At the beginning of the class we have talked about Summerhill an Anarchist and british boarding school based on the principles of educating children in complete freedom. The fees of this school are really expensive: from £8,568 to £14,889 per year, depending on the level.
Also we have talked about the right of the public schools, and we have said that the people think that the innovations are only in private schools. In the past only the rich families could go to school.

After this introduction we started to learn the last point of the unit.
Engels and Marx considered that all the workers of the world had fight together against the capitalism, so the International Workingmen's Association (also called IWA).
This association was an intetnational organization created in London in 1864 to coordinate all the workers' efforts against capitalism. The first international included Marxists, Anarchists and Trade unionists. The slogan of this association was " Workers of the world, unite! ".
Currently, there is a famous graffiti with this slogan in London, crated by the famous artist Banksy.
Banksy is an England-based graffiti artist, political activist and film director whose identity is not proven. His satirical street art and subversive epigrams combine dark humour with graffiti executed in a distinctive stenciling technique.
Then we have talked about the 2nd international. The 2nd international was created in 1879. It only included Marxists, and they created the workers' anthem (L'Internationale), the 1st of May became the Labour Day and also they created a campaign for 8 woriking hours.
Some of them wanted to make revolution to reachpower and others wanted to participate in the elections, so for that they didn't have coordination and The Second International dissolved during the First World War.
We have finished the unit and then Paqui has picked up the projects of the industrial revolution. Then Paqui has explained the new project that we have to do for the next term. The project consist in a comic or a video about Spain in the 19th century. In this project we have to include drawings, dialogues and at the end the biography of all the biggest of that period. Then Paqui said us the groups and we have started to organize it.
"Workers of the world, unite!" - "¡Proletarios del mundo, uníos!"
1 comment:
Hello María,
Good work with the information about Banksy. I love his work.
These are my corrections:
At the beginning of the lesson we have talked about Summerhill aBritish anarchist boarding school ….
We have also talked about the right of the public schools, and we have said that (the( people think that the innovations are only in private schools. In the past only the rich families could go to school.
After this introduction we have started to learn the last point of the unit.
Engels and Marx considered that all the workers of the world had to fight together against the capitalism, so they promoted the creation of the International Workingmen's Association (also called IWA)
This association was an intetnational organization created in London in 1864 to coordinate all the workers' efforts against capitalism. The first International included Marxists, Anarchists and Trade unionists. The slogan of this association was " Workers of the world, unite! ".
Currently, there is a famous graffiti with this slogan in London, created by the famous artist Banksy.
Then we have talked about the 2nd international. The 2nd international was created in 1879. It only included Marxists, and they created the workers' anthem (L'Internationale), the 1st of May became the Labour Day and also they created a campaign for 8 working hours.
Some of them wanted to make revolution to reach power and others wanted to participate in the elections, so for that they didn't have coordination and the Second International dissolved during the First World War.
We have finished the unit and then Paqui has picked up the projects of the industrial revolution. Then Paqui has explained the new project that we have to do for the next term. The project consists of a comic or a video about Spain in the 19th century. In this project we have to include drawings, dialogues and at the end the biography of all the biggest figures of that period. Then Paqui has said to us the groups and we have started to organize it.
That's all. Bye!
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