Today in class of Social Science at first Paqui has said to Andrea that she have to do the journal today, but I have changed the day with her.
At the beginning of the class Paqui has started saying to us that he has added new things to the blog. One of them was the trailer of "The dumbfounded king" and later she has shown us some photos of the film and one painting of Velázquez that appears in the film, that is of a prostitute called Marfisa.
Later, she has said us that while she was eating, she watched a documentary of the expulsion of the Moorish, that was interesting for her and she has invited us to see it, well she has put this also in the blog.
After, she has continued explained the demography, economy and society of the 17 century. Paqui has said about this that in demography population decreased due to wars, epidemics, famines, migration to the Indies and the expulsion of the Moorish, in economy that the economic recession is due to the expulsion of the Moorish (which strongly damaged agriculture, especially in the the Crown of Aragon and less demand for products as a consequence of demographic crisis and in society she has said that nobility was the model, manual work was seen as a shame and everybody aspired to live off rents. For us to understand this better , Paqui has put the example of "El Lazarillo de Tormes" that was a protest of the society of the age.
We have continued the class correcting the scheme of the Renaissance art. We have started with architecture and we can differenciate three types:
-The plateresque: in tis type architects imitated the silversmiths to decorate the facades of the buildings. The most important arquitecture of this type is the university of Salamanca.

-The clasicism: received this name because they use the same classical elements, most similar style to one in Italy, and one example of architecture of the clasicism is Charles V's Palace in Granada.

-The herrerian: this type of architecture received the name from the architect Juan de Herrera, who was a mathematic author of "El monasterio de san Lorenzo del Escorial", and for this reason, this monastery was very geometric. Paqui has explained us that the monasthery of "El Escorial" have the shape of a grill because san Lorendo died burn in a grill and also has explained us that a lot of kings are buried in this monastery, such as Philip III, Philip IV, Philip V, Charles II, Charles III, Charles IV, Isabella II, Alfonso XII, Alfonso XIII and the father of the present King. This monastery was built to commemorate the victory in the Battle of Saint Quentin and this was the home of Philip II, who could follow the mass from the window of his bedroom.
We have continued with sculpture and Paqui has said about this that the sculpture of Renaissance was influenced by Michelangelo, with religious themes, use of different materials (marble, bronze, polychromed wood). Examples of this type of sculpture was "the burial of Christ", made by Juan de Juni and "the Sacrifice of Isaac", made by Alonso de Berruguete, the last sculpture tries to represent a scene of the Bible, when God says to Abraham that he had to kill his son. The main charasteristic is that the sculptures try to express feelings.
Finally we have spoken about painting, and Paqui has explained about this that "El Greco" is the main painter of Renaissance art. The main charasteristics are that paintings were mainly religious (no mythological paintings (nor maked figures). One of his most important works was "the Burial of Count Orgaz", in the picture we can apreciate that the painting wanted to show what happened in the sky and in the earth.
Later, the bell has rung and we have gone to the break.
The words that we have added to our glossary today are:
Dumbfounded: pasmado
Spell: conjuro
Wig: peluca
Silversmith: platero
Rustication: almohadillado
Sobriety: sobriedad
Soul: alma
Despaling: expolio
Martyrdom: martirio
Grill: parrilla
To live of the rents: vivir de las rentas
Rogue: pícaro
Reggar: mendigo
Precious metal worker: orfebre
Pantheon: panteón
Good morning María,
I think it is important to pay attention to grammar. When you finish writing, please, read everything again having grammar in mind. These are my comments on grammar and vocabulary. I have cut and pasted whole paragraphs due to the big amount of mistakes:
- at first Paqui has said to Andrea that she HAD to do the journal today, but I have changed the day with her. After preposition, you must always use the object pronouns
- At the beginning of the class Paqui has started sayingto us(“telling us” is also possible) that SHE has added new things to the blog. One of them was the trailer of "The dumbfounded king" and later she has shown us some photos of the film and one painting of Velázquez that appears in the film, WHICH is of a prostitute called Marfisa.
Later, she has said TO us that while she was eating, she WATCHED a documentaRY of the expulsion of the Moorish that was interesting for herand she has invited us to see it, so she has put this also in the blog.
- After, she has continued explaining the demography, economy and society of the 17 century. Paqui has said about this that in demography population decreased due to wars, epidemics, famines, migration to the Indies and the expulsion of the Moorish, in economy that the economic recession is due to the expulsion of the Moorish (which strongly damaged agriculture, especially in the the Crown of Aragon) and less demand for products as a consequence of demographic crisis, and in society she has said that nobility was the model, manual work was seen as a shame and everybody aspired to live off rents. For us to understand this better, Paqui has put the example of "El Lazarillo de Tormes" that was a protest of the society of the age.
