Tuesday, September 30, 2014

30th of September (Tuesday)

Hi, I'm Camila!
Today in class of social sciences we had to have finished the proyects. The teacher have started to ask to the groups some questions about the renaissance art. First she have asked to the group of Inés, Amalia and Fernando who is Michelangelo and more others questions. Then she have asked to Débora and I the main features of the renaissance art, the characteristics of the architecture, sculpture and painting, the main center of Quattrocento and Cinquecento and theirs more important patrons. Later she have ask to the other groups.

The rest of the class there was very interesting because we were looking a lot of images in the whiteboard about architectural elements elements like the the Basilica of Saint Peter in Rome and the Church of San Lorenzo in Florence. We can also have seen a lot of paintings like The School of Athens, Primavera, Birth of Venus and more others, but in this class we have talked a lot about The Mona Lisa or Gioconda. The teacher have explained us that Leonarado Da Vinci, the man who paint this painting, had a pupil or partner who also painted a Mona Lisa but a little bit different, this one were more clear and have more different details.

Leonardo. La Gioconda (1503-06). Musée du Louvre/A. Dequier-M. Bard

Source: http://losgrandesrobosdearte.wordpress.com/2011/11/01/quien-se-atrevio-a-robar-la-gioconda/

Source: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Gioconda

And during the class we also have copied some words in the glossary, are these:
Contest: concurso.
Vanishing point: punto de fuga.
Paraglider: parapente.
X-rays: rayos X.
Androgynous: androgino.
Rider: jinete.
Rampant: rampante.

30th of September (Tuesday)

Hello everyone, I'm Azahara:

Today, our social sciences lesson has been very interesting. First of all we have sat down. Later Paqui has told us that she has checked some of our brochures. After that, Paqui has written a scheme about Renaissance art in the Iberian Peninsula. The scheme wasn't complete, that was our work, to complete ir while we were watching the presentation in the whiteboard.

There were three different parts in our sheme. The first one was architecture. We have seen that there are three different types of architecture. The first one is Plateresque, whose main feature was the imitation of the work of silversmiths, one important example is the Facade of the university of Salamanca.
The second style of architecture is Classicism, whose main feature was the use of clasical elements: columns, pediments... One example is the Palace of Charles V in Granada by Pedro Machuca.
And the third one is Herrerian, whose main features were sober, austere, proportionated buildings without decoration, like the Monastery of San Lorenzo del Escorial by Juan Herrera. Paqui has told us that our church is very similar to the Monastery of San Lorenzo.

The second part of our scheme was sculpture, whose main features were the influence by Michelangelo, religious themes and the use of different materials. Some examples of sculptors and works were: Juan de Juni with "The Burial of Christ" and Alonso de Berruguete with "The sacrifice of Isaac". And the last part of our scheme was painting. The main features of painting were the religious themes and El Greco was the most important artist with works like "The Burial of Count Orgaz" or "The Despoiling".

After we have completed our schemes, we have talked about the different works and artists of the Renaissance art, specially about El Greco and his works.

This is a picture of the famous painting of El Greco, "The Burial of Count Orgaz". I have chosen this painting because this year is the 400th anniversary of the death of this painter. 

At the end of the class we have started to copy the second point: "The 16th Century in the Iberian Peninsula; the Hispanic Empire and the Hispanic Monarchy". And Paqui has given us some homework, to write the territories Charles I recieved when his parents and grandparents died.

Monday, September 29, 2014

29th September 2014 (Monday)

Hello I'm Stefania!

Today in the class of Social Sciences we have done many things:
 First of all as we have arrived to the class, Paqui has told us that she was going to ask us a little bit of the information that have our projects, to check if we know about what we were working.

Paqui has asked  Nuria about the main features of the Renaissance, then Paqui has asked Pablo about the different part into which the Renaissance is divided. Then Paqui has asked Azahara and me about our project and about the architecture of the Renaissance period. She has asked us about some artist and some of their works. And she has continued asking to all the classmates.

