Hello classmates, I forgot to write the journal before, sorry.
I don´t have much to say about today. For me has been a good class and funny.
Today in social sciences class Paqui has given us the corrected notebooks. Some people like Juanaco, Fernando García and me forget give the notebook to Paqui on Friday, but she´s a good person and let us give it to them today. My notebook´s mark it´s 6,5 it´s not very good but I´m happy with my mark.
Then Paqui wanted to continued watching the video of the other day, that It was good and interesting. But we prefer to see some social sciences´projects.
First we have seen the project of Alphonse XII´s reign made by Andrea, Juan, Roxana and Cristina. This project have much work, and I have like so much, becouse it has been very clear and the drawings have been very nice.
Second we have seen the project of the second republic made by Alicia, Marta and Carmen. This project is very complet and the drawings are very beatiful and you have a good pronunciation.
And finally we have seen the Franco´s dictatorship made by Javi, Gonzalo and I. With this project we have laughed much. I think that it have been funny but it don´t have many content and sometimes the pronunciations aren not good.
I think this is the last journal of the year, and I had a great time this year with you and Paqui is a great teacher :p. I don´t know what more I can say. See you tomorrow!!! ;)

Good luck to all and may the force be with you!!
Hi Fernando, I think you can improve your journal, you could explain more about the project, or maybe say how you did the projet, what you felt... I liked so much your project. I have find some errors like "becouse" ( is because), "we preferED to see" or "we have prefered", "i have likED"...
See you tomorrow!
hahaha Fernando I like your journal. I have found the same mistakes as Miguel and I agree with him, you can explain you experience doing this project. For me it has been interesting and I have had a good time, but I have to admit that sometimes it was very stressful for me, because we had a lot of exams or we also had problems with the editor, and I was like: Come on! I have many things to do!!! hahaha But I'm very happy with our mark and I like my project no like the last one that I wasn't very satisfied with it.
I also have had a great time in Social Sciences with Paqui and all of you! Good luck for you too (:
Bye, see you!
Hello! I think that your journal is a little short, but I like it. :)These are the mistakes I have found:
- For me, it has been a good lesson...
- Social Sciences' lesson.
- to continue watching...
And I think that your jounal is not going to be the last journal of the year... because tomorrow it's my turn of doing it.
I also like the videos we saw yesterday and I'm happy with my mark. :)
Hello Fernando! Good work but a very short journal!
Roxana's corrections are all right. Miguel's corrections are all right except "we have preferr. Miguel's suggestions to improve your journal are also good. You could write more about your experience working for the project.
These are my corrections:
- ...I have forgotten to write the journal before
-...Fernando García and I forgot to give the notebook ...and let us give it to her today
...mark is 6,5
-...the video of the other day,which was good and...
-...Alphonse XIII´s reign
-This project has/d much work, and I have liked it so much, because...the drawings are very nice.
- Secondly
- ...Second Republic…T his project is very complete
- … we have seen ( the) Franco´s dictatorship. Erase the article.
- I think that it has been funny, but it doesn´t have much content and sometimes the pronunciations are not/aren’t good.
- Good luck for you all
As Roxana has said, this is not the last journal of the year. We still have some lessons left, if you come ;)
I hope to see you this week. Bye!
Hi Fernando good journal!!
I will miss you too! Don´t go to Alcazar!!!!! :´(
Hi again,
I second Gema's opinion. Don't go to Alcázar! What do they have we can't get you?
Anyway, good luck wherever you go!
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