- -The plateresque: in this type architects imitated the silversmiths
- -The clasicism: received this name
- -The herrerian: this type of architecture received the name from the architect Juan de Herrera, who was a mathematic author of "El monasterio de san Lorenzo del Escorial", and for this reason, this monastery was very geometric. Paqui has explained us that the monastery of "El Escorial" has the shape of a grill because san Lorenzo died burnt in a grill and also has explained us that a lot of kings are buried in this monastery, such as Philip III, Philip IV, Philip V, Charles II, Charles III, Charles IV, Isabella II, Alfonso XII, Alfonso XIII and the father of the present King. This monastery was built to commemorate the victory in the Battle of Saint Quentin and this was the home of Philip II, who could follow the mass from the window of his bedroom.
- We have continued with sculpture and Paqui has said about this that the sculpture of Renaissance was influenced by Michelangelo, with religious themes, use of different materials (marble, bronze, polychromed wood). Examples of this type of sculpture was "the burial of Christ", made by Juan de Juni and "the Sacrifice of Isaac", made by Alonso de Berruguete, the last sculpture tries to represent a scene of the Bible, when God says to Abraham that he has to kill his son. The main characteristic is that the sculptures try to express feelings.
- Finally we have spoken about painting,
Hi María! I really like your journal because it's really long and complete. I I have only found one more mistake: despaling -> despoiling (expolio). Cristina has corrected the rest of mistakes. You can include in your journal more vocabulary words that Paqui has written in the blackboard:
-To live of rents: vivir de las rentas.
-Rogue: pícaro.
-Beggar: mendigo.
-Precious metal worker: orfebre.
-Pantheon: panteón.
Thanks for your correction Cristina, I have corrected all my mistakes and for de next time I will pay more atencion to the grammar.
And María, I have corrected the word that you have said to me and also I have added the words in the glossary, a lot of thanks!
Hi María
a really good joutnal, I think that is so complete
I dont find any mistake kiping in mind the corrections of cristina blanco and María but so good
see you!!!
Hi María! Your journal are perfect, you have had some mistakes but Cristina Blanco correct them! Congratulations!! :)
See you tomorrow!
Hello everybody,
María, you have to add some things:
- A title for your journal
- The sources of all the pictures and also the captions, because if you don't do it, we can't know what the pictures are.
As for the picture of the library of El EScorial, you should choose a different one, because Virginia used the same one some days ago. You have to choose a different picture, from example, one of the pantheon, where many Spanish monarchs are buried. You could look for one with Philip II's tomb. I´ll be back tomorrow for the last corrections about content, but another thing I have to say is that you have to pay attention everyday and not only when you have to write the journal.
See you.
Hello again,
I see that you haven't still corrected the things I told you about the title and pictures. Please, do it.
And these are my comments about what you wrote:
-The Dumbfounded King has to be in Italic font and all the words in capital letters.
- I showed you a scene of the film inspired on one of Velázquez¡s most famous paintings, The Venus at her Mirror. The prostitute is one of the characters of the film, but she doesn't have any relation to the model Velázquez used for his painting.
- Don't use the verb "put" so much. You can say she has embedded it on the blog. Embed means "incrustar"
- The economic recession of the 17th century was due to... You have to close the bracket you opened after Crown of Aragon )
- El Lazarillo de Tormes, which was a satirical/critical view of the society of the age.
- Plateresque, Classicism and Herrerian have to be in capital letters
- Classicism received this name because they used the same
- Juan de Herrera was a mathematician author of the Royal Monatery of San Lorenzo del Escorial
- Examples of this type of sculpture werewas The Burial of Christ, made by Juan de Juni andThe Sacrifice of Isaac, when God said to Abraham that he had to kill his son
- Don't use inverted commas for El Greco.
- You have mixed the general features of REnaissance art and El Greco's features. The text will be clearer in this way: The main characteristics of Renaissance painting in the Hispanic MOnarchy are... One of El Greco's most important works is The Burial of the Count of Orgaz. We can perceive/notice/... (not "appreciate", because this means "apreciar" in the sense of "like, value", but not in the sense of "see or notice".
- in heaven and on earth
- Finally instead of "later"
- Despoiling
- to live off rents
- beggar
That's all. The journal shows that you paid attention for once, but you should have this attitude everyday and not exceptionally. I hope you correct these last mistakes as soon as possible. See you!
Sorry, I've made a spelling mistake: Monastery
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