Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wednesday, 23rd February 2011

View more presentations from papefons

Today in Social Sciencies, Ana Margarita has came to the class. We have checked the exercisers about trade. The first exercise consisted in say what is the relationship between the number of workers in the tertiary sector and the development of a country. The relationship is: THE MORE DEVELOPED A COUNTRY IS, THE MORE WORKERS WILL WORK IN THE TERTIARY SECTOR. The second exercise was the definition of trade. Trade is the economic activity that consists of exchanging products for money or other products ( barter). In other exercise we have explained the difference between wholesale and retail trade. In WHOLESALE TRADE, big amounts of products are exchanged. Wholesalers buy big amounts of products to the producers and they sell them to other traders or enterprises. In RETAIL TRADE, products are sold in small quantity in shops, markets, supermarkets...We have explained also, the difference between exports and imports, EXPORTS are the sales of a country to other countries and IMPORTS are the purchases of products of other countries. In the last exercise we have explained the difference between Trade Balance and the Balance of Payments. Ana Margarita has asked us some questions about the things that we learnt last day, to do a rewiev. Afterwards, we have continued with the power point about the means of transports and we have seen the infrastructures of every mean of transport. Talking about the infrastructures of the planes,Paqui has told us, that the most serious accident of plane was caused by don´t clean the runway, so, when the plain took off, it crashed with a piece of another plain and it produced a big explosion. All the people died. Paqui has said us that, the big companies such as IBERIA are safer. Then we have read on the book the last part of transport and it was about the Transport Revolution in 19th century. Speed increased and the duration and cost os trips reduced. More people could travel and international relations and trade increased.

Every mean of transport needs different infrastructures and has adevantages and disadvantages. Paqui has said to us that we have to do a chart about the different uses, infrastructures, advantages and disadvantages of the ground and maritime transport for homework. We have started to do it in the class but the bell has rang. At the end os the lesson I have asked to Paqui some questions about the project of the Secondary or Tertiary sector.
Here I include a link about the plane accidents:

1 comment:

Paqui Pérez Fons said...

Very good, Rebeca!

I have centered the presentation an changed the location of the picture you´ve chosen. This way texts and images are distributed better.

Only a few remarks: one is about the plane crash of the Concorde. The cause of this accident was a piece of another plane on the runway (landing strip), not in the hangar.This was one of the most serious plane accidents in the history of aviation, but there have been more plane accidents with more people killed. Here you have a link to a website that includes information and statistics about plane accidents. If you want, you can include the link on your post.

It´s better that you change bloody for serious. The plane > crashed. You have to change these words. And finally, review how you ´ve written the word "advantages".

Well done!