During this time we have also watched the paintings, sculptures or the architects on the white digital board and we have spoken about the pictures.

Paqui has also remembered us the name of the artist who made the cover the genitals of the  frescoes of the Sistine Chapel that was painted by Michelangelo previously.His name is Daniele da Volterra , but he is well kown as "Il Braghetone".

We have also spoken about The Pietá , Paqui has told us that Michelangelo made the face of the Virgin in a strange way, the face of the Virgin was made as the face of a younger girl not as a girl that is mother of a 33 years old man, with this he wanted to represent a woman who hadn't had sexual relation with a man.

Clara has said that one of the most curious things that she found in her project was that Michelangelo only signed Pietá. 

Paqui has also mentioned that both Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo were homosexual and we have seen a painting that Da Vinci made of one of his apprentices called Salai. Paqui has told us that in the museum El Prado there is a "Gioconda" and it was possibly to be painted by Salai 

Today we have copied some words in our glossary:                                                                         
To fund/to finance=financiar
To starve=morirse de hambre
commision(a work)=encargar
to crossify=crucificar
courtyard=patio(de un monasterio)
At the end of the class Paqui has taken our projects.
Bye, bye! See you tomorrow!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

26th Semptember 2014

Hello I'm Rodrigo

I have some problems with my computer, and I have to write this post with my brother's computer, because my computer is broken.

Today in Social Sciences the teacher Paqui has explained that we have to correct the mistakes of our journals.

Then, the teacher Paqui has told us some information about the proyect of the Renaissance art, and we have worked in class. Jose Luis and I are doing a good job, and your works? Tell me in the comments to this post

We have copied some vocabulary ( I'm posting in now)

-scuba diver: buzo
-scuba diver suit: traje de buzo
-auction: subasta
-to sell at auction: vender en una subast'a
-ground-breaking: pionero

Later Paqui has showed us an intertaining video on the digital whiteboard . I'm posting another video that explain more or less the Renaissance. I like it!

Goodbye classmates!!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Leonardo da Vinci's inventions

Here you will find some interesting information about Leonardo da Vinci's discoveries and inventions. Leonardo used a research method based on experience and reasoning and his discoveries were ground-breaking in many fields: aviation, scuba diving, anatomy, military weapons... On the following video you can learn a little more about Leonardo's inventions. The man speaks very fast, but you have to try to understand the basic information he explains. 

And on this link you will find more information about Leonardo's inventions: 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thursday, september 25th

Hello classmates!!

Today in the class of Social Sciences we have continued working on our project of  Reinassence Art. Today, my classmate and I, Alfredo, have done the text about architecture, painting and sculpture to put in our brochure. All the people in the class were working.

Today Paqui has also explained the difference between other and another and the difference is:
-Another means in Spanish "otro" in singular.
-Other means in Spanish "otros" in plural.
And if you say "cualquier otro día" you have to say any other day.

After that, we have continued with our brochures because next day we have to give them to Paqui and she will ask us questions about our project, for example the main stages (Quattrocento and Cinquecento) or a part of the architecture.

Next we have continued writting and some minutes later  Paqui has stopped the class to tell us some interesting things about Reinaissance. For example, in one of the most famous painting of Michelangelo, the Sistine Chapel, naked and another painter, called il braghettone covered all the genitals and we have asked Paqui what is that, and she has told us that in Spanish the word il braghettone means "tapa vergüenzas" and we have laughed because for us, it has been funny. We have also added this word to our glossary.

Source: http://www.harteconhache.com/2012/11/los-dos-rombos-de-la-capilla-sixtina.html

Source: http://www.forocoches.com/foro/showthread.php?t=2231032&page=2

I think that this class has been interesting because with this work we are learning a lot of things about Renaissance. I agree with this work but maybe the next day when Paqui is asking us my opinion will change because we are a little scared. Good luck for everybody.

See you on Monday!

25th September 2014 (Thursday)

Hello everybody!! I’m Amalia.

