Today we start the class of social sciences copying the contents of the unit four, that is: The Industrial Revolution and the Labour movement.
The first point is the stages and the definition of the industrial revolution. The second point is the first industrial revolution, inside this point we have other three parts: A) Demographic and agricultural revolution. B) Changes in production and the transport revolution. C) Development of industrial capitalism. The third point is the second industrial revolution and consequences. The fourth point is the labour movement, inside this point we also have three parts: A) First attempts of worker's organizations. B) Labour movement ideologies, that have also three parts: a) Utopian socialism. b) Scientific socialism or maxism. c) Anarchism. And the finally part of the fouth point is C) The international workingmen's association and the first and second international.
I think that this unit is very long or thats what seems.
After this we start the unit with the first point and Paqui copy a squeme in the blackboard that we have to complete with the book's information about the definition of the indutrial revolution and its stages.
We also talk about the agriculture of the time the most cultivated were the corn and the potato, the tomatoes were yellow and the name of the oranges became of the name of the royal family of Holland.
And for finally we copied two squemes in the second point about the definition, causes, changes and consequences of the demographic and the agricultural revolution. We complete the first in class but we haven't had time for the second. Here's the first:
Demographic revolution:
-Definition: Deep change in population growth started in the 18th century.
-Causes: Less wars and hygiene and medicine improve, people were better.
-Changes: Mortality decreased, while birth rates continued to be high and harp population increased and life expectancy also increased.
-Consequences: High demand for all type of products cause of the agricultural and industrial revolutions.
Today's glossary words:
Labour movement: movimiento obrero.
To supply the demand: abastecer la demanda.
To overtake: superar, sobrepasar.
Outdated: desfasado.
Dizzy: mareado.
To feed: alimentar.
To be fed up: estar harto.
Farmer-peasant: campesino.
To lead: conducir o llevar.
See you on Thursday!
Good journal , you explain very well the contents of the class , my congratulations
Good journal Camila! You have to check the mistakes of her! Goodbye!
PRESENT PERFECT for the journal. I have said this THOUSANDS OF TIMES. I'm tired and you don't care. These are my corrections:
Hello everybody!
Today we have started the class of Social Sciences copying the contents of the unit four, that is: The Industrial Revolution and the Labour movement.
The first point is about the stages and the definition of the industrial revolution. The second point is about the first industrial revolution, inside this point we have other three parts: A) Demographic and agricultural revolution. B) Changes in production and the transport revolution. C) Development of industrial capitalism. The third point is about the second industrial revolution and consequences. The fourth point is about the labour movement, inside this point we also have three parts: A) First attempts of worker's organizations. B) Labour movement ideologies, that also has also three parts: a) Utopian socialism. b) Scientific socialism or maxism. c) Anarchism. And the finally part of the fouth point is C) The international workingmen's association and the first and second international.
I think that this unit is very long or that’s what it seems.
After this we have started the unit with the first point and Paqui has copied a scheme on the blackboard that we have to complete with the book's information about the definition of the industrial revolution and its stages.
We have also talked about the agriculture of the time: the most cultivated productswere the corn and the potato, the tomatoes were yellow and the orange colour of carrots comes from the name of the royal family of Holland.
And (for) finally we have copied two schemes in the second point about the definition, causes, changes and consequences of the demographic and the agricultural revolution. We have completed the first one in class but we haven't had time for the second one. Here's the first:
Demographic revolution:
-Definition: Deep change in population growth started in the 18th century.
-Causes: Less wars and hygiene and medicine improved, people were better.
-Changes: Mortality decreased, while birth rates continued to be high and sharp population increased and life expectancy also increased.
-Consequences: High demand for all type of products cause of the agricultural and industrial revolutions.
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