Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Tuesday, 17th of March 2015

Hello everybody!

Today in Social Sciences we have learnt about the types of colonies that exited during the second half of the 19th century. There were three types of colonies:

- Colonies of exploitation: they totally depended on the metropolis.
- Colonies of settlement: The had an autonomus goverment, but their froeign policy was controlled by the metropolis.
- Protectorates: In theory they were independent, because they had an indigenous origin, but they didn't have an independent foreign policy.

Then we have continue with the point D of the 2nd point of the unit "The scramble for África and Berlín Conference":

In less than 30 years all África was distributed among several Euroean countries. As there were opposed proyects of expansion there was a risk of confrontation in Europe and a conference in Berlin was called in 1885. The main decisions were:

- The country that occupied the coast of a territory could also seize the interior.
- Free navigation of the African rivers.
- Creation of the Congo Free State, given to king Leopold II of Belgium.

The consequences were:

All the continent was distributed between the Europeans. Only Liberia, Abyssinia and Morocco remained free.
That's all.
Colonies in Africa during this period.
Source: http://www.itiscannizzaro.net/Ianni/booksweb/sitodarkness/papers/fabrizioanna.htm

We have also copied some words on the glossary:

- Colonies of settlement: colonias de poblamiento.
- Belligerent: beligarante.
- Suez canal: Canal de Suez.
- Scramble: barullo, lio...
- Coveted: codiciado.
- Clumy: torpe.
- Rubber: caucho.
- Massacre: masacre.
- Heart of darkness: El corazón de las tinieblas.

Remember for next thursday to write on the notebook the name of the colonies included in every empire in this period and to do exercises 9 and 10 from page 41.

See you soon!


Okon said...

Hello , very well Fernando very complete the journal but you forgot that Paqui hand over the examn at the end of class

Paqui Pérez Fons said...

Hello Fernando,

These are my corrections:

Hello everybody!

Today in Social Sciences we have learnt about the types of colonies that existed during the second half of the 19th century. There were three types of colonies:

- Colonies of exploitation: they totally depended on the metropolis.
- Colonies of settlement: The had an autonomous government, but their foreign policy was controlled by the metropolis.
- Protectorates: In theory they were independent, because they had an indigenous government, but they didn't have an independent foreign policy.

Then we have continued with the point D of the 2nd point of the unit "The scramble for África and Berlin Conference":

In less than 30 years all Africa was distributed among several European countries. As there were opposed projects of expansion, there was a risk of confrontation in Europe and a conference in Berlin was called in 1885. The main decisions were:

- The country that occupied the coast of a territory could also seize the interior.
- Free navigation of the African rivers.
- Creation of the Congo Free State, given to king Leopold II of Belgium.

The consequences were:

All the continent was distributed between the Europeans. Only Liberia, Abyssinia and Morocco remained free.
That's all.
We have also copied some words on the glossary:

- Colonies of settlement: colonias de poblamiento.
- Belligerent: beligerante.
- Suez canal: Canal de Suez.
- Scramble: barullo, lío...
- Coveted: codiciado.
- Clumsy: torpe.
- Rubber: caucho.
- Massacre: masacre.
- Heart of darkness: El corazón de las tinieblas.

Remember for next Thursday to write on the notebook the name of the colonies included in every empire in this period and to do exercises 9 and 10 from page 41.


Paqui Pérez Fons said...

Hello Fernando,

These are my corrections:

Hello everybody!

Today in Social Sciences we have learnt about the types of colonies that existed during the second half of the 19th century. There were three types of colonies:

- Colonies of exploitation: they totally depended on the metropolis.
- Colonies of settlement: The had an autonomous government, but their foreign policy was controlled by the metropolis.
- Protectorates: In theory they were independent, because they had an indigenous government, but they didn't have an independent foreign policy.

Then we have continued with the point D of the 2nd point of the unit "The scramble for África and Berlin Conference":

In less than 30 years all Africa was distributed among several European countries. As there were opposed projects of expansion, there was a risk of confrontation in Europe and a conference in Berlin was called in 1885. The main decisions were:

- The country that occupied the coast of a territory could also seize the interior.
- Free navigation of the African rivers.
- Creation of the Congo Free State, given to king Leopold II of Belgium.

The consequences were:

All the continent was distributed between the Europeans. Only Liberia, Abyssinia and Morocco remained free.
That's all.
We have also copied some words on the glossary:

- Colonies of settlement: colonias de poblamiento.
- Belligerent: beligerante.
- Suez canal: Canal de Suez.
- Scramble: barullo, lío...
- Coveted: codiciado.
- Clumsy: torpe.
- Rubber: caucho.
- Massacre: masacre.
- Heart of darkness: El corazón de las tinieblas.

Remember for next Thursday to write on the notebook the name of the colonies included in every empire in this period and to do exercises 9 and 10 from page 41.
