Thursday, January 29, 2015

29th January 2015 ( thursday )

Hello everybody!

I am José Luis and this is my journal:

The class has taken  at third period , today the class was very special because : José Maria , José and Antonio have not come to the class because José Maria went to Rome and José and Antonio went to Berlin.

We have not copiedDid not copy notes and glossary We have only done exercises during the class on the whiteboard and the students have come to the  whiteboard to do the exercises .

These are the interactive exercises :

There are different exercises of different units.

For example the most important:

The  Napoelonic era :
The Napoleonic Code is very important in law history because : a, b,c, e, and f
The main achievements of the Consulate were : a, d , e , f and g

The conservative republic: 
How did Bonaparte take power?: He led a consented coup d´État in November 1799
The main problems of the Directory were: a b c and d

The democratic republic
The new assembly elected was called : National convention
The National convention hel: Executive and legislative power



goodbye class !!!

Thursday, 29th of January

Good afternoon everybody!
Today in Social Sciences we have been less students because most of them are in Rome or in Berlin. So it has been a more relaxed lesson.
At first, Paqui has asked us about our homework. Then she has asked for a voluntary to crrect the first one and María has corrected it. During the correction of this exercise (number 4 on page 31) Paqui has told us an interesting piece of information. She has told us that Adam Smith was the father of liberalism. Paqui has explained us the factors that influenced prices too ans she has said that the States constantly intervened in economy. Then we have corrected the next exercise (number 5 on page 31). Azahara has been the voluntary student to correct it. And during the correction of this exercise, Paqui has told us that Caixa and the Bank of Catalonia have invested much money in La Vanguardia. 
After finishing the exercises' correction, the teacher has asked us about the Public Limited Companies, but we didn't know what to say about them. So she has given us some examples to explain it: the first one is about football teams, concretely, Real Madrid. And during the explanation she has looked for the translation of "socio" (partner). The other one was about Telefónica and she has looked for the capital of this company, that is: 4,657,204,330. And she has said that in this type of companies, people receive at the end of the year a payment influenced by the company's benefit. If the company has losses, nothing happens to you, because you only have invested money.
Then she has talked about capitalism, in which there is always benefit.
After all of these things, we have started the 3rd point: 2nd Industrial Revolution.
At first the teacher has said that when this revolution started, Great Britain lost importance. With this revolution:
- New sources of energy appeared: electricity and oil.
- There was a wave of inventions: the incandescent light bulb, the phonograph, the telephone and the first electric generator.
Paqui has told us that Graham Bell stole the patent to Antonio Meucci. 
- The industries that developed most were: metalworking industry and chemical industry.
- There were also new ways of organizing work: the taylorism or production line and the mass production or standardization.
Related to the new ways of organizing work, Paqui has showed us a short film by Charles Chaplin called Modern Times that makes jokes about this. But we only have seen a little part with a short duration, about 5 minutes, and then another about 4 minutes, because it's long. 
In the first one, the capitalist ordered all the time to increase the speed of the factory's machines. And in the second one they buy a machine to feed the workers in five minutes, in this way they could work more. But finally, this invention is a disaster.
To end the lesson, Paqui has given us an exercise to do at home. It is exercise number 8 on page 31.
The glossary we have copied today is:
- The Wealth of Nations: la riqueza de las Naciones.
- Advertising: publicidad.
- Public Limited Company: Sociedad Anónima.
- Partner: socio.
- Share/Stock: acción.
- Shareholder/Stockholder: accionista.
- Wins and losses: ganancias y pérdidas.
- Incandescent light bulb: bombilla.
- Tramway: tranvía.
- Subway: metro.
- Engine: motor.
- Alternate current: corriente alterna.
- Continuous current: corriente continua.
- Dye: tinte.

Antonio Meucci:
Graham Bell:

And this is all for today, see you on Monday, I hope you have a good weekend! :)

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Tuesday, 27th of January

Hello everybody! I'm Minerva and this is my first journal of the year.

Today, Paqui has reprimanded us because of the behaviour that we had yesterday. After this, we have started talking about the scheme of the 1st Industrial Revolution and then, we have corrected the scheme of the Transport Revolution that Paqui gave us do for today.

The causes were the need for moving products from factories to markets because there was more production. During this revolution, some traditional infrastructures (roads, river canals, bridges) were improved and they started using the steam engine for road/maritime/fluvial transport. The consequences which these changes carried out were that the speed increased, travel duration and expenses reduced and people's trips and trade increased.

After starting the new point, Paqui has explained us how the locomotive worked in the coal mines. It was something like that:

She has also told us that the 1st commercial line was Liverpool - Manchester. Here in Spain, the 1st railway line was only for the kings to travel from Madrid to Aranjuez; the 1st commercial line was from Barcelona to Mataró. 

With all these changes, people could consume more. 

Then we have started the new point: Consolidation of Market Economy. It's a theorical point.

