Friday, October 29, 2010

Friday,October 29,2010

Today, Paqui  has collected the maps of  Europe, Spain, Asia, America and then she has given us the maps of Africa and Oceania that we had given her the other day. Some people have to do an exam on Wednesday about Oceania and Africa, because they haven´t done the maps well.
Then we have checked exercise 2 of the book about  reliefs and continents. And she has said that Captain James Cook was a navigator that discovered Oceania.
Lather we have started with unit 2. This unit is about Economic organization of Societies. While she was explaining the unit, she was asking us questions about the unit and she has  said that this unit will be very interesting.
Then she has given us a definition of  economy: Economy is the science that studies the activies that human beings develop to fulfil their necessities.
There are two grups of economic activities:
- Activities consisting in producing goods.
- Activities consisting in rendering services.
At the end of the class Cristina Blanco has come to our class and we have seen a powerpoint that Angel had prepared for her.
And finally Paqui has given us for homework to read points 1 and 2 of page 22.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wednesday, October 27/2010

Today we have had the class at third hour. Paqui has taken the three maps that she gave us on Monday. She also has said to the people who haven't given her the maps that next Wednesday they will have an exam.
Then we have copied the most important reliefs and bodies of water of Asia and Europe and Paqui has given the Europe and Spain map too. We have copied many reliefs and many bodies of water because Asia wasn't separated in north and south like America. She has said that we can find the reliefs and bodies of water of Spain at the book and she has given us the three maps for homework for Friday.
Today in the breaktime some idiots have burned the shrubs of the fence of the old centre.

Map of Spain.

I have said her that give so many maps is abuse of authority, jeje.
The three maps will take us much time because Asia and Europe have many reliefs and rivers.

Physical map of Asia.

Physical map of Europe. Source:

Image sources: 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

26th of October

Today Paqui has given us a sheet of paper that contains the 5 continents. America my group has started puting the peninsulas, island, seas, gulfs, plains, montain ranges, rivers, lakes and other things. In America we have started in North America and then in South America. After that we have seen the sheet of Africa. We have finish with Oceanía. After that Paqui has given to us two sheets of paper that has the 5 continets to do in our house. Paqui has say that we have two days two finish the maps and colored. SORRY BY THE DELAY. YESTERDAY MY MUM HAVE TAKEN THE COMPUTER AND I CAN NOT WRITE DE JOURNAL, SORRY.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Someone "has forgotten" to write the journal today

Daniel Rodríguez was in charge of writing the journal today. I´ve sent him two e-mails reminding him that he had to write the journal Can any other person write today´s journal? It will be great. Thanks in advance.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Reaching conclusions from the projects

Being critical is basic to improve. Analyzing what you have done and being aware of the things that you could have done in a different and better way is an important step to the best knowledge: the one you have built on your own. Learning with projects is and effective way of learning if you are able to recognize the strong and the weak points of your work. I´ve already read your assessment sheets, but I think it would be interesting that you wrtite some lines here about what you have learnt with this project. You don´t have to write about the contents. I would like that you explain what you consider important to prepare a good project, what experiences you liked in this project, what you wouldn´t do again and what ideas have you kept in your minds to do it better next time. 

Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday, October, 22,2010

Today in Social Science, Paqui has scolded us, because she did´t like so much our projects. She has told us that when we present a project we have to know some thinks like : the information is more important than design, that ... Summarizing doesn't mean underlained some  parts, That..studying  doesn´t mean  memorized without understanding, that we can´t read a presentation and if any member of our group is blocked we have to help them. Later,  Enrique collected  the assessments of our team work and Andrea, Yolanda Abad and Carlos didn´t bring the assessment, Then Enrique has  given us a sheet of questions about the project and we have to complete a chart about the forms of relief of all the continents, for homework Finally, Paqui has said that I do the diary, today before eight o ' clock.


Yesterday, during Asia´s presentations, Alejandro explained the big influence of monsoon winds in the south and East of Asia. Here you have some more information about these periodic winds. Periodic winds blow in different directions depending on the season of the year. The reason for these different directions lies on the Earth´s revolution around the Sun movement. Here you have an animation where you can learn the process of formation of monsoon winds:

On the picture below you can observe that monsoons blow from the continent to the ocean in winter and on the other way around in summer. In winter the winds are cold and dry. In summer the winds are hot and wet and they produce abundant precipitation. Floods are frequent in the area affected by the monsoons.

