Let's talk about what have we done in class today:
At first we have talked about the "Prosperity and consumer society" and we have connected it with the "American way of life". Then we have continued with " The other face of prosperity" and as example we have Charles Chaplin films, in which most of them he played the role of vagabond. We have had a long discussion with this topic because we have talked about the Prohibition in the USA and Paqui has explained that this caused more problems than solutions. The Prohibition was a moral decission trying to avoid that people become corrupted with the consumption of alcohol. Then María Lucas has asked about the drugs and se have and we have started talking about tobacco and drugs, specially marijuana. Our conclusion is that even though that we know that drugs are bad for us we continue consuming the because the idea of being illegal attract us.
After that Andrei has asked if it was true that the United Kingdom will be separated of the European Union and Paqui has told us about a piece of news in which Gibraltar says that if the United Kingdom leaves the EU it will belong to Spain again. As most of us didn't know where is Gibraltar located we have seen some maps .

This is Gibraltar

Here is Gibraltar
Benjamin, who was there, has told us about the money they use (pounds), their language (Spanish and English) and the monkeys (the unique wild monkeys in Europe) that throw you things.
Paqui has told us that Gibraltar is a tax haven and that there are about 20,000 societies there.

These is the race of monkeys that exist in Gibraltar (Macaca Sylvanus).
And here you have this link that explains why are monkeys in Gibraltar. And if you want more here you can read more about them!
Finally we have talked about the Ku Klux Klan, a racist organization which killed the black people who disappointed white people, specially in the South States.

Do you want to know a curiosity? The Ku Klux Klan has an official page (www.kkk.com) but it's impossible to access!!Why?
But here you have some links which explain these organization:
I say bye with this video of a Gibraltar monkey attacking a woman!! BYE!!
For homework we have to write 10 questions with their answers from the scheme that Paqui gave us last day.
Roaring-> rugiente
Roaring twenties-> felices años 20
Tramp-> vagabundo
Prohibition-> ley seca
Lobby-> pasillo
Lobby²-> try to influence politicians to legislate un someone's favour/ group of people who try to do this
Speakeasy-> bar ilegal
Overproduction crisis-> crisis de superproducción
Profitability-> rentabilidad
hey Irene, i'll give you one advice, how about adding some photos? :)
I agree with Lucía. Where are the pictures?
Hello again,
I told you that you could do the journal later in the same day, not the next day.
These are my corrections:
Let's talk about what have we done un class today:
At first we have talked about the "Prosperity and consumer society" and we have connected it with the "American way of life". Then we have continued with " The other face of prosperity" and as example we have Charles Chaplin films, in which most of them he played the role of vagabond. We have had a long discussion with this topic because we have talked about the Prohibition in the USA and Paqui has explained that this caused more problems than solutions. The Prohibition was a moral decission trying to avoid that people became corrupted with the consumption of alcohol. Then María Lucas has asked about the drugs and se have and we have started talking about tobacco and drugs, specially marijuana. Our conclusion is that even though that we know that drugs are bad for us we continue consuming the because the idea of being illegal attracts us.
After that Andrei has asked if it was true that the United Kingdom will be separated of the European Union and Paqui has told us about a piece of news in which Gibraltar says that if the United Kingdom leaves the EU it will belong to Spain again. As most of us didn't know where is Gibraltar located we have seen some maps .
Benjamin, who was there, has told us about the money they use (pounds), their language (Spanish and English) and the monkeys (the unique wild monkeys in Europe) that throw you things.
Paqui has told us that Gibraltar is a tax haven and that there are about 20,000 societies there.
Finally we have talked about the Ku Klux Klan, a racist organization which killed the black people who disappointed white people, especially in the South states.
For homework we have to write 10 questions with their answers from the scheme that Paqui gave us last day.
That's all. Please, include some pictures. Bye.
Sorry, Paqui, but I couldn't do it or edit before because this last weeks I have arrived home very late. And I know you told me to do the journal later but on Thursday but if can´t do it because I'm not at home, I think that it obvious that I can't. And I know that you don't mind all this and I know too that this is just an excuse for you, so sorry then. See you in class, teacher.
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