Friday, March 30, 2012

A very simple, but complete drawn version of WW1

Causes of World War One

Yesterday I found this comic version of World War One, drawn by Angus McLeod. It explains everything about the Great War: the outbreak, the stages, the main battles and the end of war. Click on the link to read it: 

Click on the link if you want to read it and see all the details: 

Angus McLeod has also a drawn version of WW2:

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Thuesday, 29th of March

         Today in Social Sciences we have been alone, because Paqui has been in the General strike. We have been very few people about 12 people. The first 20 minutes of the hour we have been in the class doing the exercises that Paqui had given us yesterday. The exercises were about the autbreak of World War I, the features of World War I and about the main stages of World War I. Then two teachers, Mª José and Alma have told us to go to the libraryThis has been the last lesson of the term and we have to start to do the art project during the holiday.
  This General strike has been done because because the labor reform joined the politics of cuts and adjustments supposes a social and labor regression without precedents in our democracy.
  This is the eighth general strike is celebrated in Spain. It is the first one that receives the recent government of Mariano Rajoy and is the response to the labor reform that it started last February. Today it is one day to evaluate the pulse of the Spanish company. All the people support the strike, all the people follow it, all the people reject it …
  The general follow-up of the general strike places in 77 %, according to CCOO and GENERAL TRADE UNION OF WORKERS, where the Government speaks about a labor " almost normal " day. The sectors of transport, industry and construction and agriculture and ranching the adhesion overcomes 95 %, opposite to the unemployment in llas public administrations, with 57 % of average. In the center of Madrid, the demonstrators are forcing to some trades to lower the railings to avoid problems with the pricks. During the night, the big industries have managed to be paralyzed and the minimal services of the first hour have worked with normality.
  The general strike has left without emission Telemadrid and there has altered the programming of other autonomous issuers as Channel South, which during the dawn has issued the test card. In alone Telemadrid there appears a photography of the building and the message " the general strike summoned by the unions against the labor reform of the government of the Nation, Telemadrid's emission prevents ".

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The trigger for war: the dead, the killer and the ultimatum

Archduke Franz Ferdinand and wife

Gavrilo Prinzip, the Serbian student who killed the Austro- Hungarian heirs to the throne. 

After the assassination of the heirs to the Austro- Hungarian throne in Sarajevo (Bosnia-Herzegovina), the killer, Gavrilo Prinzip, was arrested and Austria- Hungary sent a 48-hours ultimatum to Serbia. Here you have the text: 

The Royal Serbian Government [will] further undertake:

1. To suppress any publication which incites hatred and contempt of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy and the general tendency of which is directed against territorial integrity;

2. To dissolve immediately the society styled “Narodna Odbrana,” to confiscate all its means of propaganda, and to proceed in the same manner against other societies and their branches in Serbia which engage in propaganda against the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. The Royal government shall take the necessary measures to prevent the societies dissolved from continuing their activities under another name and form;

3. To eliminate without delay from public instruction in Serbia, both as regards the teaching body and also as regards the methods of instruction, everything that serves, or might serve, to foment the propaganda against Austria-Hungary;

4. To remove from military service, and from the administration in general, all officers and functionaries guilty of propaganda against the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy whose names and deeds the Austro-Hungarian government reserve to themselves the right of communicating to the royal government;

5. To accept the collaboration in Serbia of representatives of the Austro-Hungarian Government for the suppression of subversive movement directed against the territorial integrity of the monarchy;

6. To take judicial proceedings against accessories to the plot of 28th June who are on Serbian territory; delegates of the Austro-Hungarian government will take part in this investigation relating thereto;

7. To proceed with out delay to the arrest of Major Voija Tankositch and of the individual named Milan Ciganovitch, a Serbian State employee, who have been compromised by the results of the magisterial inquiry at Serajevo;

10. To notify the Imperial and Royal government without delay of the execution of the measures compromised under the preceding heads.

The Austro-Hungarian Government expect[s] the reply of the Royal Government by 6 o’clock on Saturday evening the 25th July.

Source of the text:

The way to war in some cartoons

Today we have seen some meaningful cartoons about the increasing tension in the first decades of the 20th century in Europe. Here you have some more: 

This is the cover of the French magazine Le Petit Journal Illustré. The cartoonist represented the unstoppable collapse of the Ottoman Empire  in 1908, when Austria-Hungary annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina and Russia won influence at the Balkans after the independence of Bulgaria. The Austro-Hungarian Emperor and the Russian Tsar were represented seizing parts of the Balkans before the Ottoman Emperor´s impotence. 

