Friday, January 14, 2011

14th of January the 2011

Today in Social Science first, Paqui has told us something about eggs. If their number start with 0 they are for a enclosed hen and if they start with 1 they are for a free hen.  Then we have checked the four exercises about stockbreeding. After Paqui has told us, that on Monday she is going to return us the projects about stockbreeding and agriculture in Campo de Criptana with the marks.

Later Paqui has become a litte angry with because we don´t let her to continue with the class. After we have talked about organs donor, that in United Kingdom, the meat is contaminated for the "mad cow disease" and the people can´t be blood donor.

And if we don´t have finished to explain the section about fishing because we don´t have time, Paqui has guiven us for homework read the text about fishing and the exercise 1 from page 37.

This is inshore fishing


Paqui Pérez Fons said...

Hello Andrea,

The grammar is correct in general, but there are some mistakes in the contents of the lesson.

Remember than we have talked about blood donation because of the "mad cow disease" in the United Kingdom. The prevention in blood donations if you have lived in the United Kingdom for a period of more than 6 months is in Spain. This is to avoid that people catch the BSE through a blood transfusion.

We have talked about organ donation because some of your classmates have said that they want to donate their organs when they die.

And don´t forget that we have also gone on with fishing. As this is the new content of today´s lesson, I think you should include a picture related to the new things we have learned today with relation to fishing. Check your mail. I´ve sent you some pictures you can use.

You can also include the new words you have learned today.

I´m looking forward to read your corrections. Bye!

Paqui Pérez Fons said...

About eggs, here you have a link where you can learn the information of the code included on the eggs we eat:

Correct this, Andrea, You´ve mixed the information about the egg codes.