Today in Social sciences’ lesson we have continued doing our group projects: In my group we have selected the information and also the picture that we are going to use, we are going to start writing tomorrow.

Later Paqui has showed us in the whiteboard the famous Michelangelo’s  Sistine Chapel pictures , and she has also explained us curious things about them:

-The ceiling of the basilica : We know that Michelangelo spent three years painting this ceiling. The ceiling is about the Old Testament . There we can see other ‘’smaller’’ famous paintings as the creation of Adam. He painted that alone.

                                                 Sistine Chapel Ceiling by Michelangelo

Source: http://allmyfriendstravel.com/vatican-city-italy/sistine-chapel-ceiling-michelangelo/

-The last judgement : This great painting is found behind the altar. It’s about the New Testament and there are three parts: In  the center we can find Christ , on the left there is the heaven, and on the right the hell. In the hell we can see a man who has donkey ears and a snake is bitting him , this man criticised Michelangelo's work and he took revenge. Many years later the Vatican hired a japonesse company to clean the drawing because it became too dark.

                                                   The last judgement by Michelangelo 
Source: http://www.italian-renaissance-art.com/Last-Judgement.html

Michelangelo was protect by the pope ,who commissioned  the works of  art, as he was protected he could do whatewer he wants,  thats why he draw naked people and the pope had to hire another painter to hide the genitals .This painter was called Il Braguettone which means ''taparrabos'' in spanish.
We have also seen a virtual tour around the chapel.

After that, she has left us to work again in our proyects and later she has shown us  a really funny video about Rennaissance man.

                               Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CRX_mqpzdU
At the end of the lesson Paqui has told us to bring some famous quotes and she also  has read us some of them.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Agony and the Ecstasy

The Agony and the Ecstasy (1965) is a very good film that tells the story of how Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel's ceiling. It was based on a bestseller written by Irving Stone and it's focused ion the relations between Pope Julius II, the commissioner of the work, and Michelangelo Buonarroti, the artist. This is a good film to understand the creation of a magnificent work of art, the problems Michelangelo went through with this project, the discussions with the Pope and the criticism of some cardinals to Michelangelo's paintings. The Agony and the Ecstasy was directed by Carol Reed and the actors in the leading roles were Charlton Heston as Michelangelo and Rex Harrison as Pope Julius II. 

The Agony And The Ecstasy, Charlton Heston, Rex Harrison, 1965 Premium Poster

Here you have the trailer of the film: 

23rd of September 2014 (Thursday)

Hi everybody!

Today in the class of Social Sciences, we had to bring the information to start doing the project of the brochure of Renaissance Art.
Nobody had the information of the Renaissance Art and Paqui has explained to us where can we find the information. She has explained us that we don't have to copy literally information from Wikipedia, so we have to look for the information on the internet pages, in books...
My project partner is Lucía and today we have been looking for information in the class book to do the project. We have decided to do something like a small book. We have this week to work in class. We have decided to organize it in this way:

- A cover with the tittle and some photographs.

- A summary about the Renaissance Art.

- In the interior, we are going to dedicate some pages to write about Renaissance Sculplture (features, photographs, sculptors...). Some pages also to write about Renaissance Painting (features, photographs, information about the painting, artists of Quattrocento and Cinquecento, small biography about the artists of Quattrocento and Cinquecento...) and Renaissance Architecture information (features, photographs, artists of Quattrocento and Cinquecento...)

- A back cover, with our name, level and group.

 During the class Paqui also has explained us what information we have to include in the project. Paqui has said that we have to include some information about Renaissance Art, Renaissance Architecture, Renaissance Painting and Renaissance Scuplture. We also have to write a small biography about Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo Buonarrotti.

We have to work in pairs, but if we want we can work alone.

Here I include an image of the St Peter's Square in Rome with the Vatican in the bottom. It's a Renaissance building.