The Eastern Question´s Wake-up, Le Petit Journal Illustré, 18th October 1908

This is a cartoon of the beginning of October 1912, appeared on Punch, a British satirical magazine. The main  European powers were represented over the pot, trying to content the Balkan troubles.

The boiling point, Punch, 2nd October 1912

Finally war started and the Balkan League (Bulgaria, Greece, Montenegro and Serbia) declared war to the Ottoman Empire. The following cartoon comes from a German magazine called Simplicissimus and it represents the British lion, the two-headed Austro-Hungarian eagle, the French Gallic rooster, the Russian bear and the German eagle trying to stop the fire of war at the Balkans after the outbreak of the First Balkan War.

"Unfortunately the united European fire brigade was unable to stop the fire"
Simplicissimus, 28th October 1912

And this last cartoon was published by The Chicago Tribune in August 1914, a little after the outbreak of the war. It´s called "The Crime of the Ages- Who did it?". Every country involved at war is represented as a soldier and all of them are pointing with their swords at the ones they consider responsible for the outbreak. Only Italy kept out of war.

The Crime of the Ages-Who did it?, 5th August 1914

28th of March

Toda in social sciences we have started talking about the art project and the main things the Power point will have to include:

-A cover
-A índex
-Cronology and main features
-Main artists and their main paintings
 -Explanation of works of art of every style
-Last slide for credits and bibliography

 People who are in computer science with Guillermo will have to do some technical things that Guillermo will tell to the students after eastern holidays.
 Everyone will have to do a complete style except people who have Goya that is very complete.
 After that Paqui has given us the subjects of the project. I have "Art nuveau and Antonio Gaudi".

 Paqui said that we have to read everything in the book for her it is very concis and very helpfull. The project will be presented the last week of April. In the project we don't have to copy and paste or use the google translator we have to look for information in Spanish and later when we understand the information we can translate it into English. Afterwards we have continued with unit WWI with exercise 1 from the review about the main causes of it Dani have corrected it :
-Rivalry between colonial powers: Colonialim increased tension between countries.
-Confrontation between different European powers
 -Investion in weapons (armed peace)
-Exacerbation of nationalism Later we have see the growing of tension before 1914.

There were several crisis which incriased And we're on the brink of provoking a war.
-Two crises in Morroco which increased tension between France and Germany.
-Two crises in the Bulkans which increased tension between Austro-Hungarians and Russia After that we have copied an scheme about all this things about the growing of tension.
Source: Paqui´s powerpoint
 Later we have read the outbreak or the trigger of the war People in the Balkans want to created a unified state so nationalists try to kill Sarajevo, at the end nationalists kill Sarajevo and Austro-Hungarians acused Serbia and give an ultimatum to Serbia. Serbia said NO and the Austro Hungarian invaded it and with the alliances in two day Europe was in war. At the end of the war the U.K. And France win the war.

 At the end Paqui has show us a photo about the outbreak. For homework exercises 2,3,4 from the review

Monday, March 26, 2012

Presentation about the Great War (1914-1918)

Here you have available the PowerPoint presentation about World War 1. Please, check it if you get lost during the lessons and pay special attention to the pictures and cartoons. They are very interesting. 

Project about Unit 6

The Dog, Francisco de Goya y Lucientes, 1819-1823

As we have commented on today, the next project will be about art in the 18th and 19th centuries. You will have to prepare a presentation about some art styles of these centuries. Next day we´ll  draw the lots  for the contents everyone will work on. The art styles you´re going to study are the following: 

- Art in the 18th century: Barque, Rococo and New Classicism

- Francisco de Goya, between classiscism and modernity

- Historicism in architecture and Romanticism

- Iron and Steel architecture and Realism

- Impressionism

- New Impressionism and Post-Impressionism

- Art Nouveau and Antoni Gaudí. 

Guillermo, the Computer Science teacher, will explain you the technical aspects of the presentation programmes you can use. The people who don´t study Computer Science can ask me the questions they have. 

Here you have the instructions and some useful advice to start working: 


- Technical requirements: PowerPoint or Impress presentation program.

