Then Paqui has explained us that a lot of people got muddled with the revolutionary clock so they decided to follow the normal clock.
Then Paqui has showed the months of the revolutionary calendar on put the digital board

After this, we have converted our birthday's date into the date of the revolutionary calendar:
Here I'm including the link of the revolutionary calendar converter:
Here I'm including the calendar.
My birthday is 11th Nivôse and that day was dedicated to Granite.
Paqui has explained us that some people put the name of Marianne to their babies because Marianne was the name of the personification of the revolution
Later Jorge has explained who Olympe de Gouges was . She was a French playwright and political activist whose feminist and abolitionist writings reached a large audience.
Then Paqui has explained us who Mary Wollstonecraft was. She vindicated the rights of women. Her succesors fought for the same cause.
Finally we have given our opinion about the general election. The teacher has showed the seats of all the parties and the posibles coalitions too
Buddy: colega, tÃo
Bud: capullo
Fog: niebla
Manure: estiércol
Meadow: pradera
Pioneer: pionero
Shovel: Pala
Seat; escaño
Split up: separarse
1 comment:
These are my corrections. REmember to use the present perfect, please, and don't copy and paste, but correct your mistakes:
Hi, I'm Jaime and today it's my turn to do the review of the lesson, so let's go. At the begining of the lesson, Irene has corrected her information about the Revolutionary calendar.
Then Paqui has explained us that a lot of people got muddled with the revolutionary clock, so they decided to follow the normal clock.
Then Paqui has showed the months of the revolutionary calendar on put the digital board
After this, we have converted our birthday's date into the date of the revolutionary calendar.
Here I’m including the link of the revolutionary calendar converter
Here I’m including the calendar
My birthday is the 11th 11 Nivôse and that day was dedicated to Granite
Paqui has explained us that some people put the name of Marianne to their babies because Marianne was the name of the personification of the revolution
Later Jorge has explained who Olympe de Gougeswas. She was a French playwright and political activist whose feminist and abolitionist writings reached a large audience.
Then Paqui has explained us who Mary Wollstonecraft. She vindicated the rights of women. Her succesors fought for the same cause.
Finally we have given our opinion about the general elections. The teacher has showed the seats of all the parties and the posible coalitions too.
Meadow: pradera
Pioneer: pionero
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