Source:  http://arqueoastronomia.wordpress.com/visita-virtual-al-vaticano/


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tuesday 23rd September 2014

Hello everyone, I'm Carla

Today in the class of Social Sciences we have continued working on the Renaissance’s art project. This is the second day that we have worked on it in class and we have another day (Thursday) to finish or to complete it.

Clara is doing the project with me, and today in class we have cut out some cardboard with the shape of a circle because we want to do the brochure with this shape, we think that it’s an original idea. Then, Paqui has told me that I have to include in the theory of the project the main features of the Renaissance architecture.

In our case, Clara is going to finish her information for Thursday and I’m going to add the information I don’t have and to write the Leonardo Da Vinci’s biography. Then, we think that we should meet one afternoon to print all the photos and include them in the project.

While every student was doing their work, Paqui was searching for some useful links that we can use if we want to add more information to the project like curiosities or something like that.

As always we have copied new words on the glossary, but today we have only copied two words: To bind (Encuadernar) and Easy to handle/easy to use (Manejable)
That’s all for now, see you on Thursday!!

The Church of the photo is the Cathedral of Santa Maria dei Fiori in Florence. I have included this photo to my journal because the dome of this cathedral was design by Filippo Brunelleschi and one part of my work consists in explain the different  architects of the Italian architecture in the Quattrocento and the Cinquecento, so I have put this famous work of Filippo.  

Some links for the Renaissance project

Here you will find some useful links to get more information for your projects:

- General features and stages: 





- Some information about  Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo Buonarroti: 












Monday, September 22, 2014

Monday, September 22nd, 2014

Hello everybody!!

Today in our Social Sciences lesson, Paqui has started the class remembering us that the people that write the journal on this blog and have mistakes have to correct them. Also, she has told us a very common mistake that she has seen in our journals and comments, and it's the use of the verb "agree". For using this verb, we don't need to use the verb "to be" before it. In that way, the form "I am agree" is incorrect. The correct way is "I agree", or in the negative case, "I disagree".

Then we have started with the correction of the Renaissance Art summary that she told us to do the last class. We've told her that we have included three things in our summaries:

1) A short definition about Renaissance Art.
2) The two stages of Renaissance Art.
3) The main features of Renaissance Art.

She has said us to add one more thing, and it's the cronology of Renaissance Art on its two stages: Quattrocento (15th Century) and Cinquecento (16th Century). Then, we have written in our glossary the meaning of the words Anatomy (Anatomía), Brach (Rama) and At sign (arroba).

After that, Paqui has started to explain to us the project that we have to do for next monday. The project consists of making a brochure of Renaissance Art, and it has to include:

*Definition, stages, cronology and main features.
*Renaissance Architecture.
*Renaissance Sculpture.
*Renaissance Painting.
*Short biography of the two main artists of Renaissance Art: Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo.
Then we have said Paqui with who did we want to do our project and she has written it on her notebook.

After that, she has given us free time to start with the project and she has put in the digital board a very funny video that is called "Renaissance Man". Then she has given me some advices for today's journal. It has been a good lesson.

See you tomorrow!!!

mona lisa

I've included this photo because it is from Leonardo Da Vinci, one of the most important artists of Renaissance.

Source: http://www.diariodecultura.com.ar/museos-y-artes-plasticas/la-fama-de-la-mona-lisa/

Friday, September 19, 2014

Friday 19th September 2014

Hello, I'm Gustavo

Today in class of Social Sciences we have started with a review of the Renaissance Art. Paqui has explained us the society of the Modern Era with a pyramid of the privileged and underprivileged people and its features.
Later we have seen some pictures of the Renaissance Art.

Then Paqui has told us about a project for Tuesday, the 30th of September and we have formed the groups to do the project. I'm going to do the work with Jose Mari, I think that we are going to do it in a good way.

In this class, we have learnt new words like corpse (cadáver), remains (restos), investment (inversión), court (tribunal), low rank nobleman (noble de baja categoría , to sponsor (patrocinar), to compete (competir), to hire (contratar), to fire (despedir) and pediment (frontón).

We have started very well!

