
Machine guns: ametralladora
Tank: tanque
Deliverance: salvación, liberación
Flamethrower: lanzallamas
Railway gun: caño ferroviario
Poison gas: gas venenoso
War target: objetivo de guerra
Food rationing: racionamiento
War economic: economia de guerra
Court-martialed: someter a un consejo de guerra
Today in class of Social Science Paqui has explained the Trigger for the war:
28th Jne 1914: Favrilo Prinzip, a SErbian nationalist who wanted the union of all the Salves of the Saouth, killed the heirs of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in Sarajevo.
Austria-Hungary accused the Serbians of being involved in the terrorist attack and sent an ultimatum to the serbian govemment with several requests and gave 48 hours term to carry out their requests. The Serbians denied their involvement and refused to allow the Austro-Hungarian police to investigate in Serbia. They trusted in Russia's support, if they were attacked by Austria-Hungary. Austria-Hungary and Serbia broke relations and got ready for war.
Them she has explained the Outbreak consisted: Austria-Hungary declared war to Serbia. Russia mobilized its troops against Austria-Hungary. Germany declared war to Russia and to France. On the 4 of August Germany invaded Belgium to occupy France. The United Kingdom declared war to Germany when Belgium was invaded. Only Italy kept out of war.
The feactures of the World War I was:
-New and deadlier armament
-Civil population
-War economy
-Governments of National unity
-Propaganda: some exaples of propaganda was this:
Central powers: potencias centrales
Keep neutrality: mantener la neutralidad
Armament: armamento
Machine guns: ametralladora
Tank: tanque
Deliverance: salvación, liberación
Flamethrower: lanzallamas
Railway gun: caño ferroviario
Poison gas: gas venenoso
War target: objetivo de guerra
Food rationing: racionamiento
War economic: economia de guerra
Court-martialed: someter a un consejo de guerra
Some videos about the use of propaganda in WW1
This video includes a short explanation about the different treatment given to the allies and the enemies:
The following two videos include many examples of posters used during WW1 with different purposes:
The following two videos include many examples of posters used during WW1 with different purposes:
And here you have a link from the British Library with more information about this topic:
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Apocalypse: World War 1
This is a French TV series broadcasted in 2014. All the images used are historical, although colourized. It's a faithfl account of what happened in all the fronts during four years of war. Here you have the five chapters:
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
26th April 2016
Hi, today
is my turn to write the journal.
At the
beginning of the lesson, some people have asked Paqui their doubts about their
projects. Some people have already started their project, but another people
have not started yet.
After that,
we have continued with WW1. First, Paqui has remembered the causes of WW1. They
were four and they can be remembered with the word MAIN:
- Militarism: idea that war was good for
nations. All countries invested a lot of money to be ready for the war.
- Alliance: the “Triple Alliance” and the
“Triple Entente” were created.
- Imperialism: tension between Austria-Hungary and
Russia in the Balkans and France, the UK and Germany.
- Nationalism: feelings of superiority
over other nations.
After that,
Paqui has explained the pre-bellic crises.
The pre-bellic crises were several crises in
the first years of the 20th century, which increased tension. There
were two crises in Morocco: one in 1905-1906 and other in 1911, in which tension
increased between France and Germany.
There were
also two crises in the Balkans: one in 1908 in which Austria seized Bosnia-Herzegovina
and other in 1912-1913 that were the Balkan Wars. In the Balkan Wars Serbia,
Montenegro, Greece and Bulgaria fought against the Ottoman Empire.
At the end
of the class, Paqui has explained us the trigger for the war:
On the 28th
June 1914, Gavrilo Prinzip killed the heirs of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in
Sarajevo. Austria-Hungary accused Serbia of being involved in the terrorist
attack. Serbia denied their involvement and refused to allow the
Austro-Hungarian police to investigate in Serbia. After that, Austria-Hungary
attacked Serbia, then Russia attacked Austria-Hungary, Germany attacked Russia
and France through Belgium and finally the UK intervened with France to attack Germany. Italy was the only country that didn't participate initially.
