Hello, I,m Lidia. Today I will explain what we have done in social sciences class. At the beginning of the class we have continued with the theory, we started with Independence of the brithish colonies of North America and we have learned: The English has created 13 colonies on the coast of North America.
Reasons for the colonist discontent:
- No representatives in the British Parliament: they couldn't express their opinion or oppose the laws against their interest
- Constant tax increase
- British trade monopoly over the colonies: they couldn't buy or sell their products to other places
Paqui then explained to us with an outline on the blackboard the American War of Independence Revolutionary War (1775- 1783) and explained us:

- First confrotment: Battles of Lexiston and concord. The British were defected. The colonist got France and Spain support
- 2nd Continental Congress (1776): Declaration amplia difusion of Independence of the USA( (4th July 1776)
- Leador of the Colonist army George Washington
- Man battles: Saratoga (1777) and Yaktown (1781). Finally the Brithish were defeacted
- 1783: Treatry of Paris
Declaration of independence-> During the 2nd Continental Congress of Philadelphia the delegates of the 13 colonies decided to the declare the independence from Great Britain.
Declaration of independence: CONTENT->
- All men are equal and free and have some unallenable rights. The govermmet's role is to guarantee these rights.
- King George hasn't fulfilled his role with respect to the North American colonies
- The colonies have decided to break their political connection with GreatBritain and became an independence nation.
When finished Paqui explain the declaration of independence, we put in Benjamin Frankish internet to teach a picture of the, for us to know who he is.
Benjamin Frankish is a politician, scientist and inventor.
And in the last 10 minutes Paqui class explained as should have been the work of my travel journal, she told us what most people failed, and gave him to see notos and to see the faults we had. And at the end of the class we left on a shelf
Trade: comerciar
Widespread: amplia difusión
East India Company: Compañia de las Indias Orientales
Poth: Camino
1 comment:
You have to add the sources of the pictures you've included and remember that you have to use the PRESENT PERFECT to talk about close events. You have to review before posting, because there are some spelling mistakes you could have avoided. These are my corrections:
Hello, I’m Lidia. Today I will explain what we have done in the Social Sciences lesson. At the beginning of the lesson we have continued with the theory, we have started with Independence of the British colonies of North America and we have learned: The English had created 13 colonies on the coast of North America.
Reasons for the colonists’ discontent:
AfterwardsPaqui has explained (to) us the American War of Independence or Revolutionary War (1775- 1783) with an outline on the blackboard and she has explained us:
• First confrontations: Battles of Lexington and Concord. The British were defeated. The colonists got France and Spain’s support
• 2nd Continental Congress (1776): Declaration (amplia diffusion) of Independence of the USA( (4th July 1776)
• Leader of the Colonist army: George Washington
• Main battles: Saratoga (1777) and Yorktown (1781). Finally the British were defeated
• 1783: Treaty of Paris
We have ended up completing the scheme of the American War of Independence or Revolutionary War (1775- 1783) on the notebook and we have continued with the declaration of independence ( 4th July 1776)
Declaration of independence: CONTENT->
• All men are equal and free and have some unallienable rights. The government's role is to guarantee these rights.
• The colonies have decided to break their political connection with Great Britain and became an independence nation.
When we have finished with the declaration of independence, Paqui has used the Internet to show us a picture of Benjamin Franklin, so that we could know who he is.
Benjamin Franklin was a politician, scientist and inventor.
And in the last 10 minutes Paqui has explained us how the work of my travel journal should have been, she has told us that only one person has failed, and has given us the travel journals to check the marks and the mistakes we had. And at the end of the class we have left them on a shelf
East India Company: Compañía de las Indias Orientales
Path: Camino
That's all. Bye.
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