Friday, February 8, 2013

Journal of 8th February 2013

 Hello classmates:
Today Paqui has said that it’s my turn to do the journal. At first when all the people have sat some of the classmates have said that Paqui didn’t follow them in twitter. Paqui has said that she created a  twitter account  to participate in a cyber action which consisted of asking questions to the president and she doesn't follow any student.
 Then we have started with the lesson. Paqui has revised the final contents of last class:
-The most important inventions during the First Industrial Revolution such us the steam engine that was created by James Watt.
- The new energy sources such as mineral coal (it  started being used in the Industrial Revolution)and the hydraulic power.

Then Paqui has continued with the explanation of the Factory System that it’s a concentration of machines and workers in big factories and division of work. Working conditions got worse. The Factory System was a new way of organized work.                                                                                        
Paqui has added a extra information about F.W. Taylor who decided to produce weapons in an Assembly line that's why production line is called Taylorism.

After this Paqui has coughed , Laura and Paloma have said she that if she wanted  water they have some, but Paqui didn’t want water. She has said that she is constantly working and talking and she feels like in a factory, producing notes for fourth  and them for other groups, and some classmates have said that she needs a rest.

Then Paqui has continued with the lesson and she has explained the different industries that developed in the first Industrial Revolution.
-Textile Industry. (cotton fabric industry). It was divided into two types of  mechanization;
             - Mechanization of spinning. Inventions like The Water Frame (it was invented by Richard Archwick)The  Mule Jenny (Samuel Croptom) and The Spinning Jenny (it was created by James Hargreaves)
Raquel has said that why this inventions were called Jenny and Paqui has answered that is Jenny came from engine and this is why this two inventions are called like this.
              -Mechanizations of weaving. Inventions like Flying shuttle invented by John Kay and manually after this it was created the Power Loom invented by Edmond Cartwright.

- Iron and Steel Industry (steel) It included the coke coal that produced more energy and calories. It was created by Abraham Darby and Henry Bessemer.

Then Paqui has shown us an animation about the Blast Furnace that consists in throughing iron inside the machine them the coke and them the water move the engine and the iron and coke melt and finally produce a lot of hot. Paqui has said that this animation is on the BBC website and in this page we can see a lot of interesting things. Also we have made some interactive activities on this website. This animation can be seen in:

Then we have continued with the point b.3 of the unit. It’s about the Transport Revolution. Paqui has copied on the blackboard the scheme of this point.

Causes: need for moving products from factories to markets and more interest of people in morning from one place to another.

Improvements: Amelioration of traditional infrastructures like roads, river canals...

Inventions: Use of the Steam Engine for road transport, maritime and fluvial transport.
-          Locomotive built by George Stephenson in 1816 it was produced by a intelligent man to transport passengers.
-          Steamboat built by Robert Fulton in 1806.

After this some classmates have talked about  Pilar’s boyfriend. Then we have continued.

Consequences: speed increased, travel duration and expenses reduced and people’s trips and trade increased.

Paqui has given us the exercise four of page 31 and she has recommended us to read the new post that she has included on the blog.

Charcoal: carbón vegetal.
Production/ Assembly line: cadena de montaje
Iron and steel industry: siderúrgica
to weave:tejer
weaving: tejido
Flying shuttle: lanzadora volante
thread: hilo
power loom: telar mecánico
blast furnace: alto horno
coke coal: carbon de coque
river canal:canal fluvial
amelioration: mejora
to derail: descarrilar
railway: raíles

I hope you like it! Enjoy this carnival and have a good time!


Laura Bustamante said...

Hello Everybody!!

Very good and complete journal Elena, I don't see any mistake. And twitter's photo is so funny! :)

Bye, Bye I will see you this Carnival

Salva Fuentes said...

Hello Elena,

Your journal is good. I have found some mistakes:
-have sit -> have sat.
-I think that you should write "way of organizing work" in stead of "way of organized work".
-a extra -> an extra.
-she need -> she needs.
-this inventions was -> these inventions were.
-the coke coal that produce -> the coke coal that produces/d.
-has saw us -> has shown us.

Bye and enjoy this carnival!

Jesus Morales said...

Hello Elena,
the journal is good and complete, and I like the photos about industry too, but I've found some mistakes:

-she feel like...-> she feels like
-consists in through iron in-> consists on throwing iron inside of
-this animation is in the BBC..-> this animation is on the BBC's website
-This animation can see in-> This animation can be seen on

In the glossary:
-Flying suttle-> Flying shuttle
-telar mecanico-> telar mecánico
-ameliaration-> amelioration
-raíles-> railes

Bye and enjoy the long weekend!!

Unknown said...

Hello Elena!
I think that is a good journal, Salva and Jesus have put here the mistakes they have found. Only you have to correct the journal and that's it. Good journal.
Enjoy the carnival, clix!!

maria said...

Hi Hellen !!

I love your journal,it's very good, and the photos are good too... I haven't found any mistakes, you have done a journal very complete...

I hope you have a nice carnival !!

Have a good time, and enjoy this carnival...

elena escribano said...

Hello my classmates!
I am going to correct the mistakes. thanks you for your help!
See you this carnival and the people who are going to go to Paris have a good time there!

Paqui Pérez Fons said...

Hello Elena,

Salva´s corrections are all OK except one:
- extra information. You don´t have to write "an" befor, because "information" is uncountable.

There are some mistakes on Jesús´s corrections:
- consists of
- on the BBC website
- "Raíles" is OK , as you wrote it.

These are my corrections:

- she created a Twitter account ... In fact, I didn´t create it to ask questions to the president. I created it to take a course last summer. What I did last Thursday was to participate in a cyber action which consisted of asking questions to the president. This cyber action was called "Responda Señor Rajoy" and was launched by a radio program called Carne Cruda (Raw Meat in English)

-... she doesn´t follow

- First Industrial Revolution in capital letters
- ...mineral coal (... started being used....) and hydraulic power. You have to erase "coal mine", because this means "minas de carbón".

- F. W. Taylor, who decided... in an assembly line. That´s why production line is also called Taylorism
-... has coughed... shewanted water, they had some
-... produncing notes for the 4th Year and then for other groups

- The improvements in textile industry mechanized spinning and weaving
-... like the Water Frame, the Mule Jenny and so on... You have to add the article "the" to every invention, because you´re talking about specific machines.

- the name "Jenny" came from
- Coke coal was created by Abraham Darby. Henry Bessemer invented a converter to transform iron into steel

- ... then coke and then the water moves... the iron and the coke are heated at very high temperature , so that the iron melted and finally the steel is produced
-... we have done some interactive activities on this website
- scheme... on the blackboard
- ... more people´s interest in moving....
- to transport...
-... about Pilar’s boyfriend. You have to erase "the"
-... she has recommended us

- carbón
- lanzadera volante

Finally, here you have a link which explains how to produce charcoal in the traditional way. You can include it, if you want:

Good work! See you!