We have talked about all the points, but we have stopped in the law of supply and demand. Paqui has made a small scheme on the blackboard to explain us how it works.
She has also made a drawing on the blackboard showing us an example of capitalists and proletarians. Finally she has said that even if the State doesn't have to intervene in economy, they do when they want and then Paqui has looked for the price of Aena's shares. 

While we were picking up our things, she has told us to do exercises 4 and 5 (page 31) to summarize this point.

As always we have written down some new words in our glossary like: 
  • Incomes: ingresos.
  • Amelioration: mejora.
  • Railway track: vía del tren. 
  • Steamboat: barco de vapor.
  • Law of Supply and Demand: ley de oferta y demanda.
  • Means of production: medios de producción. 
  • Bailout: rescate financiero.
  • Loan: crédito.
  • Share of economy: acción de una compañía.

And that's all for today! Bye! 

27th January 2015 (Tuesday)

Hello everybody!
Today we start the class of social sciences copying the contents of the unit four, that is: The Industrial Revolution and the Labour movement.

The first point is the stages and the definition of the industrial revolution. The second point is the first industrial revolution, inside this point we have other three parts: A) Demographic and agricultural revolution. B) Changes in production and the transport revolution. C) Development of industrial capitalism. The third point is the second industrial revolution and consequences. The fourth point is the labour movement, inside this point we also have three parts: A) First attempts of worker's organizations. B) Labour movement ideologies, that have also three parts: a) Utopian socialism. b) Scientific socialism or maxism. c) Anarchism. And the finally part of the fouth point is C) The international workingmen's association and the first and second international.

I think that this unit is very long or thats what seems.

After this we start the unit with the first point and Paqui copy a squeme in the blackboard that we have to complete with the book's information about the definition of the indutrial revolution and its stages.
We also talk about the agriculture of the time the most cultivated were the corn and the potato, the tomatoes were yellow and the name of the oranges became of the name of the royal family of Holland.

And for finally we copied two squemes in the second point about the definition, causes, changes and consequences of the demographic and the agricultural revolution. We complete the first in class but we haven't had time for the second. Here's the first:

Demographic revolution:
-Definition: Deep change in population growth started in the 18th century.
-Causes: Less wars and hygiene and medicine improve, people were better.
-Changes: Mortality decreased, while birth rates continued to be high and harp population increased and life expectancy also increased.
-Consequences: High demand for all type of products cause of the agricultural and industrial revolutions.

Today's glossary words:
Labour movement: movimiento obrero.
To supply the demand: abastecer la demanda.
To overtake: superar, sobrepasar.
Outdated: desfasado.
Dizzy: mareado.
To feed: alimentar.
To be fed up: estar harto.
Farmer-peasant: campesino.
To lead: conducir o llevar.

See you on Thursday!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Journal, 22th of January 2015, Thursday

Hi! I'm Javi, and this is my social science class.
At first, we arrive to the class, then a, we sit down and ask us some questions Paqui from the Industrial Revolution, Specifically, she ask the definition and the stages of esta period, and Alfredo answer really well!

When she finished ask us, start to speak about the demographic revolution, because there were that start some changes in the diet, less wars and to better hygiene and medicines, that cause less deaths and to high rates of births, and that causes a butterfly effect, and the demand for all type of products Increase a lot, and That was the start of the agricultural and the industrial revolutions, and explain the graphic ,that was in the presentation about this theme, principally, she compare the proportion between the births and the deaths.
Later, Paqui start the explanation about the agricultural revolution, and the main changes Were:
-The Extension of cultivate lands
-Inventions and innovations
-Improvements in stockbreading
Too, she speak about the new ways of farming, the enclousure and the 4 fields of crop rotation system, made of barley, wheat, clover, ryegrass and turnips.

At the end of the lesson, we ask Paqui the difference between the UK and Great Britain.

Monday, 26th of January.

Hello everybody! I 'm Clara Inés and this is my first journal of the year.

Today in Social Sciences we have done a lot of things.

At first our second teacher of English Sonia has come to our class, later some students have written quotes on the little white board. Then the lesson has started.

We have revised all the things that we studied the last day, the Demographic and Agrarian Revolution, that the Demographic Revolution was caused because there were less wars, hygiene and medicines all of these caused some changes like the life expectancy increased and the consequences were that the population growth created a high demand for all kind of products. 
Later we have started the point: 


And the Agrarian Revolution was caused due to more demand for agricultural products,what made that the prices increased, there were some changes for example: more land was cultivated(enclosures), introduction of the Norfolk four field system of crop rotation, mechanization of some works , and the selective breeding. And the consequences were that production increased, a richer and more varied diet and a surplus of farmers in the countryside, they had to migrate to cities in search of job.


B)Changes in manufactured products and transport revolution.
B1 First Industrial Revolution. 

And Paqui has drawn us the scheme of this point on the blackboard and we have to complete them in class so there were some causes in the first industrial revolution, there was more demand for all type of products. The main changes were the sources of energy, the inventions and innovations. The main invention was the steam engine, based on the force produced whenthe water is boiled and the steam is used to move an engine.

