Hi everyone I'm Maria.
Today in social science we have reviewed the territories
that the kings of the 17th century lost: Portugal and all its colonies, the
Rosellon and Cerdaña, and the Low Countries after the 30 years’ war.
We also have studied the reign of Charles II (Philip II and
Mariana of Austria’s son).
Charles II was hermaphrodite because his genetic was mixed
(XXY), he had a feminine face and small genitals. He married two times, one
with Maria Luisa of Orleans and other with Mariana of Neoburg (because in his family
the women had many children), but he finally didn’t have any successor.
He needed help constantly for all (walk, write, eat...). He learnt to speak, write, read and walk very late.
He needed help constantly for all (walk, write, eat...). He learnt to speak, write, read and walk very late.
He sometimes tried to be a good monarch but he had two
Many people thought that he was possessed by demons because
he had many attacks of epilepsy, and they practised him exorcism.
He was on the verge of death many times and at the end of his life he was consumed. Here is a description of his death that Paqui has put on the smart board:
The physician who practiced his autopsy stated that his body
"did not contain a single drop of blood; his heart was the size of a
peppercorn; his lungs corroded; his intestines rotten and gangrenous; he had a
single testicle, black as coal, and his head was full of water.
Charles II seemed old with 30 years,
His last testament designed Philip of Bourbon as king, but the Austrias and other powers in Europe didn’t like, so the Succession War started.
We have studied that there were a lot of problems in
population (decrease) , the economic recession due to the expulsion of the Moorish, the less
demand for products, the nobility was the model of society and the manual work
was seen as an offense, too.
Hello María! it's a good work, but I think you should include more information about the validos because, in my opinion they were very important. I remember Paqui said to us that, one of the validos, John Joseph of Austria was Philip IV's bastard son and Charles II's half brother. He finally became Charles II's prime minister and he tried to improve the economic situation,but he couldn't because he died early. Later, Duke of Medinaceli became John Joseph of Austria's successor.
See you in class! bye!
Hello María,
Here you have my corrections. As Fátima said, you could add more information and also the new words for the glossary.
Today in Social Sciences we have reviewed the territories that the kings of the 17th century lost: Portugal and all its colonies, the Rosellon and Cerdaña, and the Low Countries after the 30 years’ war.
We havealso studied Charles II’s reign (Philip II and Mariana of Austria’s son).
Charles II was a hermaphrodite because his genetic was mixed (XXY), he had a feminine face and small genitals. He married two times, one to Maria Luisa of Orleans and other to Mariana of Neoburg (because in her family (the) women had many children), but he finally didn’t have any successors.
He needed help constantly for all (walk, write, eat...). He learnt to speak, write, read and walk very late.
Many people thought that he was possessed by demons because he had many attacks of epilepsy, and they practised him exorcisms.
He was on the verge of death many times and at the end of his life he was consumed. Here is a description of his death that Paqui has showed on the smart board:
His last testament designated Philip of Bourbon as king, but the Austrias and other powers in Europe didn’t like this, so the Succession War started.
At the end of the class we have corrected the writing about Antonio Perez, who was the secretary of Philip II and the responsible for the murder of Juan of Escobedo. He first escaped to Aragon because he wanted the protection of the Justicia of Aragon, but he finally escaped to France.
That's all. Bye!
Please, you also have to include a title for your post. Bye.
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