- As the project consists of an autobiography told by both monarchs, you should make a research about Charles I and Philip II's lives to add some personal information about these two figures: their family, their children, their loves (if they had them), their hobbies, some anecdotes... Here you have some links in Spanish about Charles I and Philip II:
- As for the content, it has to be historically accurate. This means that you can't forget about the historical facts and the main events and problems of each reign. You have to include them. Include also the main facts about the Indies in each reign:
- Charles I's reign: a short summary of the discoveries and conquests done during the Catholic Monarchs' reign and after this, the conquests of the Aztec and Inca empires, the explorations developed during his reign, the creation of the main administrative institutions (vicerroyalties), the New Laws of the Indies to protect the natives from exploitation after Bartolomé de las Casas complaints...
- Philip II's reign: here you should include the addition of the Philippines (called this way to honour Philip II) and you could also explain the exploitation systems and colonial society in the Indies.
Historical accuracy doesn0t mean that the script has to be boring. You can introduce humour and some jokes to make it funnier.

- Look up for paintings where Charles I and Philip II appear in order to keep some physical similarities with the characters you draw. These paintings can also be useful for you to draw the scenes' decoration.
- You don't need to make perfect drawings. Here you have some examples and advice about how to draw comic strips with stickmen:

- Write a storyboard with sketches with the content you want to explain before starting to draw. Here you have an example:

- You can make the paper you use look older, as if it was a parchment. Here you have some techniques:
Using coffee or tea is the easiest way. Here you have a short video that shows how to do it:
And finally, don't forget to show me the text before writing the definitive version. This way I will be able to correct the grammar mistakes before.
The deadline for the project will be Friday, the 14th of October.
The deadline for the project will be Friday, the 14th of October.
If you have any doubts. ask me.
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