On the second image you can oberve the effects the monsoons have caused in Pakistan this last summer. You can have an idea of the area flooded by observing the normal Indus´ river course and the overflowing produced by the torrential rainfall of the summer monsoon. The flood covered almost one third of the Pakistani territory.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wednesday, 20th of October

Today in Social Sciences when Paqui still hasn't come to the class, some classmates have prepared their works on the blackboard. The first group that has presented its work has been Europe. This group has been formed by Dani, Ana, Andrea and Bea. They have done a mural, a powerpoint with the questions and some pictures and a box like a theatre. They have explained us where is Europe located, its limits, the highest mountains and its rivers, like Danube, Alps or Apennines. They have done another mural with climates. Europe has six climates. After that we have seen beautiful pictures of Europe in the powerpoint with the song of Moulin Rouge. It has been a work very exciting at the end.

The second group has been America. This group has been formed by Dani, Laura, Ana, Javier and Bea. They have done a carboard and a power point. They have explained us that it is divided into three parts. The main forms of relief of America are Grand Canyon, Rocky mountain, Sierra Madre de Chiapas, the Cordillera Isabelia, Andes Mountains, the Atacama Desert, etc. The main bodies of water are: Amazon River Basin, Mississipi River Basin, Colorado River, Lake Superior, etc. In America there are a lot of climates. This presentation has finished with questions that they have done for us about the things that the have said about America.

The third presentation has been Asia. This group has been formed by Alejandro, Monica, Manu and Carmen. They have explained us that it is the largest continent and it has the most populates countries in the world: India and China. In Asia there is the Gobi desert. Its mountains are Himalaya Mountains, Ural Mountains, Caucaso Mountains, etc. in Asia there are a lot of plateaus. the Siberian plateau, for example. Its bodies of water are: Huang He river, Yangtze river, lake Baykal, etc. Alexander has explained us one thing of the winds of Asia.

Ángel has recorded the presentation, so Ángel please put them on the blog.

At the end of the class Paqui has given us the sheet of evaluations.

Today has been a funny class because we have learned in a different way. I like a lot doing works and to presentate them.

A lot of kisses, Yolanda Rubio.

This is a presentation about Europe, made by Daniel Pintado, Andrea , Bea Antequera and Ana Lucas.

This is a presentation about America, made by Javi, Dani Rodriguez , Laura Meco, Ana de la Fuente and Bea Yuste.

This is a presentation about Asia, made by Alejandro, Manuel , Mónica and Carmen.

Monday, October 18, 2010


Today in Social Sciences we have presented the projects work about the five continent of the world.
The first group that has presented his project work has been Spain.(Yolanda, Diego, Laura, Carlos).
I like this presentation because it was very complete,and it also has a good drawing about Spanish climate and relif.
After this group have presented the project work my group, it was about Oceania and Antarctica.(Yolanda, Silvia, Mª Luz and Enrique ).
I think we have done a good work on this  project work.
We have done a big card board with some photos and some texts.
Then, the next group has been Africa's group.(Rebeca, Angel, Juan Carlos and Isa). They have done a newspaper with a programme with pictures and different texts.
I like this group because they have worked hard with the newspaper. The newspaper is very good.
Not all people could finish, Asia and America and Europe's groups had not time.
Next class they will present us their projects works.
I think this class has been interesting and funny because we have learned many things about this continents.
I'm waiting for Wednesday to see what other group have done.


This is a presentation about Spain, made by : Yolanda Rubio, Laura Bustamante, Diego and Carlos.

This is a presentation about Antartica and oceania, made by : Silvia, Mª Luz, Yolanda Abad and Enrique.

This is a presentation about Africa, made by : Rebeca, Isa, Juan Carlos and Ángel.

Friday, October 15, 2010

15th October 2010

Today in Social Sciences we have continued with the project work about continents and Spain. My group is formed by Yolanda Rubio, Laura Bustamante , Carlos and me. We have to do the project about the relief and climates of Spain. The period after Social Sciences, we have Physical Education and the teacher was absent and we have had extra time to continued with the projects. We have to work hard because we have to do the presentation on Monday and we have to finished as soon as posible.