And the main energy sources were the hydraulic power and the mineral coal. The factory systemconsisted of the concentration of machines and workers in big factories and division of work. Working conditions got worse. The industries that developed most were the textile industry and the iron and steel industry.



And the main consequences were that the products were cheaper and the workers could buy more products. 

We have also added some new words to our glossary:
Selective Breeding-cría selectiva
Surplus-exceso, plusvalía in economics
Steam Engine- máquina de vapor
Factory System- Sistema fabril.
And so more.

At the end of the class Paqui has given us the homework that we have to do: a scheme about the transport revolution with the causes, inventions, and consequences. 

Finally the bell has rung and we have gone to another class.


Sunday, January 25, 2015

23th January 2015 (Friday)

Today in the class of Social Sciences, Lucia has asked a question of the proyect to the teacher Paqui, and the teacher  has spoken about the project that we have to do, and she has explained all the points that we have to include.

Then, the teacher Paqui has explained the springtime of the peoples, the revolts were in France and Belgic. In France, the 2nd republic was proclaimed. There were revolutions in Central and Eastern Europe, there were many revolutions but they were crashed.

In December 1848, Luis Napoleon Bonaparte was elected by President of the Republic. In 1851, Napoleon give a coup d'Etat. In 1852, de new plebiscite ended the 2nd Republic and proclaimed the 2nd Empire.

Then we have watched a video posted by Amalia, about an animated cartoon film of the life of Napoleon Bonaparte, the territories that he conquered, the things that he did when he was the Emperor,etc. And finally when he died. The video was very funny!

Then the teacher has showed us a world map of the Congress of Vienna.(1814-1815) that explained the main decisions made there  . They created the Holy Alliance, preserve the absolutism and religion, stop revolution or democracy in Europe.

A German Confederation unified all the Germanic States ( 39 states). The United Kingdom got the control of some strategic points in different seas and oceans.

Two buffer states were created in France's borders.

Then we have watched a photo of a world map of the Holy Roman Empire and some information about Chechnya and Osetia.

At finally, we have spoken about the Sonia's experience in Finland and she has explained that you don't have to pay in the universities of Finland, and some aspects about this.

Here, I'm posting the vocabulary that we have copied:

-plebiscite: plebiscito

- great uncle: tío abuelo

- to crash: aplastar

- dismissal: despido

-resignation: renuncia

-silent movie: película muda

-grandnewphew: sobrino nieto

Friday, January 23, 2015

22th January 2014 (Thursday)

Hello everybody!

Yesterday, we had the Social Sciences class at the third period. Paqui started the lesson explaining on the whiteboard a scheme of the Liberalism.
Liberalism was a political ideology based on the fact that human beings are born free and have some inalineable rights the state has to guarantee.
She also spoke about the Liberal Trends, about Olympe de Gouge, about Nationalism...
Nationalism it's the political ideology that defends the right of the peoples or nations to decide by themselves. There were two different conceptions: The progressive or inclusive and the Conservative or excluding.
She also explained the revolutions 1820 and 1830.
In the revolution of 1820 there were several liberal prisings in Naples and Spain. In Greece there was a nationalist revolution against the Ottoman Empire and The majority of the Spanish colonies in America became also independent.
The revolution of 1830 started in France. In the United Kingdom of Netherlands, the Belgians decided to separate from the Netherlands. The revolt in Poland was strongly repressed by Russia. The reforms introduced in Spain established a liberal system between 1835 and 1839.
We also have copied some new words in the glossary.

Preamble -- Preámbulo
Trend -- Tendencia
Equality before the law -- Igualdad ante la ley
Rake -- Rastrillo
Suffragette movement -- Sufragismo
Suffragette -- Sufragista
Self-Determination right -- Derecho de autodeterminación
Peoples -- Pueblos
Pole -- Polaco
Polish -- (adjective)

Yesterday I couldn't send my journal because my computer didn't react .



Thursday, January 22, 2015

Presentation of Unit 4

This is the presentation of Unit 4, whose contents are the Industrial Revolution and the Labour Movement. As always, use it to complete your notes and activities:


Tuesday, January 20, 2015

20th January 2015 (Tuesday)

Hello! I'm Gustavo.

Today, we have started checking the make-up exams. I have passed the exam with a mark of 5'2 that isn't very good but is OK. Then, we have corrected the scheme of the congress of Vienna with some diapositives in the digital blackboard.

Later, we have copied some homework for Thursday about the Revolutionary Ideologies.

We have copied some words in the glossary like: Skilled (Hábil), Buffer State (Estado Tapón) that is a state created to avoid the expansion of another country in the future.

