The size of the Immaculate Conception is about 50 cm and the material Alonso Cano used to do the sculpture was polychrome wood. At present the sculpture is in the Sacristy of the Cathedral of Granada.
The base of the sculpture is like a cloud and inside it there are three faces of angels. If we go upwards we can see a cape in blue around the body and the size of the body is a little bit strange because it is so much narrow in downwards than in upwards. The face of the Immaculate Conception sculpture transmit peace at the same time the eyes are big, the mouth is small and the nose is thin.
It's made up of polychrome wood, represent a peacefull virgin like a little girl. The clothes that dress the sculpture are a cape in blue around the body and below the cape there is a habit in green that goes down to her feet.
The influence Alonso Cano received was try to caused the plastic effect in formal sculpture and the symbols this caused for him was spirituality.
The Immaculate Conception belongs to the Baroque Art of the Hispanic Monarcy, whose features are religious themes for altarpieces made with polychromed wood and realistic image.
Alonso Cano received influence from Alonso Cano and José de Mora and his sculpture influenced Granada School.
These are my corrections. There are some things I don't understand on your text:
The Immaculate Conception was made by the sculptor Alonso Cano. This sculpture was initiated in Seville and it was finished in Granada, in 1655. The sculpture was commissioned for the Facistol of the Cathedral of Granada.
The size of the Immaculate Conception is about 50 cm and the material Alonso Cano used to do the sculpture was polychrome wood. At present the sculpture is in the Sacristy of the Cathedral of Granada.
The base of the sculpture is like a cloud and inside it there are three faces of angels. If we go upwards we can see a cape in blue around the body and the size of the body is a little bit strange because it is so much narrower (in) downwards than (in>) upwards. The face of the Immaculate Conception sculpture transmits peace, at the same time the eyes are big, the mouth is small and the nose is thin.
It's made up of polychrome wood, represents a peaceful(l) virgin, like a little girl. The clothes that dress the sculpture are a cape in blue around the body and below the cape there is a habit in green that goes down to her feet.
I Don’t understand this sentence: The influence Alonso Cano received was try to caused the plastic effect in formal sculpture and the symbols this caused for him was spirituality.
The Immaculate Conception belongs to the Baroque Art of the Hispanic MOnarcy, whose features are religious themes for altarpieces made with polychrome(d) wood and realistic images.
Erase the last sentence and rewrite it in this way: Alonso Cano received influence from Alonso Cano and José de Mora and his sculpture influenced Granada School.
Your mark is 7. Bye.
Thank you Paqui. Already corrected. Bye!
Don't copy and paste my corrections. Write them on your own.
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