Monday, March 2, 2015

Monday, 2nd of March 2015.

Hello everybody!

Today in our Social Sciences lesson, Paqui has started the class adding a brief paragraph about Austrian control to point 1 of the Unit 5 a brief paragraph about the situation of Italy and Germany before the Unifications.

  • AUSTRIAN CONTROL: -Lombardy-Venetia. -Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. Parma, Modena, Tuscany and Papal states. 38 states, the biggest ones Austria and Prussia.
Then we have started the point 2: Age of Empires. This point is divided into five sections: 

A) Definitions.
B) Causes, justification and attitudes towards imperialism.
C) The scramble for Africa and Berlin Conference.
D) The big colonial empires.
E) Consequences of colonialism.

And when we have finished to copy this we have started the section A) Definitions. First we have copied two basic definitions from the blackboard:
  • COLONY: territory controlled by another country or dependent from it.
  • EMPIRE: union of territories depending from the same ruler, called mother country. If the empire is formed by colonies, these territories are submitted to the mother country and didn't have an independent existence.
Then Paqui has explained the meaning of Colonialism and the Age of Empires. 
  • COLONIALISM: is the establishment of colonies in one territory by people from another place.
  • AGE OF EMPIRES: was an era between the last decades of the 19th century and the first decades of the 20th century in which the most industrialized countries extended their control and influence to other territories. They took advantage of their technological superiority and created colonies in many cases.
After that we have finished the section A, so we have started the section B) Causes, justification and attitudes towards imperalism. 
  • CAUSES OF COLONIALISM: it's divided into three types of reasons: economic, demographic and political. The most important reason is Economic reasons the search for cheap raw materials and workers, markets to sell manufactured products and invest capitals. Demographic reasons: emigration was encouraged by the governments to reduce the excess of population and social conflicts. And Political reasons: control strategic places or gain international prestige.
  • JUSTIFICATION TO IMPERIALISM: Europeans tried to justify their ambitions by saying that they had the responsibility of civilizing the least developed territories of the colonies. But this wasn't true: it was an excuse based on racism.
  • ATTITUDES TOWARDS COLONIALISM: -Most of the people were indiferent. -Many politicians were in favour of colonialism. -A minority of the politicians, trade unionists and socialists. 
During the lesson we have added some new words for the vocabulary like:

-SCRAMBLE: barullo, tumulto.
-TO SCRAMBLE: salir.
-MOTHER COUNTRY: metrópoli.
-AGE OF EMPIRES: la era del Imperialismo.
-TO SEIZE: ocupar, anexionarse.
-DECOLONIZATION: descolonización.
-SETTLEMENT: asentamiento.
-CIVILIZING MISSION: misión civilizadora.
-JOHN BULL: personification of the UK.
-UNCLE SAM: personification of the US.

At the end of the lesson she has said to us that no one has fail the project and she has given from homework to look for the definition of Social Darwinism (darwinismo social) for homework.

Benjamin Disraeli.



Paqui Pérez Fons said...


These are my corrections:

Today in our Social Sciences lesson, Paqui has started the class adding a brief paragraph about Austrian control to point 1 of the Unit 5 a brief paragraph about the situation of Italy and Germany before the Unifications.

You’ve made an important mistake here, because you didn’t pay enough attention. This is what you should have written:

- Italy before the unification: 7 States, 2 of which (Lombardy and Venetia and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies) were under Austrian control
- Germany before the unification: 38 states, the biggest ones Austria and Prussia.

And when we have finished to copy this we have started the section A) Definitions. First we have copied two basic definitions from the blackboard:
• COLONY: territory controlled by another country or dependent from it.
• EMPIRE: union of territories depending from the same ruler, called mother country. If the empire is formed by colonies, these territories are submitted to the mother country and didn't have an independent existence.
Then Paqui has explained the meaning of Colonialism and the Age of Empires.

After that we have finished the section A, so we have started the section B) Causes, justification and attitudes towards imperialism.
• CAUSES OF COLONIALISM: it’ divided into three types of reasons: economic, demographic and political. The most important reason is Economic reasonsthe search for cheap raw materials and workers, markets to sell manufactured products and invest capitals. Demographic reasons: emigration was encouraged by the governments to reduce the excess of population and social conflicts. And Political reasons: control strategic places or gain international prestige.
• JUSTIFICATION TO IMPERIALISM: Europeans tried to justifytheir ambitions by saying that they had the responsibility of civilizing the least developed territories of the colonies. But this wasn't true: it was an excuse based on racism.

You’ve forgotten the CIVILIZING MISSION
• ATTITUDES TOWARDS COLONIALISM: -Most of the people were indifferent. -Many politicians were in favour of colonialism. -A minority of the politicians, trade unionists and socialists.
During the lesson we have added some new words for the vocabulary like:

-SCRAMBLE: barullo, tumulto.
-TO SCRAMBLE: salir en estampida

-UNCLE SAM: personification of the US.

At the end of the lesson she has said to us that no one has failed the project and she has given to look for the definition of Social Darwinism (darwinismo social) for homework.

You have to do more than copying the notes on the journal. Bye.

Rosario Muñoz said...

Thanks Paqui for your work. I have corrected now the errors. Bye!