At the end of the class Paqui have told us some things about a new project about Spain during the 19th century. We have formed the groups, and I'm with Antonio and José. Each group has to talk about the following topics:

- Charles IV's reign and the Peninsular War (1788-1814)
- Ferdinand VII's reign and the regencies (1814-1868)
- Isabella II's reign (1843-1868)


Fernando VII - Vicente López.jpg
Ferdinand VII

Tuesday, 20th January 2015

Hi there!

Today in Social Sciences we've argued about the date of the exam of this unit and finally, Paqui has won the battle. We have it on the 5th of January.
Then we've started the lesson. We have started the new unit: The Intustrial Revovlution and labour movement. Paqui has told us that we had to complete the first point, definition of the industrial revolution and its stages, and the first part of the 2nd point (The demographic and agrarian revolution), so we have done this almost until the end of the lesson. I haven't finished it yet. The definition of Industrial Revolution is that it was a deep charge in the way of producing products due to the increase of the population, and it led to important charges in economy and society. It had two stages: the first and the second industrial revolutions.

Then, we have seen some videos about how to do the project. I like the idea of this project, it seems interesting.

It was an interesting lesson today, but we haven't copied almost any word in our glossaries.
Labour movement: Movimiento obrero
Utopian: utópico.
(source: )

Monday, January 19, 2015

Monday, 19th of January 2015.

Hello again!

Today's lesson has been a little bit different because we have spent time speaking about a new project. As this unit is very long, Paqui has decided that we are going to make a project in pairs or groups of three about the last part of the unit (Spain during the 19th century). Each group have to talk about one of this topics:

- Charles IV's reign and the Peninsular War (1788-1814)
- Ferdinand VII´s reign  and the regencies (1814-1843)
- Isabella II´s reign (1843-1868)

All the details about what we have to do are explained in the previous post written by Paqui, please read it.

After this we have corrected the chart about the revolutionary wave. Paqui has explained how France became the II Republic and the plebiscite called by Napoleon which made him Emperor.

Napoleon III, French Emperor

In the last five minutes we have watched a video about the changes in Europe during the 19th century. You can watch it here.

Finally, as always, here are the words we've copied for the glossary:

-Broom: escoba
-Grandnephew: sobrino nieto
-Great uncle tío abuelo
-Plebiscite: plebiscito (a referendum whose result obliges those who called it to make a political decision)

Instructions for the projects about Spain's history

Cartoon about the Abdications of Bayonne

Here you have the information you will need for the projects about the history of Spain in the 19thcentury:

Deadline: 23rd February. You will have five weeks to prepare your projects.

Topic: the different periods of the Spanish history during the 1st half of the 19th century:

- Charles IV's reign and the Peninsular War (1788-1814)
- Ferdinand VII´s reign  and the regencies (1814-1843)
- Isabella II´s reign (1843-1868)

The project will consist of preparing either a comic strip of at least four pages or a short video (not more than 10 minutes) and explaining the main facts of every historical period.

The project will have to include some basic parts:
- An introduction
- The main figures of every period
- Main facts
- A conclusion with the most important concepts
- New vocabulary appeared on the project and its meaning.  

The explanation has to be didactic: clear and easy to understand. The more visual your project is, the better.

If you choose the video option, you can make your drawings on paper, on a whiteboard or you can make Plasticine puppets. Here you have some examples of what you could do:

- Paper drawings:

- Whiteboard drawings:

- Plasticine puppets:

If you film a video, you will have to upload it to the Youtube account I will provide you. I will send you the password by e-mail when you´re ready to upload your work. 

Organization: groups of two or three students. You will have to make sure that every member of the group works. If you film a video, all members will have to speak. If you make a comic strip, all the members of the group will have to explain their project in class. 

Sources of information: the text book and the PowerPoint presentations we use in class can be a good starting point. You can also use Internet sources of books of History, but remember that they have to be trustworthy.

Useful advice:

Although design is a decisive part of this project, don´t forget that content is the most important thing. That´s why you should start preparing a good scheme of the period and an outline of the different parts you are going to develop.

After this, you should research on the historical period you have to work on: the physical aspect of the most important figures, anecdotes, satirical newspapers and magazines of that time.

When you have all the information you need, it will be time to write the script of what you´re going to say/write. You can send me the script to check grammar or correct mistakes before the 13th February.

Finally, you should start preparing the material part of the project.

Assessment: I will take different aspects into account: 

-  historical accuracy of the contents
-  clarity in the development of the ideas
-  creativity and originality. 

A good project should include all these requirements. When you finish your projects, you will have to fill an assessment sheet, to give a mark to every member of the group. Remember that, if you fail the project, you will have to take an exam of the whole content, not only the part you´ve worked on.

Remember: don't copy from other students. Be original and use your imagination. You can also write one or several songs, as the history teacher we saw in class, or prepare a theater play. 

