We have prepared the questions and drawn what our game is going to be in the reality and some minutes later Paqui has came to us and we have explained her the game and (the same) she has also corrected the questions that we had written before. Then we have continued to work on the project.
In the case of my group we have focused0 the project on a game called Trivial, so we are going to use like a table with different colours and cheeses.
Finally, Paqui said to us that we are going to continue with the project next day.

Eva, you have to add a picture to illustrate your journal. You can take a picture of your game board, the scheme you have done or the members of your group.
You should add that I have told you to have a look on the post about the travel journal project and the new vocabulary learnt today. And you should also review the vebs of your journal, because there are several mistakes.
You have forgotten to say that for tomorrow we have to have 100 questions, because we haven't got many time. In my group, we have decided to divide it in three sections, depending on the continent the action is dessarrollated. For example, if we talk about the Inca Empire, this questions belongs to the American section, what about you? Are you going to use funny figures like us?
See you :9
Hello again.
Here you have my corrections and remember that you have to include an image here.
You have to be careful with the present perfect and also with the verb "continue" (not continuous. Continuous is an adjective):
Today in Social Sciences lesson Paqui has said to us that we had to start doing the project about the 16th and 17th centuries, so we have formed the groups to do doing the project. In my case Fátima, Maria Muñoz and María Perez are my classmates in this project.
We have prepared the questions and drawn what our game is going to be in the reality like and some minutes later Paqui has came to us and we have explained her the game and (the same) she has also corrected the questions that we had written before. Then we have continued to work on the project.
In the case of my group we have focused0 the project on a game called Trivial, so we are going to use like a table with different colours and cheeses.
Finally, Paqui said to us that we are going to continue with the project next day.
You had to correct, not copy and paste my corrections. You have to work more.
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