Today in Social Sciences, Paqui has said that she has checked all the journals!
We have started reviewed the USA. Gema has participated and Paqui has called the attention to Pilar and Javi. Then, Paqui has explained a bit all that we saw on Wednesday.
Then, Paqui has continued with the powerpoint and she has written some words on the blackboard and she also has looked for some words on the dictionary. She explained the point about "Investiment euphoria and speculation". This point talks about many people went into debts and they boutht houses or stocks in the Stock Market and It also talks about the Real estate bubble and the Stock Market bubble.
Paqui has explained what is a "burker" and Salva has said that is the same in spanish. It is someone who buys or sells stocks on someone's behalf.
Raquel has asked Paqui if she has been on the beach and Paqui has ignorated her! jaja :)
Then, we have spoken about the symptoms of the crises. Paqui has changed a scheme and this is the scheme:
Raquel has interrupted the lesson again saying that on blogger there is a Paqui's photo and she is very good looking girl.
Paqui has explained another scheme about the economy contrated:
Then, Paqui has explained us an example.
1 litre milk = 1€ (if you devaluate, next day it would be 1.20€)
Raquel has asked Paqui if she prefers the dollar or the euro and she has answered that she like the euro but it could be more flexible! Then, we have talked about George Soros, a multimillionaire that attacked the British pound.
Pilar has explained what happened in Spain when the peseta changed instead of the euro. A man went to the bank and he said " Change me all the pesetas in euros" and he won a lot of money. Paqui has explained that 1€ is 166.386 pesetas. She has said that there are many countries such as Greece, Portugal, Spain and Italy that agree with going out of the euro but Europe depends of fifeteen countries and there are a lot of them that are in desagreement with this. Then, Paqui has said us an example about the USA and Asia. They were agree and they went out of the euro. Paqui has continued with the power point and the bell has rung!
-Real estate bubble: burbuja inmobilaria
-easy loans: créditos fáciles
-guarantee: aval
-Stock Exchange Market bubble: burbuja bursátil
-do the pools/bet in the pools: echar la quiniela
-the pools: la quiniela
-broker: someone who buys or sells stocks on someone's behalf
-in isntalments: a plazos
-overproduction: superprodución
-foreclosure: embargo, desahucio
-to go bankrupt: ir a la bancarrota, hundirse
Pd: (I have counted all times Paqui has said "SILENCE").
Result: 15 times :):):):):) ¡Olé Paqui!)
I hope you like my journal!
See you! :)
Hi Laura, good journal, I don´t find mistakes. see you :)
Hi Laura, I like your journal, you have been all the class paying attention and ignoring me :( jajaja but you have focused all your journal on me because you mainly talk about me! I have found some mistakes:
intead --> instead
that are agree --> that agree
the bell has rang --> the bell has rung
Bye bye lovely lamb! :))
Hello Laura!I haven't see any mistake in your journal. You have done a very good work :)
See you!!
Hello girls! I have corrected all the mistakes! thank you! :) bye bye
Hello girls,
This is my second attempt to write this comment. I was just finishing and I’ve lost all I had written.
Raquel’s corrections are all right. This is what no one has found:
-We have started reviewingthe USA
-… has explained a bit all that we studied on Wednesday. In English the verb “to see” doesn’t have the meaning “ver contenido de una materia en clase”. You have to use the verb “study”.
-... with the PowerPoint presentation and
- She has explained the point about "Investment euphoria and speculation". This point talks about the fact that many people went into debts and they bought houses or stocks in the Stock Exchange Market and …..the Stock Exchange Market bubble.
-...has explained what a "broker" is and Salva has said that it’s the same in Spanish.
-... has ignored her!
Then, we have spoken about the symptoms of the crises.
-... has showed a new scheme
-…saying that on the blog there is … she is a very good looking girl. I think you have vision problems ; )
-...has explained another scheme about how the economy contracted:
-…(if you devaluee the currency, next day it would be …
- she has answered that she likes the euro
- a multimillionaire who attacked the British pound.
- …when the peseta was replaced by the euro.
-The following sentence is not correct: “ She has said that there are many countries such as Greece, Portugal, Spain and Italy that agree with going out of the euro but Europe depends of fifteen countries and there are a lot of them that are in disagreement with this.” What I said is that going out of the euro is not easy. There have been several studies and simulations about what would happen if a country or some decide to leave the euro and it would be a catastrophe. People would lose their savings and many people would become poor. I said that it would be similar to what happened in Argentina during the “corralito”. All this was related to the questions some students asked me about devaluing the euro.
-Then… has given us an example about the USA and Asia.
- This sentence is not correct: “They were agree and they went out of the euro”. I said that at the moment there is a non declared currency war between different countries. Japan and the USA have devalued their currency several times and China has appreciated its currency. The Eurozone is losing this war.
-in instalments: a plazos
- PS. In English "postdata" is "Postscript (P.S)"
- I have counted all the times … has asked for said "SILENCE").I think this shows that many people are disrespectful and don't pay attention to the lessons, because they are not interested in learning what we study. It's a pity.
See you.
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