- Resources: textbook, art books, Internet websites (for the pictures)

-  Information your presentation has to include:  

 1.    A cover with the title of your project and some images related to the art styles you will explain.

2.     An index including the art styles or stages of your project. 

3.     Chronology and main features of the corresponding art styles.

4.     Main artists and works of the corresponding art styles.

5.    Explanation of a work of art of every art style you have to work on: you have to emphasize the aspects that show that the work of art you´ve chosen belongs to a specific art style.   You can follow the outline model you used in the past art projects you did: title, artist, chronology,  material used, commissioners, present location, description, meaning, why it can be considered as belonging to the art style studied, importance and influence in other artists and other interesting information you want to add.

6.   Last slide for credits: You have to write the sources you´ve used (books, websites) to get the information for your presentation.

-         How to cite books in English: Author, (Year of publication in brackets). Name of the book (in Italic font and all the words in capital letters), Place where it was published, Publisher.


Carley, M. J. (1999). 1939: The Alliance That Never Was and the Coming of World War II. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee Publisher

-     How to cite websites in English: Name of the website. Editor(s) of the website. Date of electronic publication. Associated institution. Date of access <URL>.


BBC on the Internet. 2005. British Broadcasting Company. 12 Apr. 2005 <>.

- Useful advice: Don´t include too much information on every slide. It´s better that you include another slide, rather than overloading a slide with too much text.

If you fail this project, you will have to take an exam of the whole unit.

When you have your theme of study, please start looking for information about it in Spanish. Make sure that you understand all the information before starting writing. Prepare a previous scheme and check that you are not forgetting any part. Check different sources, don´t copy and paste and don´t use the computer translator. Write simple and understandable sentences and remember to write down all the information sources you use. You will need them for the credits´ slide. 

As for the delivery deadline, it will depend on your progress in Computer Science. When we decide on a date, I´ll tell you.  And, as I always remind you, don´t wait until the last moment!  

The Starry Night, Vicent Van Gogh, 1889


Today in social sciences Paqui has given us our notebooks and the exams with the marks. The people who didn´t pass the term you have to think about a date to do the exam to approve this term.

Paqui has spoken about the first unit of the third term and we don't have to do an exam, however she has said that we have to do a project about art, there are two parts: arquitecture and painting. She has said that is an individual project of powerpoint. She also said that we can do one project with all the information of our projects about the history of Spain.

Then we have started with the unit 7:The First World War . The russian revolutions. Spain during the first decades of the 20th century. We can write for the first world war ,WW1 too.

Alejandro and Paqui have spoken about a film call "The Charlie´s war" because this film is about the first worl war.

After Paqui do a scheme about the diferents points of the unit:

  • The First World War.

  1. Causes

  2. Features

  3. Stages

  4. The conference of Paris and the peace treaties.

  5. Consequences

  • The Russian Revolutions

  1. Russia under the tsars

  2. The Bolshevik Revolution

  3. The creation of the USSR and Stalinism

  • Spain during the first decades of the 20th century

  1. The crisis of the restoration system (1902-1923)

  2. Primo de Rivera´s Dictatorship and the end of the monarchy.(1923-1931)

Later Mari Luz has read The First World War, Daniel has read the confrontation between differents European countries and Ángel has read the military alliances and arms race, Paqui has explained with her powerpoint.


tsar: is the king of Russia.

The most important central powers in this century were:Germany and Austria

Before the war and after the war there was censorship.


etching: grabado; to censur: censurar ; censorship: censura; trenches: trincheras; rivelry: rivalidad; confrontation: enfrentamiento; exacerbation: exacerbación or exageración; to commit: comprometer; arms race: camara de armamentos; armed peace: paz armada; central powers: Potencias; contemp: desprecio.

Pd: The exercises to the next day is the number 1 of the pag 59

The source of the photography is:

Thursday, March 22, 2012

23th March

Today in Social Sciences we have done the exam of unit 4. The points that have studied for the exam have been: since The Unification on Italy and Germany, until the Consequences of Colonialism.

Some people have arrived to the class in the break time, so, for this reason they have a little bit time to do the exam. The other people have arrived 10 minutes before the bell rungs, I been one of those people.

The exam has been five exercises. In the first exercise we have to choose one of these two questions: explain all about Italian Unification or Explain all of German Unification. The second exercise has been, explain The Age of Empire and Causes of Colonialism. In the exercice number three, we have to choose five definitions, between them have been these: colonies of exploitation, colonies of settlement, protectoreates, Opium war...The fourth exercice has been for people who didn't hand the map of the colonies. In this question they have to locate some colonial empires. And the last exercice, has been explain the consequences of colonialism.

When everyone has finished to do his/her exam he/she has given the notebook to Paqui, compound with the journal, glossary, notes and the sheet in where we have to give an opinion about our classmates video projects.

