Hello everybody!
Today in the Social Science class we have started some minutes later because there were some people from 2nd of Bachiller doing an exam. Paqui has told us that we can send her the information about the project before making the videos or the comics but she has told that we have to send them to her before Sunday, because she can’t be on Sunday checking all the projects.
After all that Paqui has made a short summary about what we spoken last day. Paqui has written a scheme on the blackboard and we have copied it in our notebooks.
Paqui has told us that there is a woman in Malaga that is coping information and things from Paqui’s power points. I think she can take notes of some things and take some ideas but this woman can’t copy literally, because this is not fear, because this is Paqui’s work.
We have also spoken about a report about our high school.The conversation has started because some of my classmates have explained that they said on the video that this year the students had started using new technologies and making projects with them and we´ve been using them for some years. It has been a report where the information they´ve show about the school was incomplete, because only Jose Ángel and Damián appeared. They haven’t been critical, because they only have shown one part of the information. They haven’t asked to Paqui because they know she will be critical. Paqui has said that she wants that we analyze the situations.
Paqui has spoken about the changes that happened in Spain during the Restoration. The majority of the workers joined to the movement of Anarchism. They joined to it because it was easier to understand. A minority of workers joined Anarchists. This movement made terrorist attacks like the one in Liceo Barcelona in 1893 or the one during the Corpus procession.
Pablo Iglesias is the creator of UGT and the first socialist party.
USA declared war to Spain because they wanted to avoid paying high tariffs to buy sugarcane to Cuba which was in the Spain’s hands.
The last part of the lesson was about the loss of the last colonies in America and Asia. The USA press (some newspapers) published that Spain had bombarded a USA battleship called Maine , but it was an accidental explosion.
We have to make exercises 22 and 26 for Monday.
Hello Yolanda,
There are some things you should correct about the content:
- We´ve been talking about the TV report because some of you have said that they had only shown some things and they didn´t talk with all the people who are doing interesting things in the school. I´ve told you that deciding to show only one side of a situation is hiding what is not going as good as it seems. Interviewing some people and ignoring other people´s opinions is taking sides for a specific option. But this was the choice of the TV reporters. They decided who they wanted to speak with or what they wanted to show and we have to respect this. I haven´t seen the report, but I wouldn´t use "manipulating". I would rather use another word or expression: you could write that the information they´ve show about the school was incomplete or oriented only in a positive way. Remember that the conversation has started because some of you have explained that they said on the video that this year the students had started using new technologies and making projects with them and you´ve been using them for some years. The conclusion about all this is that you have to try to be critical and analythic and ask yourselves questions about why things are this way and not different.
There are some mistakes: we say "to join" a movement, not "to join to". The terrorist attacks were made by a minority of Anarchists, not Marxists.
The last part of the lesson was about the loss of the last colonies in America and Asia. Add this, please. The USA press (some newspapers) published that Spain had bombarded a USA battleship called Maine , but it was an accidental explosion.
Well done, but correct these things. Have a nice long weekend.
March 15, 2012 6:47 PM
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Paqui!! How can I check it???? the pencil which was before now it isn't!
Hello Yolanda,
Go to "Editar entradas", choose yours (15th March), correct what you want and save the changes.
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