Hello everyone!
As you know, today we have done the exam of unit 3: The primary sector.
At first, when Paqui has arrived to the class, she was a bit angry, because many people of the class didn't take the books out of the table.
She has told us that people who passed the project of agriculture and stockbreeding, only had to do the last two exercises from the exam.
They were about fishing, about CAP, and there was another exercise in which we could choose between two options to do a summary.
In my opinion it was easy and short, because as Paqui says, if we study it's always easy.
When people has finished the exam, Paqui has given us a political map of Africa, and we have to give it to her on Wednesday.
That's all we have done today, I think I don't forget anything, but if I have, please tell me. Thanks! I hope that today's exam was easy for you.
Hello Laura! Nice journal. I like the picture very much.
I also agree with your comment on preparedness. As Benjamin Franklin once said, "By failing to prepare you are preparing to fail."
Now time for some corrections.
1. I believe Paqui was, "angry" not "ungry".
2. in the following two sentences the word order hast to be changed.
"She has told us that people who passed the project of agriculture and stockbreeding, had only to do the last two exercises from the exam."
"I hope the exam of today..." How should you write it?
Good Job!
I have changed my mistakes, and the order of the words. Can you tell me if I am right?
Thank you for trying to think about and make the correct changes. However the sentences are still not 100% correct.
You should change: "She has told us that people who passed the project of agriculture and stockbreeding, had to do only the last two exercises from the exam."
"She has told us that people who passed the agriculture and stockbreeding project, only had to do the last two exercises of the exam."
you can also omit the "the" from "the today's exam".
Thank you for your hard work. Good work Laura.
Hello Laura,
Your hard work is bearing fruit. Your posts are almost perfect.
One thing you forgot is that we commented on the new country that is going to be created in Africa: South Sudan. You will find more information on these links:
We´ll dedicate a post to this subject in a few days.
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