Today in Social Sciences, we have started the class talking about the yesterday's trip and the post that Paqui wrote, in which we have to complete putting photos and comments about the trip to Madrid.
After that, we have started the Unit 8: The interwar period. The teacher has put the index on the blackboard and we have completed it with information from the powerpoint.
Unit 8 index:
- The USA: from the Roaring Twenties to the Great Depression.
- Fascist Italy.
- Nazi Germany.
1.a) First World Industrial Power:
- During WW1 the USA supplied the belligerent countries with raw materials, industrial products and weapons.
- The European countries owed a lot of money to the USA.
- Intact productive system after the war.
- Small human losses with respect to other countries.
- Owners of half of the world gold reserves.
- The dollar became the predominant currency in international trade.
1.b) American Way of life:
The USA became a dream for thousands on immigrants of all over the world.
After the teacher explained this section, my classmate, Mónica, has asked if the creator of the coke was still alive, and the teacher has said no, he died many years ago, and she has explained that only he and other person knew the secret ingredient. Apart, we have also been talking about that the coke takes a small dose of cocaine and that many people are addicted to it.
After this subsection, we have continued with section "C".
1.c) Prosperity and consumer society:
In this point we have told about that the industrial production growth and was stimulated by the payment in instalments and the baking loans.
Also we have said that the prosperity had an other face, the prohibition of producing, selling and consuming alcoholic drinks contributed to the extraordinary developmente of the mafia. On this part we have speaked about the famous actor Charlie Chaplin, because it was an alcoholic and that it was forbidden in USA.
Here we have a photo of an illegal bar in USA, known as Speakeasy.
Today's Glossary:
-Cover: portada
-To roar: rugir
-The Roaring 20's: los felices años veinte
-War loans: créditos de guerra
-Currency: divisa
-Loan: crédito
-Quarantine: cuarentena
-Iron: plancha
-Consumer society: sociedad de consumo
-Silent movies: cine mudo
-Tramp: vagabundo
-To be in force: estar en vigor
-To come into force: entrar en vigor
-Prohibition law: ley seca
-Income tax return: declaración de la renta
- Speakeasy: bar ilegal
This is all for today! Bye Bye mates, see you!! :)