I'm Jorge and I'm going to explain you what we've learnt in Social Sciences lesson. Today in Social Sciences we've talked about Anarchism. First of all, we've talk about the main ideas, that were the following:
-People were free but institutions limited their possibility of developing their capabilities
-They destroyed everything that limits people's capabilities and let the people decide.
-A collective property
-Trust in revolutionary capabilities
We have differentiated some people:
Mijail Bakunin Pierre Joseph Proudhon Piotr Kropotkin

-"Anarchism stands for the abolition of oppresive and explotative social relations"
This sentence would mean the organization of an egalitarian and co-operative society.
In this period, many anarchists defended the use of violence to eliminate the representatives of capitalism and they prepared terrorist attacks against many people. We can see:

An example of a terrorist attack at the Liceu Theater, Barcelona 1893.
Also we could see that the majority of the anarchists preferred creating unions in order to be organized and educated for revolution.

This was the logo of an anarchist union created in Spain in 1910, called CNT
(Confederación Nacional de Trabajo)
And that's all we've learnt in this class of Social Sciences, see you in the next class, bye!!
( All the images are from https://es.wikipedia.org )
1 comment:
Hello Jorge,
You wrote your journal 3 days late. You had to do it the same day of the lesson, as all your classmates. These are my corrections:
Today in Social Sciences we've talked about Anarchism. First of all, we've talked about the main ideas, that were the following:
-People were free but institutions limited their possibility of developing their capabilities
-They wanted to destroy everything that limits people's capabilities and let the people decide.
- Collective property
-Trust in revolutionary capabilities of industrial workers and peasants
Erase this sentence: ( “We have differentiated some people”) and replace it for this one: The following were the main anarchist thinkers
After that, Paqui has showed as a photo with a phrase:
-"Anarchism stands for the abolition of oppresive and exploitative social relations"
This sentence would mean the organization of an egalitarian and co-operative society.
In this period, some anarchists defended the use of violence to eliminate the representatives of capitalism and they prepared terrorist attacks against many people. We can see:
(Also) We have also learnt that the majority of the anarchists preferred creating unions in order to be organized and educated for revolution.
That's all. I think you can do more than you do. I hope you decide to do a bigger effort in the future. You promised this in the first term, but the second one has been more or less similar. Bye!
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