Monday, October 17, 2011

17th of October

Today in Social Sciences we have started the new unit about " The crisis of the Ancien Régime and the bourbons in Spain ".

Definition: expression used by the French revolutionaries to define all they wanted to change. It refers to the features of Europe before the French Revolution.

We studied this unit we have studied in 2º E.S.O and for that reason we know some things.

Then we have copied the introduction of the unit and a pyramid of society. Afterwards we have read the first point and then Paqui has explained that in politics there were absolute Monarchy.

In economy the predominant activity was the agriculture and most part of the production was destined to self consumption. And Society was divided into estates: privileged, nobles and clergy; and underprivileged where they were the bourgeoris, workers and peasants.

At the end of the class Paqui has given us a crossword and the exercise 3 of page 11.


Diego López-Casero said...

hi Carmen,
very good journal but in the second pharagrafh you have to write "ancien régime" instead of definition

bye see you tomorrow

Mªluz Ortiz S-Manjavacas said...

Hello Carmen, very good journal but you have to write the source behind the photo. And you can add the new words that we have learned. You can add too that after the bell rungs we have stayed in the class some people because Paqui has explained the tomorrows' strike.
bye bye see you tomorrow

Rebeca García said...

Hello! Good journal Carmen but you can add that the 18th century was a transition period between the Ancien Régime and the Contemporary Age.
And you have some mistakes:
1st line: Sciences
2nd line:is better to write:The definition of Ancien Régime is.....
11th line:we studied this unit...
16th:most part of the production.
17th line:And Society was divided into estates.
You can also say what Paqui has explained about tomorrow.
See you :)

Paqui Pérez Fons said...

Hello Carmen and students,

Here you have a more accurate social pyramid. The one you´ve chosen corresponds to feudalism during the Midlle Ages. The following link includes two pyramids you can use: the estates´ pyramid and a power pyramid. Both refer to the Ancien Régime:

As Rebeca has said, you have to include the source of the pictures.
I hope you correct your journal very soon. Bye,


Ana de la Fuente said...

You can also add:
- We have finished the 3rd ESO book and we have started the 4th ESO book.
- Rebeca and Mari Luz has said about Paqui wanted to explain the today's "strike".
- Add what we are going to study, all the unit's point.
- Ancient Régime feautures.
- We have seen that in the 18th century was a transition period between the Ancient Régime and the Contemporary Age and changes led to the liberal revolutions.
And the rest is ok! ;)
See you tomorrow!

Alejandro Torrillas said...

Hi, good journal Carmen, but I don't understand the sentence "we've study this unit in 2º of ESO"

I think you can also include that this separation in states last from the middle ages until the French revolution in which the rights of all the people started to be considered and the political parties became important.

There's an anecdote. The parties are separated in right and left because the most progressive ones were sat at the left and the most conservative ones were sat on the right.
Bye see you tomorrow.

Paqui Pérez Fons said...

Hello Carmen,

You´ve included the power pyramid, not the estates pyramid. You could have included bith and compare the differences. And you have to include the source of the images. If you don´t have space below the picture, you can do it after the text. Review your classmates´ posts and do it in the same way.

Another thing: we didn´t study this unit in 2º. We studied society in the Middle Ages, as Alejandro has explained. This society was divided into estates and this was similar during the Ancien Régime.

Absolute monarchy was the predominant political system.

Spelling mistake: bourgeois.

That´s all. See you and don´t forget that you have to participate at least twice per month on the blog.