Sorry for the delay, because I have to go to Ciudad Real

Thematic maps for the projects

Here you have an interesting link to get visual information for your projects. It´s the website of the CIESIN, the Center for International Earth Science Information Network, an institution of the Columbia University, one of the most prestigious universities of the U.S.A and worldwide. The CIESIN website hosts a collection of thematic maps that can be used to show different aspects of the Earth: climates, vegetation (biomes), landforms, population density... You can use these maps to prepare your presentations:

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wednesday, October,13, 2010

Today, is Carmen's birthday. Then, we have been all the class doing the project. After, Paqui has looked every work, but she has explained in the blackboard the questions that we have to had in the project. My group is formed by Enrique, Yolanda Abad, Silvia and I. Then, my group we have written the questions in a sheet that we have to had in the project. After, we had done the summary about Oceania and Antartica. After, we have explained to Paqui how we are going to do the project in cardboards.Then, Yolanda Abad has changed the money to Paqui for to buy the cardboards. On thursday afternoon my group will stay in the library to do the project. Finally, Paqui has said that I do the diary, today before eight o'clock.

Today the class was very interesting and exciting because my group work very hard and the others groups too.

Friday, October 8, 2010

8th October 2010

Today at the beginning of the class we have checked the exercise about the review of Spain's climates, which are the mediterranean, oceanic, continental mediterranean, mountain and subtropical climates. After Paqui has explained us all about the project we will do about a continent. She has told us the groups, my group is formed by Daniel Rodríguez, Ana de la Fuente, Laura Meco, Beatriz Yuste and I and we have to talk about America, that is very long, so we have to distribute the work. We will do a PowerPoint presentation and a cardboard with the information. In the work we have to talk about the relief and the climates of the continent.

Today the class was very interesting, we are going to do the project so I hope we won't have an exam...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Watermelon snow

Watermelon snow in Sierra Nevada, central California
Photographer: W.P.Armstrong

Today, when we were reviewing cold climates, Dani Pintado has reminded watermelon snow. This is a curious natural phenomenon that happens in alpine zones: the snow is dyed in pink or reddish colour, it smells to fresh watermelon and it has a sweet taste. This pink snow is caused by a green algae called Chlamidomonas nivalis. This green algae loves cold and it grows in freezing water. During the winter it lives under the snow and remains dormant. With the spring heat and the thawing of the snow, this algae releases lots of red spores, dying the snow in pink. This phenomenon is common during the summer in coastal and alpine regions all over the world. It is commonly observed in Sierra Nevada, California. Watermelon snow has a sweet taste, but if you eat too much, you may have diarrhea.

You can find more information and pictures in the following links:

Watermelon snow at Yosemite National Park,
Photographer: Chris Lombardi

6th OCTOBER 2010

Today Paqui has said to us that maybe on Friday we will do the groups for the project, then we have checked the exercises about the climates and Paqui has drawn a chart on the blackboard to write the different types of climates. After that Yolanda, Carmen, Juan Carlos and Javier have gone to the blackboard to explain some features about Oceania and Yolanda Abad, Isa, Andrea and Monica have gone to the blackboard to explain some features about Asia too.Añadir imagen

Monday, October 4, 2010


Today Kelly has come to our class. We have taken a photo for the blog. Then, Paqui has given us the correct crossword. We have done the sheet crossword. Then we saw some maps and Yolanda Abad has gone to the blackboard. At the end of the class Paqui has put us in groups.

I'm with Alejandro, Daniel and Manuel. Each group have to study a continent, we have to study Europe. And for homework we have to do the exercises 1 to 3 from the pages 14 and 15 of the book.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

More about waterfalls

In our last lesson we talked about waterfalls. Here you have two interesting links about this subject: 

- This is a blog of a Geography teacher, Mr. Chambers, where he includes useful resources for his students. In this link you can learn how waterfalls are formed: 

- A curious video of the Devil´s Pool, in Victoria Falls, on the course of Zambezi River. People go there to take a bath on the edge of the waterfalls. This is only possible in the dry season, from September to November, when the river flow is lower. There is a natural wall below the water that protects the bathers and stops them to fall, dragged by the river current.

Hello everybody!

Sorry, I could not write the diary yesterday, because I didn't know...

Well... Yesterday we reviewed the bodies of water and the parts of a river. Then Paqui explained what's wadi, it's a river bed of the desert that only carries water when it rains.

After that she showed us the PowerPoint presentation and meanwhile we were giving the definitions.

At the end she gave us a sheet of exercises to do with two crosswords. And I think that this was all for yesterday.

Nice weekend!