Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Hello everybody!
Today in class we have finished the scheme of the Charles I's reign. We have studied the external problems: Revolt of the germanias in Aragon, from 1521 to 1523, and the revolt of Comuneros in 1521. Jose Mari and Amalia have corrected this and I didn't have it so I have a negative. After this Paqui has started to explain the Charles I's sucession. In 1556, he abdicated and his heritage was divided between his brother Ferdinand(emperor) and his son Philipp(the rest except Burgundy). He retired to the monastery of Yuste, where he died in 1558. Later we have copied like a scheme about the Philipp II's reign(1556-1598) We have copied his heritage and his territories added, but we haven't had time to copy the government and the objetives of his reign and problems, so we have to finish at home. After this we have gone to the breaktime, because we have social sciences at 3th hour. Also in class we have copied some words on the glossary:
-Low rank noble: Noble de categoría inferior
-to changue side: Cambiar de bando
-Barbary pirates: piratas berberiscos
- to siege: sitiar
-peace of Ausburg: paz de Ausburgo
-Habsburg: hasburgo(dinasty)
-To stink/suck: Apestar
Here you have an image of Philipp II,:


papefonsclase said...


Plase, include a title for your journal. I'll be back tonight to correct the mistakes.


Paqui Pérez Fons said...

Hello again,
As I told you, you have to write the title of your post (day of the lesson: 7th of October (Tuesday) and add a label with your name. Erase the things in brackets and correct the mistakes highlighted in bold font.

These are my corrections:

-we have finished the scheme of the Charles I's reign. We have studied the external problems. (revolt of the Germanias in Aragon, from 1521 to 1523, and the revolt of Comuneros in 1521).

- After this Paqui has started to explain (the) Charles I's sucession.

-After this/ Later we have copied like a scheme about the Philipp II's reign(1556-1598)

- but we haven’t had time to copy the government and the objectives of his reign and problems,

- After this/ Later we have gone to…

- to chang(u)e side: Cambiar de bando

-Barbary pirates: piratas berberiscos

- “suck” doesn’t mean “apestar”. Erase this word, because it's a four letter word (and very dirty).

- Here you have an image of Philipp II,:

That's all. Bye!

Paqui Pérez Fons said...

You didn't correct some of the mistakes and you didn't add the source of the picture.