Saturday, November 29, 2014

28th of November (Friday)

Hello Everybody!

Today I'm going to write the journal.

In the class of Social Sciences we have been copying some notes in our notebook. We have copied a serie of dates related to the 18th century in the U.S.A. and Spain:

-1775: The Battle of Lexington and Concord
-1776: 2nd congress of Philadelphia --> Declaration of the Independence
-1777: Battle of Saratoga
-1781: Battle of Yorktown. Colonist supported by France and Spain
-1783: Treaty of Versailles --> U.S.A.
-1791: 10 first amendments (Bill of Rights). The constitution has been amended 27 times.

She has explained why was a Federal and Presidentialist Republic:

-It was Federal: it was divided into states that have a lot of powers: own laws, police, education system, courts of justice...
- It was Presidentialist: the president holds wide powers.
- It was a Republic: because he was elected by the people.

The federal government had:
- Foreign affairs
- Economic Policy
- Currency
- Defense.

We also have started the point 4 that is divided in:
A) War of Spanish Succession
B) Centralized Absolutism: Philip V and Ferdinand VI
C) Enlightened Reformism: Charles III

We have copied an scheme to develope about War of Spanish succession that has to include:

We have to do it for homework.

Here I put you a Photo about the War of Spanish Succession. Bye!!


Paqui Pérez Fons said...

Late, as always. This way, you're not going to pass the term.

Paqui Pérez Fons said...

These are my corrections:

Hello Everybody!

- In the class of Social Sciences we have been copying some notes on our notebook. We have copied a series of dates related to the 18th century in the U.S.A. and Spain:

-1775: The Battles of Lexington and Concord

- Colonists supported by France and Spain

- She has explained why the USA are a Federal and Presidential Republic:

-It is a Federal State: it was divided into states that have a lot of powers: own laws, police, education system, courts of justice...
- It is a presidential Republic: the president holds wide powers.
- It is a Republic: because the rulers are elected by the people.

The federal government is in charge of:

- We also have started the point 4, which is divided in:

- We have copied a scheme to develop about War of Spanish Succession that has...

- Here I’m including a photo about...

You have to take your work more seriously.

Okon said...

The journal is god and does not has a lot of mistakes ,but always does the journal late you has to improve this