In my opinion, this exam has been the shortest and easiest.

Bye! See you tomorrow!! :)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Graphic book about Restoration

Here you have the project made by Andrea Balaban and Sara Gil. They recycled an old book and explained the Restoration period in Spain. Thanks again to Mari Carmen Lázaro for the pictures. Please, click on the pictures if you want to enlarge them to read the content and see the details. 



Today in Social Sciences, Paqui has said what we have to study for the exam, we have to study since "THE UNIFICATIONS OF ITALY AND GERMANY"until "CONSEQUENCES OF COLONIALISM". After that we have continued watching ther rest of the videos.

We have watched the video about the Democratic Sexenio, done by Yolanda Rubio, Laura Meco and Ana de la Fuente. They have represented the most important of this period with pictures. You can watch it on the previous post.

We have watched the video about Isabellas II´s Reign, done by Laura Bustamante and Beatriz Yuste. They have represented this period with some pictures, they also have represented the most important dates and places. At the end of the video we have made some comments about the content of this video.

Then we have watched the video about the Spanish Democratic Sexenio done by Javier Alberca, Diego Lopez and Juan Carlos Huertas. They have represented the most important parts of this period with pictures.

Then we have watched the video about The Restoration (1875-1931) done by Manuel Cruz and Enrique Vázquez. They have represented the most important dates of this period with letters and the most important persons with pictures. At the end of this video we have made some comments and some persons have made some coments giving their opinion.

And the last video about the Restoration done by Yolanda Abad and Carmen Salido they have represented the most important parts of this period with pictures on a blackboard, but we didn´t have time to watch it because the bell has rung.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Democratic Sexenio in comic strip

Here you have one of the two comic strips the students have prepared to explain the Spanish history during the second half of the 19th century. Alejandro Torrillas prepared a very creative and historically accurate comic strip about the Democratic Sexenio. I would like to thank Mª Carmen Lázaro, the Art teacher, who has had the idea of taking pictures of the comic strips and sending them to me, so that I can upload them here. She´s been so kind!

Please, click on the pictures to enlarge and enjoy the comic!

Monday, March 19, 2012

19th of March, 2012

Today in Social Sciences, Paqui has given us a sheet with some questions about the project because we uploaded the videos on Youtube yesterday. We have to explain the difficulties we have had, how we have organized the work and we have to write a mark for the members of our groups. Then, Paqui has told us that she saw some of the videos yesterday ,but not all because it takes a long time to upload them. Afterwards, she has chosen some videos and we have started watching them. We have watched two videos of Isabella II's Reign first.

The first one is made by Daniel Pintado, Ana Lucas and Mª Luz. They have drawn the characters and some objects of the story on the floor with a chalk and they have included the important names. Later, we have given our opinion and we've said that the drawings were very good and they've explained it well.

The second one has been made by Ángel and Isabel Naranjo. They have chosen a picture of the Royal Palace of Madrid for the background and they have shown the characters as drawings. They have also included music and some effects. At the end of the video we have commented it and we have said that the music was a little bit loud and some characters were not distinguished (they should include their names), but it's nice.

The third video we've seen has been the one of my group (Rebeca, Silvia and me) and it was about the Democratic Sexenio. We have represented it with a little theatre and the characters were the Barbies and Kens. We have included music, the names of the characters and the most important data and dates. It has been stopped many times, so we have alternated with the next video but we haven't had time to comment it.

The last video we've seen has been the one of Yolanda Rubio, Laura Meco and Ana de la Fuente. They have represented this period with drawings (of the characters and drawings of the places) and they have shown the most important names. We haven't had time to watch the whole video.

While we were watching the videos, Paqui has given us the projects of Andrea and Sara Gil and Alejandro. They were comics about the Restoration and the Democratic Sexenio. They were really good (specially the drawings).

That's all, bye!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Why do the USA have a naval base in Cuba?

Location of the U.S. Guantánamo Bay Naval Base

The consequences of the Spanish-American War are still evident in some contemporary facts: 

- Puerto Rico continues to be under USA control. It´s an associated free State, but the USA decide on many aspects in Puerto Rico, although its citizens can´t vote in the USA presidential elections. 

