Monday, March 14, 2011

14th of March the 2011

Hello everyone !!

Today in the class , Kelly has been with us. Then, I have given the notebooks with very good marks. Afterwards, Kelly and Paqui have given the exams with very good marks as well. :)

Then, we have started the new unit about the political organization of societies. Afterwards, we have copied the first scheme about "What is a State?" and then Kelly has read this first part. Then, we have copied the types of States: depending on the head of State and depending on the origin and the way of holding power. We can distingued the two types of republics, for example France and United States are examples of Presidential Republics because the president hold the executive power and while Germany and Italy both have presidents because it is the Parliment that holds the executive power. Afterwards, Paqui has talked about this presidents such as Christian Wulf in Germany and Giorgio Napolitano in Italy. People think that the president of Germany is Angela Merkel because she is the head of the government and holds the executive power. The president of the Republic has very little power, it's a representative figure, similar to the king in Spain. The features of monarchy are if the head of the State is a king. At first, monarchy was elective. At present, monarchy is hereditary and held for life.

Christian Wulf, Germany

Giorgio Napolitano, Italy

Then, Kelly has continued reading the page 57. Finally, Paqui has given three exercises for homework. And the next class Paqui will said the marks of the second term.....


Kelly said...

Hello MªLuz,

I like the journal but I think you should include the difference between the two types of Republics.

France and the United States are examples of Presidential Republics because the president holds the executive power. While Germany and Italy both have presidents (as you have mentioned) they are Parlimentary Republics because it is the Parliment that holds the executive power. This is a very important distincition.

Paqui Pérez Fons said...

Hello Mari Luz,

I agree with Kelly. You could add something about why no one in the class didn´t know the names of the presidents of Italy and Germany. The majority of the people think that the presidents of these Republics are their prime ministers (Angela Merkel and Berlusconi). Why does this happen?

You could also write about the features of monarchies.

Anyway, good work and thanks for writing ;)

Alejandro Torrillas said...

very good mari luz. I think it's interesting that you have written about the presidents of this countries, this has shown the few information we have about politic and the few interest young people have about politic.(I'm included too)

Paqui Pérez Fons said...

All your life is influenced by politics, Alejandro. You should be more interested in it. I think you will like this new unit.

Anyway, not knowing the heads of State of Germany or Italy is very common. This is not a question of politics, but a question of reading the newspapers and being willing to know how the world works.

Remember to change your project into a Word file, so I can save it as a pdf and upload it to Issuu.

Good night.

Mªluz Ortiz S-Manjavacas said...

I've checked.
Paqui I don't know your question.
Think you
bye bye
See you tomorrow

Paqui Pérez Fons said...

People think that the president of Germany is Angela Merkel because she is the head of the government and holds the executive power. The president of the Republic has very little power, it´s a representative figure, similar to the king in Spain. This is why people don´t know who he is. They know him in Germany, but very few people know him outside Germany. The same happens in Italy with Silvio Berlusconi and Giorgio Napolitano.

Mªluz Ortiz S-Manjavacas said...

Think you Paqui, I've put in the jounal.
See you on monday.