Here you have the presentations to prepare the content: 

Friday, January 16, 2015

16th January 2015 (Friday)

Hello everybody!!
As Gustavo was taking the make up exam today is my turn to write the Journal.
At the beginning of the lesson some people have started taking the make up exam, and the rest of the group has corrected a scheme for today :

It was about the Napoleonic Era: Napoleon Bonaparte reached power when he gave a coup d'Etat the new government was called consulate and it was divided into two stages the Triumuirate and the Consulate in which Napoleon was first and only consul for life. After that the main facts where the administrative reform or the concordat with the Pope
His empire: the French empire expanded and it had many allie countries as Spain, part of Italy, Denmark... The enemy countries were Great Britain, Portugal, and Russia. He proposed a continental blockade that means that buying or selling products to Great Britain was forbbiden and the countries wich didn't obey were punished whith the invasion: The invasion of Portugal was stopped by the peninsular war in Spain and it was his 1st defeat and later the invasion of Russia was also adisaster because the russians used techniques as the scorched-earth tactic in wiche they burnt cities and in that way the french didn't have resources and then they were atacked it was also extreme cold.
The  Empire ended with the battle of Waterloo where he was defeated and confined in the island of Saint Helena.

Then Paqui has given us to do at home a scheme about the congress of Vienna and Restoration at home.
After that we have spoken about the trouble in France and about the Islamic state

At the end of the lesson we have seen a very funny video about th French Revolution .
Today we have learnt many words and they boys have laughed a lot with them:
To suck up to: hacer la pelota
Butt-kisser (you can imagine)
cattle: ganado

Napoleon Bonaparte 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

15th January 2015 (Thursday)

Hi, guys! This is Cristina. Today it's my turn to write the journal.

Today, when we arrived at the Social Sciences classroom, we have seen that Paqui and the students she was with before, had searched in WordReference the word 'shit', which has got several uses in English. You may think it's just an informal way to say "poop", but it can also be used for insulting someone. It has been a very funny situation, because I wasn't expected to find this on the whiteboard when I arrived in the classroom.

Later, before starting the lesson, Paqui has told us that Sonia will be in our lesson tomorrow. Sonia is a girl from our town who has just finished studying English philology, and is now practicing with Soraya (I think so). Maybe she'll ask things to us in English, and we'll be able to ask something to her too. I think it'll be fine.

Then, we have finished correcting the scheme about Development of the French Revolution.
When the conservative bourgeoisie took the control and elaborated a new Constitution in 1795, they created the Directory (a collegiate government formed by 5 members), and two legislative chambers, chosen by census suffrage, that promoted the return of the exile: Council of the Five Hundred and Council of Ancients. The Directory ended on the 18th November 1799 when General Napoleon Bonaparte led a coup d'état and took power, encouraged by some of the bourgeois.

After this, Paqui has given us a new scheme to complete it about the Napoleonic Era, which took place between 1799 and 1815. It's divided into two different parts:

  • The Consulate, divided in two stages: the Triumvirate (from 1800 to 1802) and the first and only consul for life (1802-1804) and the Empire.
  • The Empire (1804-1815)
In addition, we have learnt some new terms that we have written in our glossary: for life (vitalicio), blockade (bloqueo), Holy See (Santa Sede) and concordat (concordato).

Thursday, 15th of January 2015.

Hello everybody!

Today in our Social Sciences lesson, Paqui has started the class correcting the scheme about The revolutionary ideologies: Nationalism and Liberalism. She has said that these ideas born during the French Revolution became newly revolutionary after the Congress of Vienna.

NATIONALISM: it's the political ideology that defends the right of the people or nations to decide by themselves. There are two different conceptions of nation:

  • PROGRESSIVE OR INCLUSIVE: members of the nation are all those who want to belong to it and accept its laws and rules. This was the predominant conception of nation in France.
  • CONSERVATIVE OR EXCLUDING: members of the nation are only those who share some common features, such as language, traditions, race...

Johan Gottlieb Fichte, author of the Address to the German Nation, origin of German nationalism.

In the 19th century several peoples submitted to the big Empires tried to form independent States based on the second idea of nation.

LIBERALISM: it's the political ideology based on the fact that human beings are born free and have some inalienable rights the State has to guarantee. The rights of the citizens are reflected in a Constitution. Sovereignty belongs to the nation, formed by the whole of the individuals. Citizens exert their sovereignty through the representatives they choose in the elections. Power is divided into three institutions to avoid abuse. Liberal trends:

  • CLASSICAL LIBERALISM: property is the main right. Only those who have properties are considered to be citizens: they defended Census Suffrage.
  • DEMOCRATIC LIBERALISM: equality before the law is the main right. All citizens are equal and have the right to vote: Universal Suffrage.

Preamble of the Constitution of the Usa.

Then we have started the point 4: The revolutionary waves of 1820, 1830 and 1848. For this point Paqui has drawn a table divided horizontally in 1820, 1830 and 1848 and vertically in Where? Features and development and Consequences. 

Before completing the table we have read in the book about this point and then we have started completing the table with the help of Paqui but we have only had time to complete 1820, so she has given time to continued in class the rest of the table. 