Pre-bellic: prebélico, anterior a la Guerra
Gunboat: cañonero
Trigger: detonante, gatillo (pistola)
Request: demanda
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Hi classmates!Today I'm in charge of doing the journal.
Today Paqui has brought two catalogues to get ideas for the new project.
Then she has continued explaining the Bismarckian systems. Itt was a system of alliances designed by Otto Von Bismarck, a German chancellor. It was made to isolate France and keep the balance of powers of the Congress of Vienna. Germany signed separated alliances with Austrua-Hungary and Russia and later Germany, A-H and Italy signed the triple Alliance. When Bismarck was dismissed, the Alliance with Russia wasn't renewed and Russia signed an alliance with France.
At the beginning of the 20TH century Russia, France and the UK signed several alliances between them that brought to the creation of the of the Triple Entente.
Then we have started studying the World War 1 and we have started with its causes. It is easier to remember with an acronym.
M ilitarism
A lliances
I mperialism
N ationalism
At first WW1 was called the Great War becouse it was the biggest war up to that moment. When a new world war started in 1939, the Great War became World War One.
We have also seen a video about WW1
We have also seen a video about WW1
Dual empire-imperio dual
Arms' race- Carrera de armamentos
Navy- armada
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
19th April 2016
Hi, I'm Diana.
Today in class of social siences Paquis has brought us the comic project about the Spanish History in the 19th century, but she said the she'll give it to us at the end of the class.
( )
First Paqui has talked about an workbook, well, a new project. She said that we have to think that we are an intern at El Prado Museum during the summer.
( )
The museum is preparing an art exhibition of the 18th and 19th century and your boss has given you the responsiblity to look for all the necessary information to prepare a catalogue. We will also have to contact the foreign museums to ask them to lend El Prado some important artworks.
( from the blog )
After Paqui has said this Lorena said that it's like a journal, instead is a journal but she has changed the name. Paqui said that is very different and she continued to explain the project. She said the we have to imagine that the exhibition will be in a month.
Paqui has told me that I can't use my journal book from the last project and Fatima said that this cataloges are bigger than a dictionary.
Then she showed us some examples:
( from the blog )
Lucia asked Paqui that as it is a present work we don't have to make it look old. She has also said that is it better to use the book and that the project is free, we can do it like we want. We have to gave it to her on the 23rd of May, so we have more than a month to do it. She said that we can start it today but I don't think someone will start it today.
After that she said that Goya is very important and that he is her favourite painter in Spain.
( )
She said that we can invent the e-mails, but not the name of the museums. Andrei wanted to steal a painting but Paqui sait to think about what his boss was going to say ( I think he was speaking about the project). We can decide between the workbook and the catalog.
I still don't know which one I will choose.
After this she continued speaking about the project for a while...
( )
We started thinking about the date for our next exam and we have decided to do it the 12th of May.
Then she continued with the class, she has asked what Bismarckian system was, well, what have we found about him.
( )
He thought that he could avoid a new war if he kept France isolated. The countries that Germany asked for help were Russia and Austria. This two were enemies, so the germans signed alliences with them separately so they kept France isolated.
The alliance between Germany and Russia wasn't renewed so the second one signed an alliance with France and it wasn't isolated anymore and the war started.
( )
Paqui entered the blog and she showed us a video called:
Shouth of America kept out of this war.
After that Paqui gave us the project of the comic. I'm very happy with my mark. Idon't know the mark of the rest but Paqui said that the less mark has been 8'5.
