Friday, January 18, 2013

18, January 2013

18, January 2013


Today Paqui has said that we have to go faster, the class hasn´t kept quiet, and Paqui has been angry. At first Paqui has said that she wrote a new post in the blog of Joseph I, Paqui has explained that the Spaniards invented several nicknames to mock him and spread rumors like “Pepe Botella”, "Pepe Plazuelas" "El rey Pepino" Pepino el Tuerto" etc.. Of Joseph I and Paqui has read a funny song in the post too.  


Joseph I

After that Paqui has started to correct the scheme that we had to complete at home with the Power Point presentation.

-Joseph I, supported by the Francophiles, was very unpopular. He tried to extend the reforms of the revolution to Spain, but his orders weren´t obeyed. And the war situation made the application of many laws almost impossible. The Francophiles considered the war as an opportunity of modernizing Spain.

-Those who opposed the French created Provincial Boards (created spontaneously). The created provincial spontaneously.

-The provincial boards elected the Supreme Central Board assumed the regency and organized the defense of the country. It contract with the British and Portuguese to get support against the Napoleonic army. It called the Cortes.

-Regency and Cortes of Cadiz: 1st regency later Cortes of Cadiz, defense of liberalism 
reflected in the first constitution (19 March 1812).


-The first Constitution of Spanish, 1812.

It was passed on the 19th March 1812 (called “La Pepa”) Inspired on the ideas of political liberalism:
  • National Sovereignty
  • Wide declaration of rights
  • Division of Powers
  • Indirect universal Male suffrage.

But there were some remains of the Ancient Régime such as Catholicism as the only allowed religion in Spain (many deputies were members of the clergy). The Cortes of Cádiz also passed a lot of laws to abolish the Ancient Régime, Abolition of feudalism, guilds Inquisition estates etc. But these reforms couldn´t extend due to war. 

First Spanish Constitution

Also, Paqui has explained why this Constitution was called “La Pepa” (because it was published the day of San José) and the last year was the 200th anniversary of the Constitution.

And Paqui has said that Arturo Perez Reverte, writes good short books, but when he writes long books, the stories are always the same and she doesn´t like them. Pilar has said that Carlos Ruiz Zafón writes similar, but I think that Carlos Ruiz Zafón writes well long books… jajaj! Then Paqui has continued explaining  the last part of the point 1. The Treaty of Valeçay.

-Treaty of Valeçay 

At the end of 1813 Napoleon signed the Treaty of Valençay with Ferdinand VII: he gave the crown of Spain back to Ferdinand VII and promised to retire the French troops from Spain with the condition of respecting the Francophiles.
We have finished correcting the scheme and the point. And Paqui has said if we haven´t finished complete the scheme we will have to do it in the afternoon.

Then we have started with the second point of the unit “The congress of Vienna”.

Paqui has shown us some pictures about war on the blog. Pictures and photography are very violent.

Goya´s picture

Goya´s picture

Paqui has explained like an introduction of the point and she has given us homework for Monday. She has written a small scheme on the blackboard. But, she has completed some gaps of the scheme:

The Congress of Vienna (1814-1815).
The representatives of the main European powers responsible for Napoleon´s defeat. The objectives were restoring the Ancient Régime and erase the remains of the French.

My classmates have said that this unit is very very long and I agree with them.

At the end the bell has rung and we have gone. 
So for homework we will have to complete the rest of the scheme.

Today we have added these new words to the glossary:

  •  Nickname: mote, apodo
  •  Teetotaler: abstemio
  •  Monocle: monóculo
  •  Flaws: defectos
  •  Void: vacío
  • To call Cortes: comvocar cortes
  •  Marshes: marismas
  • To pass a law/bill: aprobar una ley
  • Saw: sierra
  • Unhealthy: morboso
  • To boil: bullir/hervir
  • To erase: Borrar



Unknown said...

I like your journal, it´s complet and interesting, but i found one mistake:
-When you speak abaut Arturo Perez ``REVERTE´´ it´s with V no with B
And I am agree with the classmates said that this unit is very very long jajaja

Paqui Pérez Fons said...

