Sunday, November 1, 2015

This day in history: 1st November 2015, CharlesII's death


315 years ago, Charles II of Spain, died.

A bit information about Charles II of Spain

Charles II's (Spain) description.

He was born in Madrid, the 6 of november 1661

His parents were Felipe IV os Spain and Mariana of Austria

People described him as short, lame, epileptic, senile, and completely bald before 35, he was always on the verge of death, but repeatedly baffled Christendom by continuing to live.Charles was physically and mentally disabled and infertile, possibly due to this massive inbreeding. Due to the deaths of his half brothers, he was the last member of the male Spanish Habsburg line.

Charles did not learn to speak until the age of four nor to walk until eight, and was treated as virtually an infant until he was ten years old.

Charles II's (Spain)reign

The years of Charles's reign were difficult for Spain. The economy was stagnant, there was hunger in the land, and the power of the monarchy over the various Spanish provinces was extremely weak. Spain’s finances were perpetually in crisis. Charles' unfitness for rule meant he was often ignored, and power during his reign became the subject of court intrigues and foreign, particularly French and Austrian, influence.

Charles wearing the robes of the Order of the Golden Fleece, in about 167

Now, I'll talk about Charles II's death, that was 315 years ago.
He began to torture with the idea that he was possessed. He had hallucinations and his life became a torment. People also began to think that spell was true.

Toward the end Charles' life, Charles's health deteriorated and he became increasingly hypersensitive and strange, at one point demanding that the bodies of his family be exhumed so he could look upon the corpses.

He officially retired when he had a nervous breakdown caused by the amount of pressure put on him to try to pull Spain out of the economic trouble. He lived a simple life since then, playing games and other activities.His death was slow and painful and ended in Madrid on 1 November 1700, five days before his 39th birthday.He had signed the will in favor of the Elector of Bavaria, but he died before Carlos. Then he signed in favour of Philip of Anjou, grandson of Louis XIV, as the pressures received at his deathbed.

The physician who practiced his autopsy stated that his body "did not contain a single drop of blood; his heart was the size of a peppercorn; his lungs corroded; his intestines rotten and gangrenous; he had a single testicle, black as coal, and his head was full of water.

Resultado de imagen para muerte de carlos ii de españa

And that's all!!!


1 comment:

Paqui Pérez Fons said...

Hello Manal,

These are my comments to your contribution.

Please, open the pictures on a new page before copying the link. The last link is too long because you copied the link directly from the Google Images tool.

You should try to write your own text, summarizing the informatoon you find, instead of copying it literally. It's better if you write something shorter on your own than copying the words of another person.

These are my corrections:

A bit of information about Charles II of Spain

Charles II's (Spain) description.
he was born in Madrid, onthe 6 of November 1661
His parents were Philip IV of Spain and Marianna of Austria

Charles II's reign

Now, I'll talk about Charles II's death, which happened 315 years ago.

Toward the end Charles' life, Charles' health deteriorated and he became increasingly hypersensitive and strange, at one point demanding that the bodies of his family be exhumed so he could look upon the corpses.
