Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Today in social sciences class, at first it was Enrique´s birthday so we have sung the classic Happy Birthday to him, then Paqui has started to explain the unit with a powerpoint. Silvia has gone to the althia room to get her pendrive, but it wasn´t there, so Paqui has explained the eclesiastical confiscations, made by the liberals |Mendizábal (1835-1836)|, in which the properties of the Church were nationalized and sold at auction to get money to finance the Carlist War. Paqui has told us this with an example with people in the class, after she has told us that the lands were bought by the bourgeois because the peasants couldn´t have access to them, because most of them were illiterate, so they couldn´t read the posters in which it was. What the Church did against it was to excommunicate all the people who bought the lands that the bourgeois got.
Other things that the Liberal Revolution changed was the suppression of seigneurial rights and feudalism , guilds and interior customs, Promotion of free trade and industry, and in 1837 a new constitution was written, but it was less advanced than the one of 1812, because it had census suffrage, and the king got the suspensive veto.
General Espartero was proclaimed the regent of Spain in 1840, but his post lasted only three years until 1843, because he was very authoritarian. So in 1843 he resigned and the Cortes decided to give the power to Isabella, who was 13 years old, was of age and she was proclaimed queen.
Isabella II reingned between 1844 and 1868. She always preferred the moderates to rule and she called them to govermment in 1844. This consolidated Spain as a liberal State.
Ana and Javi have performed a scene about it where Ana was Isabella II and Javi was her prime minister, Olózaga, who was progressive and he wanted a constituional monarchy but the bell rang and we haven't had time to explain it well.
Some words that we didn´t understand were:
- Communicate: Comulgar, Excommunicate: Excomulgar.
- Morganatic marriage: Matrimonio monagático.
- Tariffs: Araceles.
So that´s all we have done in the lesson, so see you!
Here you can see Isabel II of Spain. Here you have the link of the image:


Diego López-Casero said...

hi manuel,
good journal but you made some mistakes that you can easily identify if you read again carefully. For example you have written "becouse" and is "because"
bye see you tomorrow

Paqui Pérez Fons said...

Hello Manuel,

Pay attention to the title of your journal: today is Wednesday, not Thursday. I know that you´re looking forward to the weekend to come, but we can´t skip days ;)

Be careful with the past participles in the present perfect tense. You´ve made several mistakes with them.

As Diego has said, there are several spelling mistakes. Read your post again and you will discover them.

Cortes has to be written in capital letters, because it´s an institution.

Ana and Javi have performed (not made) a scene. Javi was the prime minister, but he was not moderate, but progressive. What was his name? What did he want Isabella to do?

Well done with the links. You´re the only one to include them.

Have a good night.

MCM said...

ok thank you all for correct my mistakes, Paqui I´m telling the people to include links in their jorunals, it will be better to the people who don´t know ho is someone, but I think that you could tell it in the class becouse for me is very important.

See you