- Although the USA and Cuba don´t have official relations since the Cuban Revolution in 1959, the USA still have a naval base in Cuba: Guantánamo. This is the explanation: after the signature of the Peace of Paris in December 1898, the USA army occupied Cuba. In 1902 Cuba became an independent republic and the Parliament wrote a Constitution. But in 1903 the USA government obliged the Cubans to add an amendment to the Constitution. This is was the Platt Amendment, which gave the USA the right to intervene in Cuba when they considered they had to do it. Also in 1903 the Cuban-American Treaty was signed. This treaty included the creation of a naval base in the southeast of the island. That was the origin of Guantánamo Bay Naval Base, the oldest USA base overseas. President Theodor Roosevelt signed a permanent lease of the base and a yearly rent was established (2,000 gold coins).

When the Cuban Revolution took place in 1959 and Fidel Castro reached power, the Cuban government denounced the lease treaty as illegal and refused to cash the cheques the USA government send every year. 

In 2002 Guantánamo Bay Naval Base became famous worldwide, because the USA government created a detention camp (GITMO) for the alleged terrorists and enemies captured in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Several human rights´ organizations have denounced the detention conditions of prisoners, the use of torture and the legal limbo of Guantánamo. President Obama promised to close the detention camp, but he hasn´t done it yet. 

Here you have some more information about Guantánamo Bay Base: 

Guantánamo Bay Detention Camp:

Inside Guantánamo. Photo report: 

Friday, March 16, 2012

The Spanish American War in some cartoons

The loss of the last Spanish colonies in America and Asia was a consequence of the Spanish American War, a conflict which meant the end of an empire (Spain) and the rise of another one (the USA). This war had an important reflection on newspapers. Experts consider the Spanish-American War to be the first "media war". This conflict was widely covered by the USA newspapers. The press barons Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst, had an important role in the development of the conflict. The way they presented the news contributed to inflame the public opinion in the USA and created the propitious conditions for war. Their newspapers, The New York World and The New York Journalcompeted in sensationalism and are considered to be some of the first examples of yellow journalism. 

Here you have some examples: 

Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst dressed as the Yellow Kid, preparing war: 

Cuba as a suffering mother

President McKinley as a coward

President McKinley trying to contain war pressure:

Remember the Maine 

The Spanish brute: 

Spain out!

Uncle Sam versus the Spanish matador:

The duello

Uncle Sam taking the Spanish bull by the horns

Alphonse of Bourbon, future Alphonse XIII, offering the peace cigarette to Uncle Sam

President McKinley offering Uncle Sam different "dishes"

Uncle Sam Fishing

Uncle Sam balancing his new possessions

The bald eagle extending its wings over the new empire: 

Anti-Imperialist cartoon, criticizing the new responsibilities acquired after the war: 

Before and after 

In Spain the war and its consequences caused a strong impact on the population. The cartoons of that period offer the possibility of knowing the different opinions about the conflict in the country and the evolution of the public opinion: the initial nationalist exaltation of the official dynastic newspapers, the criticism of the opposition parties (the republicans considered the war to be an imperialist conflict and a slaughter for the popular classes), the resignation after the defeat and the search for responsibilities. 

General Weyler, in charge of repressing the Cuban insurrection. The republican Catalan magazine 
La Campana de Gràcia criticized his incompetence

General Weyler riding a snail. The campaign in Cuba advancing slowly. 

The USA sugarcane union feeding the pig of the Cuban insurrection: 

Cuba represented as a pig, feeding the rebels: 

Cuba is going to get lost, La Campana de Gràcia

Crucify her!
Uncle Sam-Herod asking the Cuban rebels what to do with Spain-Jesuschrist. This cartoon was published on Madrid Cómico

Uncle Sam´s ambition:

Christopher Columbus complaining about what the Spaniards did with his legacy: 

The signature of Peace of Paris, where Spain lost its colonial empire

The cartoon above reflects the missionaries coming back to Spain after the loss of the Philippines. The cartoon shows the contrast between the need for regeneration of the country and the origin of the repatriated (members of the Church and representatives of tradition and backwardness).

Banquet at the County Tennis Court, Cu-cut

This last cartoon created a strong controversy. It was published on November 1905 in the Catalan  satirical magazine Cu-cut! It criticized the role of the Spanish Army in the loss of the colonies. The military considered the cartoon very offensive and a group of them attacked the offices of the Cu-Cut and La Veu de Catalunya, another Catalan newspaper. King Alphonse XIII refused to punish the military men who had attacked the newspapers. As a result of this, Eugenio Montero Ríos, the prime minister, resigned. The new prime minister, Segismundo Moret, promoted the approval of the Law of Jurisdiction, which gave to the Army the power of judging crimes related with the flag, the nation and the honour of the military. This law limited the freedom of the press.