Monday, April 18, 2016
Presentation of World War One and some videos and maps
This is the presentation for this part of the unit:
And these are some videos about the war, including the one I was looking for this morning:
This animation explains the beginning of the war:
Some interactive maps:
And this is an interesting animated map that covers all the war and its territorial consequences:
And these are some videos about the war, including the one I was looking for this morning:
This animation explains the beginning of the war:
Some interactive maps:
And this is an interesting animated map that covers all the war and its territorial consequences:
New project: art catalogue of the 18th and 19th centuries

This time the project is individual and it will consist of studying the art of the 18th and 19th centuries. This is what you have to do:
You are an art lover and you have
decided to spend your summer as an intern
at El Prado Museum. The museum is preparing an art exhibition of the 18th and 19th century and your boss has given
you the responsibility to look for all the necessary information to prepare the catalogue. You will also have to contact the foreign museums to ask them
to lend El Prado some important artworks. Your boss has also given you the
opportunity to write about your favourite art work of every style
and include your texts in the official museum catalogue. Your don’t want to
deceive your boss and want to do a good quality work.
As the exhibition will be next
month, you’ve decided to plan your work. The styles you need to explain are the following:
- - 18th century: Rococo, Neoclassicism
(architecture, sculpture and painting in both styles)
Transition between the 18th and 19th centuries:
- - 19th century:
ARCHITECTURE: Historicism, Iron and Steel
Architecture and Modernism
SCULPTURE AND PAINTING: Romanticism, Realism
and Impressionism
PAINTING: New-Impressionism, Post-Impressionism
You have decided to distribute your work per weeks:
Week 1: Rococo, Neoclassicism and Goya
Week 2: Historicism, Romanticism and Iron and
Steel architecture
Week 3: Realism, Impressionism and
Week 4: Modernism and Post-Impressionism
You can present your work in two ways:
- The catalogue has to include:
- A prologue, presenting your work to the readers and thanking the museums that have lent their works to El Prado
- Main features of every style, main artists and works
- Your favourite work of every style and a deep explanation: when it was made, author, theme, main features, reflection of the style on the work, other art works from which it drew inspiration or other artists influenced by this work…
- The other option is your workbook to prepare the exhibition, where
you can include all the information you get and all the procedures you follow
to get it ready in time.
Here you have some images of exhibition catalogues:

And these are some examples of art worbooks:



Here you can see some more examples:
The deadline to hand in the project will be the 23rd of May (Monday)
Here you have the presentations of these contents, just in case you want to have a look on them to choose your favourite works:
Here you have the presentations of these contents, just in case you want to have a look on them to choose your favourite works:
Monday, 18th April
Hello, I'm María and today is my turn to write the journal.
At the beginning of the class Paqui has explained us the positive and the negative things of the colonialism.
- Construction of infraestructures like schools, industries, technology, hygiene habits, hospitals, healthcare systems but all these things were only for benefit of the colonist.
- Reduction of illiteracy
- Reduction of mortality rates.
- Cultural exchange
- Economic exploitation of the colonized peoples
- Introduction of monetary economy, which destroyed traditional economy (collective ways of organizing economy)
- aculturation process which destroyed traditional cultures by introducing the language and customs of the colonist.
- Balance between population and resources broke up
- Periodic famines because production was oriented to the products colonist needed
- Unequal society based on discrimination: the colonist controlled everything with the cooperation of a minority of indigenous people.


I have chosen this drawing because it represent that when the colonist arrived for example in Africa, they destroyed everything like the culture, economy and they also exploited them.
Then Paqui has explained us the new colonialism:
The new colonialism which doesn't mean controlling territories abroad physically, but a political and economic control by the most economically developed countries.
At the end of the class Paqui has shown us Southafrican films that are only protagonized by white people, this is very extrange because the majority of Southafricans are black.
And that's all for today, bye!!
At the beginning of the class Paqui has explained us the positive and the negative things of the colonialism.
- Construction of infraestructures like schools, industries, technology, hygiene habits, hospitals, healthcare systems but all these things were only for benefit of the colonist.
- Reduction of illiteracy
- Reduction of mortality rates.
- Cultural exchange
- Economic exploitation of the colonized peoples
- Introduction of monetary economy, which destroyed traditional economy (collective ways of organizing economy)
- aculturation process which destroyed traditional cultures by introducing the language and customs of the colonist.
- Balance between population and resources broke up
- Periodic famines because production was oriented to the products colonist needed
- Unequal society based on discrimination: the colonist controlled everything with the cooperation of a minority of indigenous people.