 Five types of old column architecture old engraving. Vector, engraved illustration showing a Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian and Composite Greek and Roman column - stock vector

Guidelines for the Renaissance art project

These are the instructions for the project about Renaissance art: 


You have to design a brochure with information about Renaissance art. It can be a diptych, a triptych or it can have more pages or an original design. Here you have some ways to fold your brochure: 


- Short definition of Renaissance art, chronology, stages and general features
- Renaissance architecture: main artists of the Quattrocento and Cinquecento and examples of their works
- Renaissance sculpture: main artists of the Quattrocento and Cinquecento and examples of their works
- Renaissance painting: main artists of the Quattrocento and Cinquecento and examples of their works
- A short biography of the two main artists of the Renaissance: Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo Buonarrotti


You can make your projects individually or in pairs. You will have three days to work in class. You can organize your work as you want, but you should: 

- Dedicate the first day to prepare the text you're going to write, decide on what images you're going to need and think of the design of  your brochure. 

- Distribute your work and have a clear idea of what everyone is going to to. 

-  At home print the images you need or make the drawings of the works you´re going to include 

- Make the final composition in class and review all the contents before handing in it 


These are the dates to hand in your project: 

- 4th ESO A-B: Monday, 29th September
- 4th ESO C-D: Tuesday, 30th September


- Use your imagination and be creative

- Don't write complicated texts

- Don't copy and paste from the Internet. Write your own text with simple and understandable sentences and think of the reader. 

- Remember that every member of the group will have to know about the contents, beacuse I'm going to ask you about what you've worked on. 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

18th September 2014 (Thursday)

Hi everyone, I am Cristina.

Today in Social Sciences class we have started talking about a funny mistake our classmate Lucía made on her journal: she confused "sheet" and "shit". After spending a while laughing, Paqui has said that the people who have not accepted the invitation to Blogger, they have to.

Later, we have started the first unit (a continuation of The Modern Era) with a small introduction of what we're going to learn in this unit: Renaissance art, the Hispanic Empire and the 17th century. Within the 17th century we are going to learn some things, like demography, society, politics, culture and art.

Then we have talked about studies, PAEG and Bachillerato (we have talked so much about education systems). For example, the Chinese people have to study a lot in the school and in private lessons - they spend their whole youth studying, and that's no good in my opinion. Paqui has explained us that we'll have to take an exam when we finish ESO and Bachillerato, because of the new "Lomce" education law.

After this, we have seen two pictures about Renaissance art. They were "David" by Michelangelo, and "The Birth of Venus" by Botticelli. Although David was a real person, both of them try to show the body beauty and not so much the realism
In addition, we have learned some new concepts like: Income Tax Return (in Spanish "Declaración de la Renta"), Decline (decadencia), demanding (exigente), to afford (permitirse), marble (mármol) and slindshot (honda).

Today it's been a funny, interesting class.



Thursday 18th September 2014

Good afternoon to everybody!
Today has been the second day of Social Sciences lesson in this school year. Today we have started the class copying an introduction that Paqui has written on the blackboard.
 Later she has explained how we can use the blog and she has said  to some of us that we have to accept the invitation to enter the blog.
 Later we have started the first unit: The Modern Era. The unit is divided into three sections:
1) Renaissance Art.
2) The 16th century in the Iberian Peninsula: The Hispanic Empire.
3) The 17th century.
A-Demography, economy and society.
B-Politics: The Thirty Years' War, Absolute Monarchy and the English revolutions.
C-The decline of the Hispanic Empire.
D-Culture and art: Scientific Revolution, empiricism, rationalism and Baroque art.
She has also given to us some specific vocabulary related to the first point of the unit. We have written words like income, empiricism, baroque etc. All the words we didn't understand, we must copy them.
After this, we have seen the important characteristics of the Renaissance Art. We have said that the images and the statues were focused on the human beings and we also have said that they have an idealistic perspective. Then we have seen some things about Renaissance Art like when it appeared and things like this. She has also explained the main features of the Renaissance Art and the Role of Patrons.
At the end of the lesson Paqui has given homework to us: we have to do a scheme, it must include the definition, the stages and the features of the Renaissance Art. The presentation that she has posted in the blog can help us.


