Monday, January 26, 2015

Monday, 26th of January.

Hello everybody! I 'm Clara Inés and this is my first journal of the year.

Today in Social Sciences we have done a lot of things.

At first our second teacher of English Sonia has come to our class, later some students have written quotes on the little white board. Then the lesson has started.

We have revised all the things that we studied the last day, the Demographic and Agrarian Revolution, that the Demographic Revolution was caused because there were less wars, hygiene and medicines all of these caused some changes like the life expectancy increased and the consequences were that the population growth created a high demand for all kind of products. 
Later we have started the point: 


And the Agrarian Revolution was caused due to more demand for agricultural products,what made that the prices increased, there were some changes for example: more land was cultivated(enclosures), introduction of the Norfolk four field system of crop rotation, mechanization of some works , and the selective breeding. And the consequences were that production increased, a richer and more varied diet and a surplus of farmers in the countryside, they had to migrate to cities in search of job.


B)Changes in manufactured products and transport revolution.
B1 First Industrial Revolution. 

And Paqui has drawn us the scheme of this point on the blackboard and we have to complete them in class so there were some causes in the first industrial revolution, there was more demand for all type of products. The main changes were the sources of energy, the inventions and innovations. The main invention was the steam engine, based on the force produced whenthe water is boiled and the steam is used to move an engine.

And the main energy sources were the hydraulic power and the mineral coal. The factory systemconsisted of the concentration of machines and workers in big factories and division of work. Working conditions got worse. The industries that developed most were the textile industry and the iron and steel industry.



And the main consequences were that the products were cheaper and the workers could buy more products. 

We have also added some new words to our glossary:
Selective Breeding-cría selectiva
Surplus-exceso, plusvalía in economics
Steam Engine- máquina de vapor
Factory System- Sistema fabril.
And so more.

At the end of the class Paqui has given us the homework that we have to do: a scheme about the transport revolution with the causes, inventions, and consequences. 

Finally the bell has rung and we have gone to another class.



. said...

Hello Clara!
You have done a fantastic journal! It's perfect to review all the theory we have learnt in class because as most of the time we were speaking, I haven't understood well some little things. And for that,your second teacher in English, Sonia, has said that our behavior is bad.
See you Clara ! :)

Clara Inés said...

Hello Carla!
At first,thank you. And you have reason about that we were speaking all the time in the class, I'm in according with Sonia our behavior is not right.
Bye see you!:)

Unknown said...

HI Clara!
You journal is very complete and very well done, you have included also many images to help your explanation.
Good work!

Clara Inés said...

Thank you Amalia. I have included all of these images to help us!!!:)

Paqui Pérez Fons said...


You did a good work, but there are some spelling mistakes you should correct and some sentences without verb. Remember that they have to be complete sentences.

I was very disappointed with the general beahaviour of the group. This tells very little from some people.

These are my corrections:

At first our second teacher of English Soniahas come to our class, later some students have written quotes on the little white board. Then the lesson has started.

We have revised all the things that westudied the last day, the Demographic and Agrarian Revolution, that the Demographic Revolution was caused because there were less wars, hygiene and medicines all of these caused some changes like the life expectancy increased …

And the Agrarian Revolution was caused due to more demand for agricultural products,what made that the prices increased, there were some changes for example: more land was cultivated(enclosures), introduction of the Norfolk four field system of crop rotation(s), mechanization of some works , and the selective breeding. And the consequences were that production increased , a richer and more varied diet and a surplus of farmers in the countryside, they had to migrate to cities in search of job.
Later we have started the point:
B)Changes in manufactured products and transport revolution.
B1 First Industrial Revolution.
And Paqui has drawn us the scheme of this point on the blackboard and we have to complete(d) them in class so there were some causes in the first industrial revolution, there was more demand for all type of products. The main changes were the sources of energy, the inventions and innovations. The main invention was the steam engine, based on the force produced when the water is boiled and the steam is used to move an engine.
And the main energy sources were the hydraulic power and the mineral coal. The factory system consisted of the concentration of machines and workers in big factories and division of work. Working conditions got worse. The industries that developed most were the textile industry and the iron and steel industry.
And the main consequences were that the products were cheaper and the workers could buy more products.
