Today the class has started at 11:25 and some people have been late.
When we have come into the classroom, Paqui had written a table on the blackboard.
She has reminded me that It´s my turn to write the journal.
When we have started the lesson Paqui told us that the exam will have four parts.

For this reason, the table of the blackboard had four parts. We have used the table to review the whole unit. The parts of the table are:
-War of movements
-War of attrition
-End of the war
Conference of Paris:
-New countries
-Disintegration of the Ottoman Empire
-Creation of the League of Nations
Russia under the Tsars
1905 Revolution
1917 Revolution
-Proclamation of the Republic and the provisional government
-Kormilov´s coup d´etat
-Storming of the winter palace, negotiation with the Germans.
First Bolshevik decisions and problems:
-Civil war
-Economic solutions à war communism.
While we were reviewing , Laura and Raquel were answering to all the questions and Paqui has said that they might not to do the exam because they knew all the contents.-Economic solutions à war communism.
Economy to solve the crisis (NEP)
Lenin´s succession:
-Stalin (Socialism in only one country)
-Trotsky (Proletarian internationalism) Stalinism:
-Collective property
After reviewing the part of the USSR, we have started with the United States and people have started and saying that the exam would have a lot of contents if Paqui includes this point.
We have said to Paqui if she could remove the point about USA but after a long discussion she has said that it´s impossible because the exams have already been printed.
The roaring 20´s:
-Privileged position of the United States
-Consumer society
Causes of the crisis:
-Weakness of the economic system
-Stalin (Socialism in only one country)
-Trotsky (Proletarian internationalism) Stalinism:
-Collective property
-Heavy industry
After reviewing the part of the USSR, we have started with the United States and people have started and saying that the exam would have a lot of contents if Paqui includes this point.
We have said to Paqui if she could remove the point about USA but after a long discussion she has said that it´s impossible because the exams have already been printed.
-Privileged position of the United States
-Consumer society
Causes of the crisis:
-Weakness of the economic system
Expansion to the World
First decisions:
-At the beginning: Nothing
Hi Fernando, your journal is good but I think it should be a little bit longer.
See You! :)
In my opinion, this is not a journal. There is no personal contribution or effort here. You've copied what I've written on the blackboard. At least you could explain every part a little bit or include the questions some people have asked.
See you.
Yes Fernando it's true, your journal is a little strange because it's only the table that Paqui has copied on the blackboard. You can include some information about the contents, so you journal would be better and you are going to review for the exam.
When you say that: She has reminded me that It´s my turn to write the journal. Write "it's" in small letter.
So I hope you can improve your journal, study and good luck for the exam! Our last exam!
Hello Fernando! I agree with Paqui and Cris: your journal is very short and schematic. You can include some more information. I think that you can do it better.
The only mistake I have found it's that one:
"She has reminded me that it was my turn...". Remember the reported speech!
hahaha i like you journal and the others comments. This day was the last day before the exam. The unit it´s no difficult and it´s interesting. Deffinitelly i like this unit.
These are my last corrections: was my turn to write the journal
-...has told us that the exam will have four parts
- Separate all this: 1917/crisis, Initial/ plan
-...consequences for the
-...Kornilov´s coup d´'Etat
- Winter Palace
-...might not take the exam
-... the exams were already printed.
- That´s all . I hope you like it.
I don't like this schematic journal, but you don't follow my advice. So I don't know if it's worth saying this to you. I'm not sure this will change one day.
Another mistake is "table". I didn't write a "table", but a chart on the blackboard. "Table" is for data in figures, like the ones you do in maths or for graphs.
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