The photo I have already put is The Vatican Piety. It's made of marmol and it was made in 1499-1500. It's author is Michelangelo Buonarrotti.
Source: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anexo:Obras_de_Miguel_%C3%81ngel

Renaissance art presentation

Here you have the presentation of Renaissance art. You can use it to complete your notes or have a list of the most important works of this period. It will be especially useful for the examples to include on your project. 


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

16th September 2014, (Tuesday)

Hello, I'm Lucía.

Today in class of social science the teacher Paqui explained us the assessment criteria of her lessons with a small sheet to don't forget the information. In this year, the only thing that change is the percent of the mark that is 50% will correspond to the exam marks and the other 50% will correspond to the work in the classroom and homework, notebook and student's actitude in the classroom.

To start strong the day, we have copied some words in the famous glossary of our notebook!!
Then Paqui spreaded two books with the lessons that we're going to study this year. One book is corresponding to 3rd of ESO and the other is corresponding to 4th of ESO.
Paqui told us that we have done the journal online one time each one in alphabetic order of the class. She has taught us how we have used this blog and how could add images, videos, liks... And also, remember us: Don't forget the label!!

To ends this article I'm going to tell you that Paqui shown us some projects of students of last year about Renaissance Art. She has shown this project to go making some ideas and when we have had this work, have in the mind some mistakes to don't commit it.
Like all the lessons of Paqui, this one has been very entertaining.

Good luck to everybody in this year!! We will nedd it...

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tuesday, 16th of September 2014

Hello everybody!

Today has been the first day of class of Social Sciences in this new school year. I think that our class it's really good, because we are all friends and we met Paqui two years ago, so I would like that the class works well. Our class is composed by two different classes: 4th A and 4th B.

Well, today in the class of Social Sciences, Paqui has given to us a sheet which contains information about the Social Sciences assessment criteria and some useful advices to pass the subject. Paqui has explained us how the final mark is divided into different percentages:

-50% of the mark will correspond to the marks of the exams.

-50% of the mark will correspond to the work of the classroom and homework (25%), notebook (10%) and finally the student's attitude in the classroom (15%).

Paqui also has explained how we should work during this school year.

After this, Paqui has given us the books that we will use during the year; but there are some problems, because there aren't enough books for everyone, so many of my classmates have to print the books. Also, she has talked about the organization of the notebook.

We have also included the first words in our Glossary, like: resit exam, damn, vow, brochure, raring to go, post... Then, Paqui has started explaining a new project about Renaissance art. The work has to be a brochure; she has told us that we will have to use photos, tray to reduce the information and contents, look for curiosities, trying to make it interesting, because if not it would be like a History book. We have to look information in our class book, but also in other sources, like internet or encyclopedias. Paqui has told us that we have to do this work correctly, because it could be very important for the mark.

Paqui has explained how we will write the journals everyday: a different person will write the journal each day on the blog and the rest of the classmates have to comment on it. Also she has explain the correct way to write the posts, and how we have to use the blog and enter on it. Today I' m the student who should write the journal.

Finally, Paqui has given to us a white sheet to write there our emails. It was a good lesson.

Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli.

Welcome back!

Hello again! 

A new school year has started and here we are, ready to start over. Last year the students work and interest were very disappointing and we decided to close the blog and wait for a new opportunity, with new students. I hope this year will be different. 

There will be some changes on the blog work. As the students are distributed into two different groups, I've created  two tabs, so that every group work can be easily distinguished, but the students of both groups can cooperate with comments, suggestions to the posts of their classmates or the ones of the other group. The first day of class I'll give you a short tutorial about how to post, include pictures, videos, presentations...I hope this work will be profitable and helpful to improve your English and learn Social Sciences more easily. 

See you tomorrow!

frontpage, come in we're open sign