Monday, May 9, 2011

Monday, 9/5/2011

Today in social sciences, I have had a problem with Paqui because I didn't write on Friday and Paqui was kicked out me of class.

When I came back to the class, Javi has told me that Paqui has written on the blackboard the scheme of point 5 and Kelly has reviewed our schemes. The point 5 is about economy and society in the 15th century in Castile and Aragon.

Paqui has written in the blackboard the scheme of point 6 (religious policy) and point 7 (foreign policy) and Kelly has explained the points.

After, I came back to the class. Then, Paqui has showed us a video with contents about the Spanish Inquisition, here is the video:

 The majority of the class like the video, the song is very catchy!!

See you tomorrow, Juan Carlos

P.S. Study hard for the exam on Wednesday.



Alejandro Torrillas said...

Hello juancarlos.
You have made a good journal( you should do on Friday, but...) I think is interesting you to put this song, but don't expect that I'll listen to it again it's very bad, jajajja.
My corrections:
line 4 line, posevive our without the "s".
In line 8 as a video, this "as" must be "us" object pronoun.
You could add that next day we have the exam.
Bye see you tomorrow

Paqui PĂ©rez Fons said...

Juan Carlos, I haven´t sent you to the corridor because you didn´t do the journal, but because you have been disrespectful with me. Some of you still have to learn that you can´t speak to anyone in that way. Everyone deserves to be treated correctly and with education.

With respect to the journal, remember that all the verbs have to be in present perfect. You have written some in the past. And another common mistake is "in the blackboard". Remember that we can´t write in, but on.

I hope this is the last time I have to scold you because you didn´t do your work on time. Bye.

Laura Meco said...

This song has been very funny for the class, and Paqui has told us that there are many different songs about these things on the internet. I didn't know this, and it's really good to learn and, at the same time, we can have a good time.
See you!

YY said...

Thank you for coment, I check all the mistakes.

Bye, Juan Carlos

Kelly said...

Juan Carlos,
I think that you could elaborate a little bit more and explain a little bit of the contents from point 6 (religious policy) and point 7 (foreign policy).

You could explain how all the religious military orders came under the control of Fernando and how the Kings had the right to prepare a list of three candidates for the Pope to choose from when Bishops were to be appointed. You could also explain about the embassies...

Finally, I want to say that I think it's important to consider the way you sometimes make other people feel. The problem isn't that you didn't do the journal but that many times you make Paqui and I feel like we are worth nothing because of your attitude. I really hope you will reflect on that and consider how you would feel if someone treated you like that.