Today in the Social Sciences lesson we have done a lot of things. First, Paqui has reminded us to accept the invitation to the blog, cause some students don't accept it yet. Afterwards, Paqui has revised that we have done the homework ( a scheme about the Renaissace art).
Then, we have corrected it and Paqui has added some important details.
The scheme is formed by different parts:
CHRONOLOGY AND STAGES: Renaissance art was the art style of the 15th and 16th centuries. It started in Italy and it spread to the rest of Europe. There was two stages in Renaissance art:
·Quattrocento (15th century): It developed mainly in Italy and the main centre was Florence.The most important patrons were the Medici family.
·Cinquecento (16th century): Renaissance spread out to Europe. The main centre was in Rome and the Popes were the most important patrons.
·Inspiration in the artistic models of Antiquity(Greece and Rome): simplicity, harmony, proportions... They rejected the elaborated decoration of Gothic art.
·Interest in representing the ideal beauty. Artists studied the human body and nature to reach this goal.
-Features: Architects used simple and classical elements: rounded arch, columns with the classical orders (Doric, Ionic and Corinthian) They built smaller buildings.
-Artists and works: ·Brunelleschi(15th century): Church of Santo Spirito in Florence( don't finished)
Church of San Lorenzo in Florence
Dome of the Cathedral of Santa Maria di Fiori in Florence
·Alberti(15th century): Church of Santa Maria Novella in Florence, Rucellai Palace.
·Bramante(16th century): Church of San Pietro in Montorio, project of the Basilica of San Pietro in Rome ( in the Vatican)
·Michelangelo: Dome of the Basilica of Sain Peter in the Vatican, the staircase of the Laurentian library in Florence.
-Features: showed interest in representing human beauty and proportioned sculptures.
·Ghiberty: Gates of the Baptistery of Santa Maria dei Fiori
·Donatello: Saint George, Il Zuccone, David in bronze, Equestrian Statue of Gattamelata.
And we will continue tomorrow in class, so tomorrow we will study the famous sculpture Michelangelo and also we will study the painting in the Renaissance ( features, artists and works: Masaccio, Botticelli, da Vinci, Raphael, Tiziano, Michelangelo).
Today also I have added new interesting words on my glossary:
-competition: concurso
-gravity: gravedad
-cloisters: claustro
-rustication: almohadillado ( Rucellai Palace)
-tempietto: templete
-courtyard: patio
-Tholos:Templo circular griego
-centralized floor plan: planta centralizada
-equestrian:ecuestre, a caballo
-idealized: idealizado
In the today's lesson Paqui has explained a very interesting thing that surprised me. She has told that the tempietto of Saint Peter is built were S.Peter was crucified.
Paqui has explained also the different types of the floor used in the Church's ( Latin cross floor plan and Greek cross floor plan).
Finally, the bell has rung and Paqui has told us to review the new things that we have learned.
See you tomorrow!
Congratulations Maria, I think that your journal is very completed. The pictures are the same to the class of this morning and are interesting. A greeting. See you tomorrow.
Thanks Siria. The images aren't the same, they are the same works that we have seen in the lesson but the images are different and I try to add different works. See you ;)
Wow María, your journal is very complete. You complete it with all the things that we have learnt today. Congratulations Maria, see you tomorrow.
Thanks Guille, tomorrow it's your turn jajajaja , see you
Hello classmates!
Today the journal of María Castiblanque is very complete, she has writed all that we have studied today in Social Sciences class, the new words of the glossary, the notes of the scheme, some photos of different artists,I think that the journal are very well. Congratulations Maria! :) See you tomorrow!
Hello classmates,
Congratulations María!Your journal is very complete.
Good work! See you.
Maria, congratulations your journal is very complete. All
of the contains that we have learned today in the class.
See you!.
Arturo I imagine that you would say all of the "CONTENTS",contain is the verb. I agree with you, María has explained all the contents of the class very well. I hope to do a similar journal in my turn. Brilliant work! See you tomorrow classmates.
Hello classmates!
This journal is very interesting, it is very complete and the photos that are posted are very beauties.
These are my corrections:
- ...we have done a lot of things
-...because some students haven't accepted it yet. You have to write "because", becuase this is a formal text.
- has revised that we had done the homework ( a scheme about (the) Renaissace art). Erase the article in brackets.
- There were two stages
- Church of Santo Spirito in Florence( not finished/ unfinished)
- -Features: sculptors/artists showed
interest in representing human
- Ghiberti
- we will study the famous sculptor Michelangelo
- in (the) Renaissance. Erase the article in brackets
- I have added new interesting words to my glossary
- In (the) today's lesson. Erase the article in brackets
- a very interesting thing that has surprised me. She has told us that the tempietto of Saint Peter is built where S.Peter was crucified.
- ...has also explained also the different types of the floor used in (the) Churches. Erase the article in brackets.
That's all. As I told you by mail, you could have added more information about the different works of art we studied. I gave many data about many of them. The other students could also colaborate with this part. See you!
An now the mistakes in the commentst:
-SIria: very complete
- María C: I've tried to add different works.
- Guillermo: You've completed it
- Maribel: María C's journal. she has written
... the journal is very well.
- Santiago: he photos that María has posted are very beautiful.
Virginia's correction to Arturo is OK.
That's all. Bye!
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