I have chosen this drawing because it represent that when the colonist arrived for example in Africa, they destroyed everything like the culture, economy and they also exploited them.
Then Paqui has explained us the new colonialism:
The new colonialism which doesn't mean controlling territories abroad physically, but a political and economic control by the most economically developed countries.
At the end of the class Paqui has shown us Southafrican films that are only protagonized by white people, this is very extrange because the majority of Southafricans are black.
And that's all for today, bye!!
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Thursday 14th April 2016
Hi! Hello! Bonjour!! I'm Anca and I'm going to do the journal today.
OK. Let's start with the journal.
Today we have started the class correcting the scheme about the big colonies empires.
We also have studied the Japanese Colonialism and the USA expansion.
Japan was forced to open to foreign influence by the USA in 1853.
This mean the end of the feudal system and the beginning of the modernization of the country.
The Japanese colonial empire constituted the overseas colonies established by Imperial Japan in the Western Pacific and East Asia region from 1895. Victories over China and Russia expanded the Japanese sphere of influence, notably in Taiwan and Korea, but South Sakhalin also became a part of metropolitan Japan as Karafuto Prefecture in 1905.
In Japan population grew, so they needed raw materials and more food and markets to sell their products. This was the reason why they decided to expand their to continental Asia and the Pacific Ocean.

In USA, they expanded throughout almost all the North of America and reached the Pacific Ocean.
Florida, Louisiana and Alaska were bought to Spain, France and Russia respectively.
They fought against the native Americans to conquered some parts of the country, and other part of the country conquered before the wars against Mexico
The Monroe Doctrine was a USA foreign policy regarding after domination of the Americans in 1823. It stated that further efforts by European nations to colonize land or interfere with states in North or Sourth America would be viewed as acts of aggression, requiring U.S. intervention. At the same time, the doctrine noted that the United States would neither interfere with existing European colonies nor meddle in the internal concerns of European countries. The Doctrine was issued in 1823 at a time when nearly all Latin American colonies of Spain and Portugal had achieved or were at the point of gaining independence from the Pourtugues and Spanish Empires. The United States, working in agreement with Great Britain, wanted to guarantee that the European power would move in.
The slogan of the foreign was America for the Americans.
At the end of the lesson, Paqui has given us some homeworks. We have to search about the consequences of the colonialism and classify them in positive or negative consequences.
All in all, if USA was a real person it look like a russian mafia and it will biy all of us.
Unequal treaties: tratados desiguales
Commodore Perry: Comodoro Perry
Meiji Period: Era Meiji
Monroe Doctrine: Doctrina Monroe
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
A short video about King Leopold II's abuses in Congo
Here you have a short clip from "Racism: A History", a very good BBC TV series, dedicated to King Leopold II's "civilizing mission" in Congo. You should watch it:
If you are interested, here you have the links to the full three chapters of this TV series:
Some videos about the foreign intervention in China
These are two videos where you can learn more about the Opium Wars, caused because the British introduced opium in China to open this country to trade.
And here you have some more videos about the Boxer Rebellion:
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Tuesday, 12th of April
Hi. Today was Anca's turn to do the journal, but I want to do the journal today because yesterday I couldn't. Thanks Manal :* Let's start revising.
Today in Social Sciences lesson we have learnt about the big colonial empires. At the beginning of the lesson Paqui has explained us about the scramble for Africa. In 1880 there were some colonies on the coast, but some years later all the continent of Africa was full of colonies. The main European powers became confronted in the colonization of Africa. France and the United Kingdom wanted to create continuous empires.( France from West to East and the United Kingdom from North to South).
After that Paqui has explained us The Berlin Conference. In order to avoid a war between the European powers in their race to occupy Africa, Bismarck decided to sponsor a conference in Berlin (1885). The main decisions were: rivers didn't belong to anyone, the country that occupied the coast of a territory could seize the interior and creation of the Congo Free State. In less than 20 years Africa was colonized. All the territory was distributed between the Europeans and only Liberia, Morocco and Abyssinia remained free.