During the lesson we have added some new words for the vocabulary like:
  • TO BE SORE/STIFF: tener agujetas.
  • INALIENABLE: inalienable (que nadie te puede quitar).
  • TO OWE: tener, poseer, ser propietario.
  • OWNER: dueño, propietario.
  • UPRISINGS: levantamiento.

At the end of the lesson she has given from homework to complete 1830 and 1848 and in my case do the journal.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Tuesday, 13th January 2015

    Hello everybody, I'm Fran!

          Today, it's my turn to make the journal, it is my first journal of the year. Today's Social Sciences lesson has been at the fourth period, after the breaktime. It has been a good and also an interesting class because we have finished the French Revolution.
         Well, the first thing that Paqui has done, has been to check if all people of the class had the homework she gave (to) us on Monday. The homework we had was to complete a scheme related to the French Revolution and The Congress of Vienna. Before Paqui has started showing us on the blackboard the good answers to correct and complete our schemes, she has explained to Alfredo all the territories that Prussia had.
         After this explanation, as  I have already said , we have started correcting the scheme. Then when we were correcting it she has said to us two things related to the participants of the Congress of Vienna, she has said that the Spanish one that was The Marquis of Labrador was an incompetent participant, and the French one that was Talleyrand was very skilled. After this statement, she has asked to the class wich were the 3 decisions that the Congress of Viena made, and a classmate has said that were:

       -Restore the Monarchs deposed by Napoleon.
       -Reorganize the Map of Europe.
       -Create the Holy Alliance to stop revolution.
        After the correction of the 3 decisions the Congress made, she has explained us the changes that were made in the map of Europe, also to make it easier to understand the explanation, she has drawn some drawings on the blackboard. The main changes of the European map were:

       -France came back to its frontiers in 1796.
       -Two Buffer-States were created in France's Borders.
       -Poland, Finland and Bessarabia annexed to Russia.
       -A German Confederation united all the German states.
       -The United Kingdom got the control of some strategic points in different seas and oceans.

       Then Paqui has said that another decision objective of the Congress of Vienna was the Holy Alliance (preserve absolutism and religion and stop revolutions in Europe). And also she has explained us that there was a Quadruple Alliance that included the members of the Holly Alliance plus the United Kingdom, and it was created to keep the Congress of Vienna Agreements.

       Later Paqui has asked a classmate to correct the Consequences of the Congress of Vienna, and the correction was:

       -Consolidation of big Empires.
       -Balance of Power.
       After this explanation we have finished the French Revolution, and we have started to study the Revolutionary ideas, that were:

       -Liberalism: There were two types of Liberalism:
             -Classical Liberalism: The Property was the main right.
             -Democratic Liberalism: The Equality was the most important of the rights.
             -Nationalism. It defended the rights of the peoples, to create independent States (self-                           determination)

       After this explanation the bell has rung, and Paqui has given us some homework that was to make a scheme of Liberalism and Nationalism.
       Also like always Paqui has written  some new words for our glossary on the blackboard, that are:

       -Skilled: Hábil.
       -Threat: Amenaza.
       -To threaten: Amenazar.
       -Buffer-State: Estado tapón.
       -Ceylon: Ceilán.
       -Outbreak: Estallido, Brote.


13th January, 2015 (Tuesday)

Hello everybody!! I'm Lucía :)

Think about today, is 13th and Tuesday and it's my first journal in time, record!! But I have come to salve your day, because I'm your joyfulness hahaha. Well, today in class of Social Science class we have finished check the summary that we haven't finished on Friday. Here you have the correction:

I'm going to tell you about the urgent decisions to save the republic and the revolution:
- A new Constitution in 1793: popular sovereignty, firect and universal suffrage and equality.
- Law of the maximun: contorl of the prices of products.
- Distribution of the properties of the counter-revolutionary for the poor.
- Seel of properties of the Church in small shares.
- Church were closed (deschristianization, a very big mistake) and cult to Reason were establihed.
- Compulsory education.
- Movilization of all the available men to stop the foreign invation. (They were called by the army to fight at war)
- Liberties were suspended and the Committe of General Security was in charge of chasing and judging the suspected counter-revolutionaries and all the people considered at threat to national security. 16,000 people were guillotined in nine months.
The Reign of Terror started during the guillotin Convention although it has always been related only with the Jacobin Convention.

Also we have copied some words to the part of glossary like: mass conscription (levee en masse) - leva en masa (all the available men are called by the army to fight at war), deschristianisation - descristianizacion, brainwash - lavado de cerebro, dreadful - horrible....
At the end of the class Paqui has show us a image about the French republican calendar. I think were that but I'm not sure hahah. The teacher tell us that the French Republicans says that each month has had to be three weeks with 10 days each one and 30 days per month.

Here you have the link to see all the information about that more clear.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Monday, 12th January 2015

Hello everybody! I'm Azahara.

