Then Paqui has showed us some graphics about the renewable energies in Spain has and in other countries. Then we have read the page about the industry in Spain. Then Paqui has showed some graphics too about all these things. For example in Germany there is less amount of fields where we produce with renewable energy but they produce more amount of renewable enegy and Spain have more fields were produce renewable energy but we produce less amount of time.We have been commenting on outsourced companies and the Playfair Compaign. . At the beggining of the class Paqui was very angry with us because she said that we always come late! and because some of us don't stop taking and don't pay attention, even if she ask us to be silent!At the end of the class she has given us for homework exercises from 14 to 17. I couldn't write the journal before because I was in extracurricular class. Sorry!!
Have a happy weekend!
Hello Silvia! I think you have to include a photo but the journal is good.
-Spain HAS
-More fields WHERE WE produce..
-but we produce it in less amount of time. (I think you want to write this)
-PAQUI was very angry.
-COME late
-I think PASS is not correct. I think it's better:have a happy week-end..
As Bea has pointed, you have to include a picture, Silvia.
Almost all the corrections Bea has made are right. However, there is a mistake about renewable energy production: Spain doesn´t produce less amount of time, but it has less intalled power capacity coming from renevable energy sources than Germany, although Spain has more possibilities of development of these energy sources (more hours of insolation).
I think you´ve forgotten some things: we have been commenting on outsourced companies and the Playfair Campaign. And I was not only angry because some of you arrive late everyday, but because some of you don´t stop talking and don´t pay attention, even if I ask you to be silent constantly.
Please, correct the mistakes and look for a picture for your post.
Have a nice weekend.
Silvia, you have to correct the mistakes about the content as well.
There are some other mistakes that no one has corrected you:
I couldn´t write the journal before
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