Now, I'm going to talk about the exploitation of Congo. Congo was exploited by King Leopold II of Belgium. He forced workers to collect rubber. They weren't slaves. They didn't receive a salary, they only received food and a house. They had to work faster and faster collecting rubber. If they went slow, Leopold cut one of their hands. He considered them inferior. More than 10 million people died in Congo in this conditions.
Roger Casement was a British man. He was travelling through the river Congo and he discovered what happened there. When he saw the situation he made a report. After that he presented this report to the British Parliament and he explained there the Congo's situation, The British Parliament couldn't do anything. (It happened at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century).
Finally we have spoken about Asia. Asia wasn't distributed as Africa. The Europeans got some territories there. China was the most coveted country. It was a really empire since the Ancient Era. China continued to be independent but the British obliged them to open China to the foreigners after the two Opium Wars. And they revolted against the foreigners (Boxer Rebellion) at the end of the 19th century.
At the end of the lesson Paqui has given us the assessment of the project. For homework we have to complete a scheme about this and the assessment.
BYE! ;)
-Date back from - remontarse a
-Rubber - caucho
-Entangle - enredado
-Burma - Birmania
-Forced workers - trabajadores forzosos
-Coveted - deseado
-Boxer rebellion - rebelión de los Bóxers
-Boxers - a group of Chinese people who practised a martial art similar to kickboxing and revolted against the foreign influence in 1899.
Today in Social Sciences lesson we have learnt about the big colonial empires. At the beginning of the lesson Paqui has explained us about the scramble for Africa. In 1880 there were some colonies on the coast, but some years later all the continent of Africa was full of colonies. The main European powers became confronted in the colonization of Africa. France and the United Kingdom wanted to create continuous empires.( France from West to East and the United Kingdom from North to South).
After that Paqui has explained us The Berlin Conference. In order to avoid a war between the European powers in their race to occupy Africa, Bismarck decided to sponsor a conference in Berlin (1885). The main decisions were: rivers didn't belong to anyone, the country that occupied the coast of a territory could seize the interior and creation of the Congo Free State. In less than 20 years Africa was colonized. All the territory was distributed between the Europeans and only Liberia, Morocco and Abyssinia remained free.
If you want to learn more...
Now, I'm going to talk about the exploitation of Congo. Congo was exploited by King Leopold II of Belgium. He forced workers to collect rubber. They weren't slaves. They didn't receive a salary, they only received food and a house. They had to work faster and faster collecting rubber. If they went slow, Leopold cut one of their hands. He considered them inferior. More than 10 million people died in Congo in this conditions.
Roger Casement was a British man. He was travelling through the river Congo and he discovered what happened there. When he saw the situation he made a report. After that he presented this report to the British Parliament and he explained there the Congo's situation, The British Parliament couldn't do anything. (It happened at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century).
Finally we have spoken about Asia. Asia wasn't distributed as Africa. The Europeans got some territories there. China was the most coveted country. It was a really empire since the Ancient Era. China continued to be independent but the British obliged them to open China to the foreigners after the two Opium Wars. And they revolted against the foreigners (Boxer Rebellion) at the end of the 19th century.
Here you have more information..
At the end of the lesson Paqui has given us the assessment of the project. For homework we have to complete a scheme about this and the assessment.
BYE! ;)
-Date back from - remontarse a
-Rubber - caucho
-Entangle - enredado
-Burma - Birmania
-Forced workers - trabajadores forzosos
-Coveted - deseado
-Boxer rebellion - rebelión de los Bóxers
-Boxers - a group of Chinese people who practised a martial art similar to kickboxing and revolted against the foreign influence in 1899.
Monday, April 11, 2016
Monday, 11st April 2016
Hi, today is my turn to do the journal, well it's Andrei's turn but he has said that he hasn't time to do it, so we have changed it. Let's start reviewing.
At the first of the classs we've given our projects to Paqui, about Spain in the 19th century. In my group we've worked a lot, we've met twice at week and we also had fun. Doing this comic I've learnt in a different way and I think that's better than doing an exam! All of us have worked very hard, so we hope that Paqui likeS our projects.
