And now yes, we start with the real contents. Today we have continued learning things about the Age of Empires. As you know (or maybe not), yesterday Paqui gave us a scheme for homework and today we have corrected it. She has asked some people, for example, Antonio and Lidia.
Our sheme has three parts but today we have included one more, we'll see in a minute.
The first part is the causes of the Age of Empires. There are three, the economic reasons (search for cheaper raw materiales, workers, etc and sell manufactured products), the demographic reasons (emigration and encouraged by the goverments to reduce the excess of poupulation) and political reasons (control of strategic places and gain international prestige).
Well, the big countries had big ambitions and tried to conquer as many amount of countries as they could. And now we arrive to the second part of the scheme: justification. The Europeans had to justify themselves and their acts, so they said that they were good and charitable people. The said that they had the responsability of civilizing the least developed territories of the colonies (that's the white man's heavy burden) but this was a bad excuse based on racism.
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The third part of the sheme is: Attitudes towards Colonialism but we haven't corrected it, so if you didn't do it yesterday, now you can because THIS IS THE HOMEWORK FOR THURSDAY.
And finally but not less important, we have talk about Social Darwinism (this is the part we have added).
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They classified the people depending on their skin's colour or their eye's size.
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Social Darwinists also defended eugenics. This is similar to selective breeding, they tried to obtain pure individuals by eliminating those who weren't "normal".
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Eugenics: Eugenesia
Flaw: Defecto
Flawless: Sin defectos
White man's heavy burden: La pesada carga del hombre blanco.
Faithfully: Lucía♥
Hi, Lucía!! Your welcome, there weren't any problem and I liked yesterday's journal so everybody wins (nothing).
Are you sure about that there are no races? Oh god red color has burnt my eyes.
Now I'm going to add some links about human races (those that don't exist) and I think they're so interesting:¿existen-las-razas-humanas
That's all. See you in class!! :)
THANKS A LOT, LUCÍA AND IRENE!!! This is one of those days in which I feel very proud of my students and that my work is worth it. I hope you continue to spread this truth and that the concept "race" disappears from the world in the near future. Only humans: that's what we are. THANKS AGAIN!
You should respect the opinion of the people that think that there are races. 😁 I think so.
Andrei, this is not a matter of opinions. IT'S A PROVEN FACT, A SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE. Can you express your opinion about the fact that the Earth turns around the Sun? Can you express your opinion about photosynthesis? Can you express your opinion about Pythagoras Theorem? Can you explain your opinion about the atomic theory? The answer is NO in all the cases. So with the inexistent "races" it's the same. SCIENCE HAS PROVED THAT THERE ARE NO RACES, NO GENETIC DIFFERENCES BETWEEN HUMANS. THE COLOUR OF YOUR SKIN OR YOUR PHYSICAL FEATURES ARE AN EXAMPLE OF PEOPLE'S DIVERSITY, BUT ANYTHING ELSE. AND THIS DOESN'T MEAN THAT YOUR COLOUR MAKES YOU BETTER OR WORSE. Racism exists because people like you continue to believe this kind of lies.
Well...I agree with some things on you Paqui, I also think that there are no races, because there isn't a scientific base on the conception of race (related with humans). But thinking that there are races doesn't make a person racist or anything like that! I think that racist means other things, not thinking that there are races. There are some more important things that defines racism, not thinking that there are races. And one more thing, about what you have said about that "The colour of your of skin or your physical features are an example of people's divertsity, but anything else. And this doesn't mean that your colour makes you better or worse"... I think that noone has said that they are better from being "white" or being "black". Thinking that there are races is not related with being a racist, but other thigns.
You are wrong, Santiago: racism comes from the fact that PEOPLE THINK THAT THERE ARE RACES. The concept of race means that there are significant differences between individuals and this is the origin of discrimination, justifications of supremacy, violence, insults and so on. Maybe no one said publically in class that being white or black is better or worse, because this is not "politically correct" and you know it. But the fact of continuing to deny the evidence clearly shows that many of you have interiorized the idea of"race" and you don't want to get rid of it, because you think that there are differences between the people linked to their physical or intellectual features. And this makes me really sad. No matter how much science advances. People continue with their prejudices. As Albert Einstein said “It is harder to crack prejudice than an atom.”
Hello again,
I'm back for the corrections.You didn't make manty mistakes. Most of them are spelling mistakes.:
- Remember that teachers give homework
First of all I've to say thank you to Irene because yesterday she saved my life. I'll love you from here to the moon forever. ♥♥
And now yes, we start with the real contents. Today we have continued learning things about the Age of Empires. As you know (or maybe not), yesterday Paqui gave us a scheme for homework and today we have corrected it. She has asked some people, for example, Antonio and Lidia.
Our scheme has three parts but today we have included one more, we'll see in a minute.
The first part is the causes of the Age of Empires. There are three, the economic reasons (search for cheaper raw materiales, workers, etc and sell manufactured products), the demographic reasons (emigration and encouraged by the goverments to reduce the excess of population) and political reasons (control of strategic places and gain international prestige).
Well, the big countries had big ambitions and tried to conquer as many amount of territories as the could. And now we arrive to the second part of the scheme: justification. The Europeans had to justify themselves and their acts, so they said that they were good and charitable people. The said that they had the responsibility of civilizing the least developed territories of the colonies (that's the white man's heavy burden) but this was a bad excuse based on racism.
I think you should visit this website because there are a lot of pictures or drawings that can explain this much better, and they worth it:
The third part of the scheme is: Attitudes towards Colonialism but we haven't corrected it, so if you didn't do it yesterday, now you can because THIS IS THE HOMEWORK FOR THURSDAY.
And finally/lastly, but not less important, we have talked about Social Darwinism (this is the part we have added).
As you know, this theory is based on Darwinism, and evolutive theory formulated by Charles Darwin. Some people adapted this theory to the society, and "classified" everybody into "races". Of course, some races were better than others, and the best of them was the white people.
(...) Diversity is the most beautiful thing we can find in our world so shut up racists, I am a person, I don't have any race.
I totally agree with you: diversity is the best we have. Nature is wise and diversity and co-operation have always contributed to the improvement and survival of every species, including ours. Bye!
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