Well, this is my first journal of the year! Today's social science's lesson has been really interesting for me, and we have done many different things.
First of all, Paqui has told me that today it was my turn to do the journal, and tomorrow is Fran's turn.
After that, we have revised the Directory and the Napoleonic Era. We have also corrected the homework. We had to complete the scheme about the Napoleonic Era. The things that we had to complete were the following:

  • The territories included in the French Empire, which were France, Savoy, part of Germany, present Croatia and a small territory in Italy.

  • The allied territories of the French Empire, which were Denmark, Norway, Austria and Prussia.

We also had to finish the scheme talking about the Continental Blockade, which meant that buying or selling products to Great Britain was forbidden. Napoleon invaded the countries that didn´t follow it: Portugal (after the Treaty of Fontainebleau, fact that led to the Peninsular war in Spain) and Russia.
These invasions were the beginning of the end of the Napoleonic Empire. The Russian Campaign was a disaster. The troops had to retire due to bad conditions. In 1813 a coalition of countries defeated Napoleon in the Battle of Leipzig. He was confined in Elba. In 1815 he came back to France, but he was defeated in the Battle of Waterloo and exiled to Saint Helena, where he died.


This image shows Napoleon's life very well. Paqui has included it on the presentation, but I've liked it a lot and I wanted to include it on my journal.

After correcting all this, Paqui has explained the last point of the french Revolution: The Legacy of the French Revolution. 
This legacy had two main ideas:

  1. The French armies spread the ideas of the French Revolution throughout Europe. Although the Napoleonic army was defeated, these ideas remained.
  2. All the countries which were invaded by France developed nationalist feelings against the invaders. 

After that Paqui has given us some homework: to complete a scheme about the Congress of Vienna. We have started this in class, and while we where writing, Paqui has showed us some videos from a Social Siences teacher. Her videos were songs that summarized different units about history. We have watched two videos. The first one was about Napoleon and the second one was about the French Revolution. We have had a good time watching this! :)

Here you have the videos!!!

Friday, January 9, 2015

9th January, 2015 (Friday)

Hello, I'm Inés.

Today, in class of Social Sciences, we have done a lot of things.

At the beginning of the class, the teacher, Paqui, has asked for the homework of the last day, which was a scheme  about the development of the French Revolution.

Cristina has been the first person who has corrected the National Constituent Assembly. The main decisions of this Assembly were writing a Constitution, but the King's attitude was really bad, because he had veto right.

Paqui has explained that Louis XVI, the King of France, tried to flee because he didn't like the changes of the French Revolution, so he wanted to recover the Absolutism. When he was fleeing, people saw him and sent him back to Paris.


Paqui has said to us that in Spain, the king can't do things without the permission of the government. Because the government is responsible of the actions of the king.

After, almost Paqui has fell down with a chair and then Paqui has said that she is a tea-totaler.

Later, Jose Luis has asked to Paqui that if she gives him a positive, he'll buy a computer for her.

After then, we have corrected the Legislative Assembly. The main decisions of this Assembly were prohibition of torture, creation of a national army, sell of the properties of the Church and civil constitution of the Clergy.

At the same time, Paqui has explained that the members of the clergy could leave the clergy, they could do that, going to other countries. Also, many of them were counter-revolutionaries, because they wanted to have the same they had before the Revolution. The members of the clergy and nobles wanted to be privileged like in the Ancien Regime, because they lost money.

José María has corrected the end of the monarchy. The monarchy ended because the king conspired to attack his own country, when the people disscovered the lie, they stormed the palace and arrested the king.

At the same time, Paqui has explained that all kings were family, this meant that danger in France is danger for other royal countries. For example, Charles IV supported Louis XVI.

Paqui has explained us that the sans-culottes were groups of workers who supported the most radical reforms. Normally, the supported the Jacobins.


After that, we have continued correcting the scheme.

The Jacobins were called in this way because they met at Saint Jacques convent in Paris.

Later, Débora has corrected the Girondist Convention. The Girondist Conventions made some decisions the most important of which was the execution of the king by guillotine; this execution provoked the formation of a coalition of the European Monarchies against France.

The teacher has said that every execution was public, but the torture not.

In this period the Court of Justice were more powerful than the king. But, the Court of Justice were afraid because the kings of other countries could attacked France.

At the end of the class, Paqui has explained the origin of the name the guillotine; it's a curious story: The doctor Guillotin proposed the use of the guillotine as a "more humanitarian" method to kill people, his idea was used until 1979.


Also, like always we have copied some words of vocabulary.
  • Census suffrage -- Sufragio censitario.
  • Right to vote -- Derecho de voto.
  • Veto power -- Derecho de veto
  • To veto -- Vetar.
  • To mistrust -- Desconfiar.
  • Tea totaler -- Abstemio.
  • Heating -- Calefacción.
  • To pass a law / bill -- Aprobar una ley.
  • Swear the Constitution -- Jurar la Constitución.
  • Confiscation -- Expropiación y nacionalización -desamortización.
  • Treason -- Traición.
  • Spark -- Chispa. 
  • Sans-culottes -- Sin calzones, sin mallas.
  • Convention -- Convención.
  • Girondist -- Girondino.
  • Jacobins -- Jacobinos.
  • Guillotine -- Guillotina.
  • Death penalty -- Pena de muerte.
  • Wip -- Látigo.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Thursday, 8th January 2015

Hello everybody! I’m Fernando!