Before starting the class Paqui has said that we've to bring our projects of the Industrial Revolution and the Baroque for the exhibition of the book's day.
Later we've started reviewing what we saw last day, that were the attitudes towards colonialism. Most of the population didn't have an opinion, many politicians were in favour and the trade unionists and some social politians were against it.
Then Paqui has written a scheme on the board about the conquest and the organization and exploitation of the colonies.
The conquest was fast due to the technological and military superiority of The europeans. The indigenous tried to stop it, but they couldn't. The europeans used tribal rivalries to divide the indigenous or hired some tribes to fight against other peoples.
There were three types of colonies:
Colonies of exploitation: they depended on the metropolis. The europeans owned the lands, mines and export companies, and what they want was exploiting the colonies and extracting their economic resources.Most of the african colonies belonged to this type.
Colonies of settlement: they were colonies with an important number of europeans.They had an autonomus government, but their foreign policy was controlled by te metropolis, like Australia.
The protectorates: they were independant, because the had an indigenous government, but they didn't have an independent foreign policy. For example, Morocco was controlled by France and Spain.
Then we've seen the Scramble for Africa. The main european powers became confronted in the colonization of Africa. Most of the Africa's costs were occupied by the United Kingdom and France. Africa was an ideal country to imperialize for Europe because of its close location, abundance of natural resources and it was viewed as an inferior country to Europe.
Colonies of settlement: Colonias de poblamiento
Protectorate: protectorado
Suez Canal: Canal de Suez
Paper fastener: encuadernador( we've lost like 5 minutes looking for this word because we didn't know it)
Bookbinder: encuadernador(persona)
Scramble: desvandada
Scramble for Africa: Reparto de Africa
At the first of the classs we've given our projects to Paqui, about Spain in the 19th century. In my group we've worked a lot, we've met twice at week and we also had fun. Doing this comic I've learnt in a different way and I think that's better than doing an exam! All of us have worked very hard, so we hope that Paqui likeS our projects.
Before starting the class Paqui has said that we've to bring our projects of the Industrial Revolution and the Baroque for the exhibition of the book's day.
Later we've started reviewing what we saw last day, that were the attitudes towards colonialism. Most of the population didn't have an opinion, many politicians were in favour and the trade unionists and some social politians were against it.
Then Paqui has written a scheme on the board about the conquest and the organization and exploitation of the colonies.
The conquest was fast due to the technological and military superiority of The europeans. The indigenous tried to stop it, but they couldn't. The europeans used tribal rivalries to divide the indigenous or hired some tribes to fight against other peoples.
There were three types of colonies:
Colonies of exploitation: they depended on the metropolis. The europeans owned the lands, mines and export companies, and what they want was exploiting the colonies and extracting their economic resources.Most of the african colonies belonged to this type.
Colonies of settlement: they were colonies with an important number of europeans.They had an autonomus government, but their foreign policy was controlled by te metropolis, like Australia.
The protectorates: they were independant, because the had an indigenous government, but they didn't have an independent foreign policy. For example, Morocco was controlled by France and Spain.

Later we've seen the big colonial empires:
Then we've seen the Scramble for Africa. The main european powers became confronted in the colonization of Africa. Most of the Africa's costs were occupied by the United Kingdom and France. Africa was an ideal country to imperialize for Europe because of its close location, abundance of natural resources and it was viewed as an inferior country to Europe.

And for finish the lessson we've seen the Berlin conference. Otto Von Bismark sponsored an international conference in Berlin to avoid a war between the European powers in their race to occupy Arica.

Rivalry: rivalidadColonies of settlement: Colonias de poblamiento
Protectorate: protectorado
Suez Canal: Canal de Suez
Paper fastener: encuadernador( we've lost like 5 minutes looking for this word because we didn't know it)
Bookbinder: encuadernador(persona)
Scramble: desvandada
Scramble for Africa: Reparto de Africa
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