Thursday, March 17, 2016

Thursday, 17th March

Hi, mates! Today is my turn to do the journal and my birthday too and Paqui has thought that the best present could be the honour of doing the journal... Thanks, Paqui T.T

Well, during the class we have continued with the projects about Spain in the 19th century. In my group (María M, Fernando, Lidia and me) we have thought about the idea of dividing the unit into different points, so finally we should have one comic divided in seven chapters: Charles IV's Reign, The Peninsular War, Ferdinand VII's Reign, The Regencies, Isabella II's Reign, the Democratic Sexenio and the Restoration. 

Days ago we started reading and translating each point of the unit to understand what we had to work about; last Tuesday we started sketching the chapter about Charles IV's Reign and we finished it so Paqui corrected it too. In that chapter we have told the story (or history, I'm not sure because it's a comic about history... hum... sorry, let's continue) but we have included some parts or dialogues about, for example, what you could think if a buddy forced you to fight with his army. Sorry, he wasn't a "buddy", he was "Charles IV's prime minister", be careful. 
Today we have continued sketching the Peninsular War but we have no finished because just one paragraph is about one sheet, we have done until the third paragraph (about  how the Supreme Central Board assumed the regency and organized the defense of the country). 

As we have no time we have decided to divide each point among each mate to understand and think about how we could sketch some points, for example I have to think up about Isabella II's Reign and the Restoration. Then, we will meet and we will start making the cover and we will draw it out. Is it me or we are so slow?

Oh dear, I hope a great final result. Paqui, be tolerant, please. Good luck, class!!


1 comment:

Paqui Pérez Fons said...

Hello Irene,

Sorry for spoiling your birthday with the homework :(

There are not many mistakes in your journal. Only some words to erase, that I have written in brackets:

Well, during the class we have continued with the projects about Spain in the 19th century. In my group (María M, Fernando, Lidia and me) we have thought about the idea of dividing the unit into different points, so finally we should have one comic divided in seven chapters: Charles IV's Reign, The Peninsular War, Ferdinand VII's Reign, The Regencies, Isabella II's Reign, the Democratic Sexenio and the Restoration.

Days ago we started reading and translating each point of the unit to understand what we had to work about; last Tuesday we started sketching the chapter about Charles IV's Reign and we finished it, so Paqui corrected it too. In that chapter we have told the story (or history, I'm not sure because it's a comic about history... hum... sorry, let's continue) but we have included some parts or dialogues about, for example, what you could think if a buddy forced you to fight with his army. Sorry, he wasn't a "buddy", he was (the) "Charles IV's prime minister", be careful.

Today we have continued sketching the Peninsular War, but we have not finished because just one paragraph is about one sheet, we have done until the third paragraph (about how the Supreme Central Board assumed the regency and organized the defense of the country).

As we have no time, we have decided to divide each point among each mate to understand and think about how wecould sketch some points, for example I have to think up about Isabella II's Reign and the Restoration. Then, we will meet and we will start making the cover and we will draw it out. Is it me or we are so slow(ly)?

In my opinion, the best way to go faster is working individually at home. Everybody reads a part, writes the ideas about how to explain it as a comic strip and when you meet, you share your ideas, choose the best option, make the sketch and go on with the next part. You need to work individually at home to spare time in class.
