At the beginning of the lesson, she has given our projects and the exam to the people who didn't want to do this project. Then Paqui has said that the people who didn't pass the project or the exam must do a project to make up this unit. The new art project is about the art of the 18th and 19th century. Paqui has assigned us one example of architecture, another one about sculpture, and one painting and we have to talk about their designer, their style etc.
After this Paqui has started to explain the U.S.A in the interwar periods using the presentation of this unit which you can find here on the blog.
We have started correcting the questions about this content, that Paqui gave us before the weekend. One question which my mate Andrei has asked was: What did farmers do to increase production?
After we has asked some questions Paqui has written a small scheme of this:
- Huge demand for U.S.A products in the USA and also from the European countries
-The American Way of Life became a model for the rest of the world
-Financial bubble and real estate bubble to the increasing demand for stocks and dwellings and the expansion of banking loans.
-The other face of prosperity: Prohibition and development of the mafia and the Ku Klux Klan
-Europe's recovery created an overproduction crisis in the USA: stocks started acumulating farmers and companies, unemployement started increasing in 1927.
-Public evidence of the crisis: Black Thursday (24th october 1929)

- Striking: llamativo
- Dwelling: viviendas
- Eviction: desahucio
- Foreclosure: embargo de una propiedad
- Drought: sequía
- Hoovervilles: Poblados chabolistas de Hoover
I think that it is a good journal but in my opinion it is a little bit short. You can improve it adding more information about what we did in class.
Your effort is minimum. You can't include the slides of the presentation as images or copy their content. You have to write your own text, explaining the lesson.
These are my corrections:
At the beginning of the lesson, she has given u our projects and the exam to the people who didn't want to do this project. Then Paqui has said that the people who didn't pass the project or the exam must do a project to make up this unit. The new art project is about the art of the 18th and 19th century. Paqui has assigned us one example of architecture, another one about sculpture, and one painting and we have to talk about their designer, their style etc.
After this Paqui has started to explain the U.S.A in the interwar period(s) using the presentation of this unit which you can find here on the blog.
We have started correcting the questions about this content, that Paqui gave us before the weekend. One question which my mate Andrei has asked was: What did farmers do to increase production?
After we have asked some questions Paqui has written a small scheme of this:
- Huge demand for U.S.A products in the USA and also from the European countries
-The American Way of Life became a model for the rest of the world
-Financial bubble and real estate bubble due to the increasing demand for stocks and dwellings and the expansion of banking loans.
-The other face of prosperity: Prohibition and development of the mafia and the Ku Klux Klan
-Europe's recovery created an overproduction crisis in the USA: stocks started acumulating farmers and companies, unemployement started increasing in 1927.
-Public evidence of the crisis: Black Thursday (24th october 1929)
That's all. Bye.
And please, include the sources of the pictures. I have been saying the same things the whole year.
There is one more mistake on the glossary:
Hoovervilles: Poblados chabolistas de Hoover
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