Hi It's Manal, today It's my turn to do the journal, so let's start!
At first we've seen some maps about the unification of Italy and Germany.We've also seen an interactive map where we can see the processs of the German unification. We studied the Italy's unification the other day, so let's do a small review, then, we will summarize the german unification.
The italian monarchy culminated on 1861, and Victor-Emmanuel was the first king of Italy. Victor Emmanuel was Amadeus I' father, who was the king of Spain.
Let's review the German unification!
The germany confederation was created after the Congress of Vienna, it included 38 estates wich shared language and a common past. Austria and Prussia were the most important states. Prussia industrialized very quickly. Prussia led the creation of a custom union, the Zollverein. All the German states joined it except Austria.
Wilhem I of Prussia
Otto von Bismarck,He was Prussia's prime minister.
Otto von Bismarck,He was Prussia's prime minister.

The enemies of the German unification were France and Austria.There were three unification wars:
1st War against Denmark(1864)
Denmark controlled Schleswing and Holstein. Austria and Prussia declared war to Denmark and conquered Schleswing and Austria got Holstein.
2nd War against Austria(1866)The German states of the north joined Prussia against Austria. Prussia and its allies defeated Austria and all the German states of the north created the North German Confederation.
The North German Confederation is the red one.
3rd War against France (1870)
Spain was looking for a monarch:
Bismarck knew thhat he needed a common cause to unite all the German States and he looked for a casus belli against France, the traditional enemy of the Germans.
He manipulated a dispatch that expalained the result of a conversation between Kaiser Wilhem I and the French ambassador at Ems Spa.The conversation about the possible candidacy of Leopold Hohenzollern to the throne of Spain had been friendly, but bismark manipulated the dispatch, sharpening the language and presentig the Frenhc ambassador's words as unacceptable.
Bismarck knew thhat he needed a common cause to unite all the German States and he looked for a casus belli against France, the traditional enemy of the Germans.
He manipulated a dispatch that expalained the result of a conversation between Kaiser Wilhem I and the French ambassador at Ems Spa.The conversation about the possible candidacy of Leopold Hohenzollern to the throne of Spain had been friendly, but bismark manipulated the dispatch, sharpening the language and presentig the Frenhc ambassador's words as unacceptable.
France had no other option than declaring war to Prussia.All the German states united against France, wich was defeated, the 2nd French Empire ended, France lost Alsace and Lorraine and the 2nd Reich was proclaimed
Here you have the complete chart:
Customs union: unión aduanera
Tariffs: aranceles
Chancellor: canciller
Casus Belli: motivo de guerra
Spa: Balneario
Hi Manal! Your journal is very good!, I think you should include the information Paqui has explained us about why Austria didn't join to the custom union. In my opinion it's not really important, but it's an interesting information. I remember Paqui has explained us that the custom union was created with the objective of buy and sell things from and to other States. Austria wasn't interested in this because it was a kingdom where a lot of peasants lived, so they didn't need to buy products from other States, but as you have say this carried a lot of problems.
Good Job! See you in class!
Hi Manal! As Fátima has said your journal is very complete and in my opinion people can studied from here. I agree with Fátima, maybe you should included more about Austia.
You also can included that finally the king of Spain was Amadeus I from Italy, it's not very important but it's curious to know.
It's all,
Good job and good luck with the exam.
Thanks Fátima and Anca, I'll see how can I improve it!
Hello again,
These are my corrections:
- You should explain Bismarck’s manipulation of the Ems Dispatch to provoke a war against France and get the support of all the German states.
- As for the pictures, remember that you have to open them after finding them on Google images, because if not, the source is too long.
- There is a mistake with the picture of Wilhem I of Prussia. You have included a picture of Frederick Wilhem III of Prussia. Here you have a link to a picture of Wilhem I:
And these are the corrections:
Hi It's Manal, today it's my turn to do the journal, so let's start!
At first we've seen some maps about the unification of Italy and Germany.We've also seen an interactive map where we can see the process of the German unification. We studied the Italy's unification the other day, so let's do a small review, then, we will summarize the German unification.
The Italian monarchy culminated in 1861, and Victor-Emmanuel was the first king of Italy. Victor Emmanuel was Amadeus I' father, who was the king of Spain.
Let's review the German unification!
The germany confederation was created after the Congress of Vienna, it included 38 estates wich shared language and a common past. Austria and Prussia were the most important states. Prussia industrialized very quickly. Prussia led the creation of a customs unión, the Zollverein. All the German states joined it except Austria.
Wilhem I of Prussia
Otto von Bismarck
1st War against Denmark (1864)
Denmark controlled Schleswig and Holstein. Austria and Prussia declared war to Denmark and conquered Schleswig and Austria got Holstein.
2ndWar against Austria(1866)
The German states of the north joined Prussia against Austria. Prussia and its allies defeated Austria and all the German states of the north créated the North German Confederation.
The North German Confederation is the red one.
3rd War against France (1870)
All the G erman states united against France, wich was defeated, the 2nd French Empire ended, France lost Alsace and Lorraine and the 2nd Reich was proclaimed
Casus Belli: motivo de guerra
Witty: agudo
That's all. Bye!
Good work, Manal.
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