Hello Gema,

I´ll check your journal tomorrow, when other students correct the mistakes. My first corrections will refer to the pictures you´ve chosen:

- The man of the first picture is not Joseph I, but a French soldier, a French grenader. Look for a correct picture of Joseph I (Joseph Bonaparte). There are many.

- The fourth picture was not painted by Goya. This is an etching made by Otto Dix after WW1, in the 20th century: he was a German soldier during this war an he made a complete series of etchings called Der Krieg (War) about what he saw there.

Please, change these pictures and include the sources of every picture you include.

Have a nice weekend!

Salva Fuentes said...

Hi Gema,

I like your journal but I have found some mistakes:
-...defense of the country contract with the British... -> ...defense of the country. It contact with the... .
-...the Napoleonic army called the... -> ...the Napoleonic army. It called the... .
-diversion of powers -> division of powers.
-indirect universal MALE suffrage.
-declaration of rightS.
-constitution -> Constitution.
-Nickname: mate -> " -> mote.

Have a good weekend too!

Jesus Morales said...

Hello, it's very good and complete, but I've found some mistakes:
-Then Paqui has continue explained...->..Paqui has continued explaining
-The Treaty of Valleçay-> The Treaty of Valençay
-Momocle-> Monocle
-combocar cortes-> convocar cortes

See you and have a good weekend too!!

Roxana said...

Hello! I like your journal, you have written it very well, but I have found some mistakes:

- Paqui has said that she wrote a new post on the blog about Joseph I
- supported by the Francophiles, was very little popular.
- The first Constitution of Spain.
- why this Constitution is called ...
- Arturo Pérez Reverte writes... and she doesn't like them.
-Carlos Ruiz Zafón writes very good.
- Paqui has continueD explaining (as Jesús has said).
- Paqui has shown us...
- She has written on the blackboard
- the bell has rung.
- To call Cortes: convocar cortes.
- To pass a law.

Have a good weekend too! :)

maria said...

Hi people !!

Your journal is good, you have written all, but I have found some mistakes

-"They created provincial spontaneously" instead of "The create provincial spontaneously"

-Valençay instead of Vallençay.

I agree with you, Carlos Ruiz Zafón writes very very well, all of his books are fantastic.

And I also agree with the classmates, this unit is very long.

Have a nice weekend :)

Unknown said...

Hi people!
Thanks for your comments I will correct it now!
See you!! :)

Paqui Pérez Fons said...

Hello Gema,

These are my last corrections:

- Josep I... was very unpopular/ or got little popular support

- You can´t schematize on the blog: you have to write complete sentences and explain the contents well: after the information about Joseph I, you should write something to introduce the information about the rebels´ government. For example:Those who opposed the French created provincial boards. The same happens with the information about the Supreme Central Board. You should write an introduction: The provincial boards elected theSupreme Central Board. Correct all this part writing complete sentences.
- You´ve written the information about the Constitution twice. Erase the information you´ve repeated.

- After the sentence in brackets that ends with...members of the clergy), you should write a . and start a new sentence in capital letters. Inquisition also in capital letters and after this word you have to write ,.
- ...why this Constitution was was published... and last year was the 200th anniversary of the Constitution. Constitution has to be written always in capital letters.
- I talked about Arturo Pérez-Reverte because he wrote El asedio (The siege) in English, about life in Cádiz during the Peninsular War. I didn´t like this book, but I love his short books. Arturo Pérez-Reverte writes... but .... long books, the stories. "History" is what we study."Story"is something someone tells.
- Carlos Ruiz Zafón writes very well or very good long books
-... Valençay
- ... some pictures about war on the blog. ... photographs are very violent
- Word order:... a small scheme on the blackboard.

- With the points of the scheme of the Congress of Vienna, you have to do the same I ´ve told you before: don´t schematize, but write complete sentences here.

- I made a mistake with the word teetotaler. It´s written with two e. "Teatotaler" is wrong.
- Cortes in capital letters

That´s all. You´ve done a good work, but it will be better when you correct these mistakes ;)

See you on Monday!

Unknown said...

Paqui I have corrected the journal now because after I don´t have time.
Now with your corrections is better!! See you on wednesday! :)

Unknown said...

sorry I didn´t have tieme!!