Monday, November 22, 2010

The glass ceiling in the cartoons

Here you have some cartoons that show very well the invisible barrier that prevents women to reach the highest posts in the companies and the administration.


And the last one, that is a play on words between "glass ceiling" and "class ceiling" and shows a real situation in present world.


Mªluz Ortiz S-Manjavacas said...

With this images I understand better the glass ceiling.

Paqui Pérez Fons said...

Hello Mari Luz. I know that you think in me, but I suppose you wanted to write "thank you" ;)


Unknown said...

I think that we have to break this "glass ceiling" with the help of all the people of the world. It'll be a difficult work.

Paqui Pérez Fons said...

Positive discrimination is a helpful policy in order to try to break the glass ceiling. It´s sad that many employers go on discriminating women in the labour market. If people don´t do things voluntarily, they may be obliged to do them by law. If you have an enterprise in the future, I hope that you don´t discriminate anyone and you pay your employees the same salary for the same work. Revolutions start from oneself;)

laura meco said...

This image is really a representation of reality. It's very sad, but it's the true. I think this is very interesting, and it serves us to see how society is, without obeying appariencies.
See you!

laura meco said...

Ah one question... What's the meaning of mind your head? Thanks!

Paqui Pérez Fons said...

"Mind your head" means "be careful with your head". You can hit your head with the invisible glass all women have above our heads ;)

Another expression with "mind" with the same meaning is "mind your step". It´s an advice when there is a risk of stumbling or tripping over something or when the floor is slippery and you can fall.