Today in Social Sciences class, at the beginning of the lesson, we have checked a little of the end of the monarchy and then Paqui has showed us a mind map about the Jacobins and their origin.
After of that, we have continued with the point of The Democratic Republic and the creation of a provisional excutive council, in charge of the goverment and the creation of a new assambly by universal suffrage in September 1792.
Paqui has showed us the methods used to torture and kill the criminal people were tortured and assassinated in this century.
The people of this century used a lot of different types of forms to kill the criminals. They use the gallows, beheading machines like the Garote and the Guillotine which is an apparatus designed for efficiently carrying out executions by beheading. (The Guillotine name comes for the French surgeon Joseph Ignace Guillotin)
Apart from that, the people didn't want to kill immediately so they wanted to make people confess and they made torture machines.

There was another execution machine called Garotte. The Garotte is a weapon most often referring to a handheld ligature of chain rope, scarf, wire or fishing line used to strangle a person

In the Ancien Regime when someone kill an important person like a noble or someone of the clergy or was accused for treason or forging money, they were executed.
Also during the French revolution the people who win were the heroes and the people who lose were terrorists or criminals so they were kill.
We have strayed of the theme and we started talking about the atrocities that people do to others in different countries. We talk about the lapidation in Muslim countries. There, when a woman does something that contradict their holy book, they are punished to lapidation. The women are buried on the floor and the people throw them stones until they die.
Connected to that we started talk of the radical people and their thinking. Paqui has said that it doesn't matter if a person had leftist or rightist ideology to be a bad person.
Then we have talked about the violence and we said that the violence came from the education of a person.
We have connected themes again and we have finished talking of the Francoists and the Nazis. At the moment there are people that defend that thinking and others who don't know anything about that and they defend this too.
Also there are people who pull pranks about these themes and it's a lack of respect for the people who had to suffer the dictatorship of these two monsters.
Today was a fantastic and interesting day, we have contributed in this discussion and we've learn a lot about the bad society.
New vocabulary
Massacre: Masacre.
take revenge: Vengarse.
Guillotine: Guillotina.
Blade: Cuchilla.
Humanitarian: Humanitario.
Garotte: Garote.
Excutioner: Verdugo.
Bleading: Desagrado.
Shooting: Fusilamiento.
Lapidation/Stoning: Lapidar.
Executioner: Verdugo.
Bleeding: Desangrado.
Hi María! I think that you have done a good journal, because it explains very well what we did. As you have said, the society is very bad! We have to improve it!!!!
Hello María,
Remember that you have to use the present perfect to talk about recent events, like the things you learned during the lesson.
"Pull a prank" is "hacer bromas pesadas o de mal gusto".
And here you have my corrections:
Today in Social Sciences class, at the beginning of the lesson, we have checked a little of the end of the monarchy and then Paqui has showed us a mind map about the Jacobins and their origin.
After (of) that, we have continued with the point of The Democratic Republic and the creation of a provisional executive council, in charge of the government and the creation of a new assembly by universal suffrage in September 1792.
Paqui has showed us the methods used to torture and kill the criminal people in this century.
The people of this century used a lot of different types of forms to kill the criminals. They use the gallows, beheading machines like the Garotte and the Guillotine, which is an apparatus designed for efficiently carrying out executions by beheading. (The Guillotine name comes for the French surgeon Joseph Ignace Guillotin)
Apart from that, the people didn't want to kill immediately, so they wanted to make people confess and they made torture machines.
There was another execution machine called Garotte. The Garotte is a weapon most often referring to a handheld ligature of chain rope, scarf, wire or fishing line used to strangle a person
In the Ancien Regime when someone killed an important person like a noble or someone of the clergy or was accused of treason or forging money, they were executed.
Also during the French revolution the people who win were the heroes and the people who lose were terrorists or criminals so they were kill.
We have strayed of the theme and we have started talking about the atrocities that people do to others in different countries. We talk about the lapidation in Muslim countries. There, when a woman does something that contradicts their holy book, they are punished to lapidation. The women are buried on the floor and the people throw them stones until they die.
Connected to that we started talk of the radical people and their thinking, Paqui hassaid that it doesn't matter if a person had leftist or rightist ideology to be a bad person.
Then we havetalked about the violence and we said that the violence came from the education of a person.
We have connected themes again and we have finished talking of the Francoists and the Nazis. At the moment there are people that defend that thinking and others who don't know anything about that and they defend this too.
Also there are people who pul pranks about these themes and it's a lack of respect for the people who had to suffer the dictatorship of these two monsters.
Today was a fantastic and interesting day, we have contributed in this discussion and we've learn a lot about the bad society.
New vocabulary
Executioner: Verdugo.
Bleading: Desangrado.
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