Happy new year to everyone!

Today has been the first day of class of the year and at second period we have had Social Sciences. The first thing we have seen is a whiteboard where we can write our favourite quotes. Later Paqui has remered us what we were studing before the holidays and then she has copied a scheme to do during the class and if we didn’t have time to finish at home. The scheme is about the development of the French revolution and it’s divided into three parts:

-Moderate stage (1789-1792):
  • National assembly (1789-1791): the most important decision they made was to establish a constitution.
The national assembly
  • Legislative Assembly (1791-1792): Their main decisions is the abolition of the guilds, a universal tax system, prohibition of torture, creation of a national army, confiscation and sell of the properties of the Chruch and Civil Constitution of the Clergy. They also finished with the monarchy in France.
- Radical stage (1792-1794):
  • Girondist convention (1792-1793): The main decision was to execute the king by guillotine, but they had some problems with this execution, because this provoked the formation of a coalition of the European monarchies against France.
The execution of the king by guillotine
  • Jacobin Convention(1793-1794):Their main decisions were a new constitution, the law of the maximum, the distribution of the properties of the counter-revolutionary for the poor, the sell of the properties of the Cruch, Churches were closed and cult to Reason was established, compulsory education, mobilization of all the available men to stop the foreign invasion and liberties were suspended. A policy was created called the Age of Terror, this consist in the right to execute all the suspected counter-revolutionaries by guillotine. At the end Thermidor a conservative coup d’eat deposed the Jacobins and their leaders were guillotined.
-Directory (1795-1799): In this period they elaborated a new constitution which created a collegiate government, the directory, and two legislative chambers. The Directory was attacked both by the absolutists and the people. In 1799 General Napoleon Bonaparte, encouraged by part of the bourgeois, led a coup d’état, put an end to the Directory and tood power.

See you tomorrow!

Thursday, 8th January 2015

Hello everybody!
I'm Stefania!
First of all I want to wish to you a happy New Year!
This is my first journal of this new year.
Today we have got Social Sciences lesson at the first period.
First of all, Paqui has told us about a new whiteboard that is in the class, she has said to us that it is to write quotes that we like and we want to share with all our classmates.
Then, Paqui has started revising quickly all the things that we have studied in this unit.
After that we have started to correct the two points that we have to summarize in Christmas holiday. We had to summarize the Directory(1794-1799) and The Napoleonic Era(1800-18015).

  • The Directory (1794-1799): About the Directory we have learnt many things: The bourgeoise took the control. There were two types of government: The executive power was formed by five members and two legislative chambers formed by  The Council of the Five Hundred and Council of the Ancients.We have also learnt that they had many problems (attacks from the absolutism and attacks from the population, Serious economic and social crisis,the war against the European Monarchies continued...)
  • The end of the Directory arrived when, pretending a threat of Jacobins, Napoleon gave a coup d'État, saying that if the members of the Council of the 500 didn't vote him the people would attack them.
  • The Napoleonic Era(1800-1815): It is divided into two stages: 
  1. Consulate:1800-1802--Three members Consulate                                                                                          1802-1804--Napoleon was elected first and only Consul for life.                               Main decisions: Reestablishment of public order ( he stopped the absolutists and the popular revolts), concordant with the Pope, he made an Administrative reform,the Napoleonic Code(Code of Civil Law) 
  2. Empire: Napoleon crowned himself Emperor in 1804. During the Napoleonic Era France's enemy were Great Britain, Portugal and Russia. Napoleon ordered the Continental Blockade against the Great Britain that consisted of the prohibition to buy or sell products to Great Britain. But Portugal and Russia didn't obey this order, so Napoleon tried the invasion of these two countries that were the beginning of the end of the Napoleonic Era. Paqui has also explained us that Napoleon started his invasion in Russia during the summer ,but when the winter arrived they weren't prepared so many people died because of the low temperature and because the Russians used many tactics, half of the Napoleon's Army died during this invasion.
For homework, we have to complete: Territories included in the French Empire, The allied territories and the end of the Napoleonic Empire.
Today we also have copied some words in our glossary:
  • Coup d'État:golpe de estado
  • Consul for life:cónsul vitalicio
  • Concordat:concordato (That is a treaty signed between a State and the Pope)
  • Scorched-earth tactic: Tácticas de tierra quemada
  • guerilla warfare:guerra de guerrillas,_The_Coronation_of_Napoleon_edit.jpg

This painting represents Napoleon crowning himself.
See you the next day!