At the beginning of the class we have handed in the project "Art Catalogue", and Jaime and Antonio had made the exam of this unit. Then we have reviewed quickly what we saw yesterday (createion of the USSR and Stalinism).
After that we have continued with the unit.
First we have seen "Cult of Stalin's personality", which was propaganda which presented Stalin as a big leader, as a good person, a man who is always in command, a man who takes care of his people...
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They also eliminated the memebers of the Communist Party that had falled from grace from the official pictures
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But they only could erase the photos the had, so there were also a lot of original copies of this photos.
The people who opposed the ideas of Stalinist were carried to Gulag, which were forced labour camps created across the USSR. Millions of people were confined there, accussed of being enemies of the country.
Cult of personality: Culto a la personalidad
In command: al mando
Stalinist purges: purgas estalinistas
NKVD: secret police
Forced labour camps: campos de trabajos forzados
Serve a sentence: cumplir condena
There are some pictures you included that are not visible. You should look for other ones.
You should complete your journal, because I also explained the beginning of the new point of the unit. And you should add more than the contents of the presentation. We watched many manipulated pictures and they were not only by Stalin.
These are my corrections:
- We don't say "we have seen", but "we have studied".
And this is the text corrected:
Hello, I am Carlota.
Today in social class, Paqui has started setting dates of the last exams for this year.
Then she has spoken of the Creation of the USSR: The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was created in 1922: federal State formed by 11 republics.
Totalitarian State:
-One/ Single-party system: the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, considered to be the representative(s) of the proletariat. The Communist Party controlled all the institutions.
- No division of powers: ruled by Supreme Soviet which controlled both, the executive and the legislative power(s).
-Those who opposed the government were persecuted and punished.
Structure of power in the USSR
The people elected (into) two chambers: the Soviet of the Union and Soviet of the Nationalities and these two chambers formed to the Supreme Soviet. The General Secretary of the Communist Party was the president of the Presidium.
The New Economic Policy.
Economic policy launched by Lenin in order to recover production after the wars and the awful consequences of food requisition. Lenin defined it as State capitalism:
-privatization of lands and small factories.
- the State kept the control of the big industries, banks and foreign trade.
Results: economy quickly recovered.
Fight for power: STALIN AND TROTSKY.
-Trotsky wanted to export revolution to other countries (proletarian internationalism)
-Stalin wanted to consolidate revolution in the USSR.
Finally Stalin managed to control the Communist Party, eliminated his enemies and became the leader of the USSR in 1927. Trotsky had to exile and was killled by Stalin's order in 1940.
Second part:
STALINISM (1927 - 1953)
Period under Stalin's government.
He changed the orientation of the economic policy. His priority was to transform the USSR into an industrial power. He imposed:
-Collectivization of all the private properties: lands, factories, transports and banks became State property.
-Centrally planned economy: the State controlled and planned economy through the Ministry of Planning. They elaborated Five-Year Plans, in which they decided on all the production of the USSR. All the producers had to carry out these plans.
-Priority to heavy industry, to the detriment of light industry.
Results: quick industralization of the USSR but permanent lack of consumers' goods and consolidation of the black market.
At the beginning of the lesson we have handed in the project "Art Catalogue", and Jaime and Antonio have taken the exam of this unit. Then we have reviewed quickly what we studied yesterday (creation of the USSR and Stalinism).
After that we have continued with the unit.
First we have studied "Cult of Stalin's personality", which was propaganda which presented Stalin as a big leader, as a good person, a man who is always in command, a man who takes care of his people...
We have also studied "Stalinist Purges", which were constant repression against anyone suspected of critizicing the regime. The Communist Party was purged several times and many of its leaders were killed. More than 1.5 million people were arrested and 700.000 were killed in the 1930s
They also eliminated the members of the Communist Party that had falled from grace from the official pictures
But they only could erase the photos the had, so there were also a lot of original copies of these photos.
The people who opposed the ideas of Stalinist were sent to Gulag, which were forced labour camps created across the USSR. Millions of people were confined there, accussed of being enemies of the country.
Hi Paqui.. You have sent Carlota's correction to Benjamin's journal.
Hello Andrei,
Thanks for warning me. As you seee, Benjamin hasn't cared about his journal in the same way you've done it.
Here are the corrections to Benjamin's text:
At the beginning of the lesson we have handed in the project "Art Catalogue", and Jaime and Antonio have taken the exam of this unit. Then we have reviewed quickly what we studied yesterday (creation of the USSR and Stalinism).
After that we have continued with the unit.
First we have studied "Cult of Stalin's personality", which was propaganda which presented Stalin as a big leader, as a good person, a man who is always in command, a man who takes care of his people...
We have also studied "Stalin's Purges", which were constant repression against anyone suspected of critizicing the regime. The Communist Party was purged several times and many of its leaders were killed. More than 1.5 million people were arrested and 700,000 were killed in the 1930s
They also eliminated the members of the Communist Party that had fallen from grace from the official pictures
But they only could erase the photos they had, so there were also a lot of original copies of these photos.
That's all. Bye.
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